The Rowley Poems Part 44

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[Footnote 168: a contradiction of mighty.]

[Footnote 169: Divest.]

[Footnote 170: embrace.]

[Footnote 171: mightiness.]

[Footnote 172: counsel.]

[Footnote 173: Firmness, stedfastness.]

[Footnote 174: doubt, suspense.]

[Footnote 175: not knowing.]

[Footnote 176: wonder.]

[Footnote 177: homage, obeysance.]

[Footnote 178: they.]

[Footnote 179: frown.]

[Footnote 180: kill.]

[Footnote 181: curriedowe, flatterer.]

[Footnote 182: reward.]

[Footnote 183: holy.]

[Footnote 184: help.]

[Footnote 185: allow.]

[Footnote 186: manors.]

[Footnote 187: alone.]

[Footnote 188: Endeavoured.]

[Footnote 189: freeze.]

[Footnote 190: undismayed.]

[Footnote 191: armed, pointed.]

[Footnote 192: hoisted on high, raised.]

[Footnote 193: foes, enemies.]

[Footnote 194: fly.]

[Footnote 195: head.]

[Footnote 196: stretched.]

[Footnote 197: Like.]

[Footnote 198: two.]

[Footnote 199: flaming.]

[Footnote 200: meteors.]

[Footnote 201: beats, stamps.]

[Footnote 202: closely.]

[Footnote 203: mantled, covered.]

[Footnote 204: guides.]

[Footnote 205: armed.]

[Footnote 206: arose.]

[Footnote 207: helmet.]



BOOKE 1st[1].

Whanne Scythyannes, salvage as the wolves theie chacde, Peyncted in horrowe[2] formes bie nature dyghte, Heckled[3] yn beastskyns, slepte uponne the waste, And wyth the morneynge rouzed the wolfe to fyghte, Swefte as descendeynge lemes[4] of roddie lyghte 5 Plonged to the hulstred[5] bedde of laveynge seas, Gerd[6] the blacke mountayn okes yn drybblets[7] twighte[8], And ranne yn thoughte alonge the azure mees, Whose eyne dyd feerie sheene, like blue-hayred defs[9], That dreerie hange upon Dover's emblaunched[10] clefs. 10

Soft boundeynge over swelleynge azure reles[11]

The salvage natyves sawe a shyppe appere; An uncouthe[12] denwere[13] to theire bosomme steles; Theyre myghte ys knopped[14] ynne the froste of fere.

The headed javlyn lisseth[15] here and there; 15 Theie stonde, theie ronne, theie loke wyth eger eyne; The shyppes sayle, boleynge[16] wythe the kyndelie ayre, Ronneth to harbour from the beateynge bryne; Theie dryve awaie aghaste, whanne to the stronde A burled[17] Trojan lepes, wythe Morglaien sweerde yn honde. 20

Hymme followede eftsoones hys compheeres[18], whose swerdes Glestred lyke gledeynge[19] starres ynne frostie nete, Hayleynge theyre capytayne in chirckynge[20] wordes Kynge of the lande, whereon theie set theyre fete.

The greete kynge Brutus thanne theie dyd hym greete, 25 Prepared for battle, mareschalled the syghte; Theie urg'd the warre, the natyves fledde, as flete As fleaynge cloudes that swymme before the syghte; Tyll tyred with battles, for to ceese the fraie, Theie uncted[21] Brutus kynge, and gave the Trojanns swaie. 30

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The Rowley Poems Part 44 summary

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