The Rowley Poems Part 35

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Amm I yenne thyne? I cannotte blame thie feere.

Botte doe reste mee uponne mie aella's breaste; I wylle to thee bewryen the woefulle gare.

Celmonde dyd comme to mee at tyme of reste, Wordeynge for mee to flie, att your requeste, 1230 To Watchette towne, where you deceasynge laie; I wyth hym fledde; thro' a murke wode we preste, Where hee foule love unto mie eares dyd saie; The Danes--


Oh! I die contente.-- [_dieth_.



Oh! ys mie aella dedde?

O! I will make hys grave mie vyrgyn spousal bedde. 1235 [Birtha _feyncteth_.


Whatt? aella deadde! & Birtha dyynge toe!

Soe falles the fayrest flourettes of the playne.

Who canne unplyte the wurchys heaven can doe, Or who untweste the role of shappe yn twayne?

aella, thie rennome was thie onlie gayne; 1240 For yatte, thie pleasaunce, & thie joie was loste.

Thie countrymen shall rere thee, on the playne, A pyle of carnes, as anie grave can boaste; Further, a just amede to thee to bee, Inne heaven thou synge of G.o.dde, on erthe we'lle synge of thee. 1245


[Footnote 1: robes, mantels.]

[Footnote 2: a pen.]

[Footnote 3: express.]

[Footnote 4: countenance.]

[Footnote 5: covered.]

[Footnote 6: such.]

[Footnote 7: another.]

[Footnote 8: at once.]

[Footnote 9: mighty.]

[Footnote 10: hardy, valourous.]

[Footnote 11: violence.]

[Footnote 12: binding, enforcing.]

[Footnote 13: fate.]

[Footnote 14: lessen, decrease.]

[Footnote 15: faith.]

[Footnote 16: blinded.]

[Footnote 17: lights, rays.]

[Footnote 18: fellows, equals.]

[Footnote 19: disdainful.]

[Footnote 20: presents, offerings.]

[Footnote 21: scarfs.]

[Footnote 22: robes of scarlet.]

[Footnote 23: bounded.]

[Footnote 24: large.]

[Footnote 25: elephants.]

[Footnote 26: destroy.]

[Footnote 27: stretched.]

[Footnote 28: services.]

[Footnote 29: memory, understanding.]

[Footnote 30: Shepherd.]

[Footnote 31: deceiver.]

[Footnote 32: meadows.]

[Footnote 33: The black bird.]

[Footnote 34: Gold-finch.]

[Footnote 35: loudly.]

[Footnote 36: lectures.]

[Footnote 37: Apparel.]

[Footnote 38: At once.]

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The Rowley Poems Part 35 summary

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