For the Liberty of Texas Part 4

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"Right away?"

"No, they will probably wait until it grows dark, especially now, after they have seen us barring the windows."

"Then I had better be ready to bar up the door, too."

"Yes, but keep a lookout for father. He may come in on the run, you know."

Dan continued to use the gla.s.s, stepping from one window to another.

But the Indians had disappeared from view, and not another glimpse of a feather or a painted face was to be seen.

Presently he found himself looking toward the burn. Back, in the timber bordering the river, was a tall tree which reared its head a score of feet above its fellow trees. As he turned his gla.s.s in that direction, something unusual in the top of the tree attracted his attention.

He gazed long and earnestly at the object, and at last made out the form of a man, who was waving some dark thing, probably his coat, to and fro.

"It must be father!" he thought. "I'll signal in return and make sure,"

and catching up a bed sheet he stuck it out of the window for a minute and swung it vigorously. As he did this, the party in the tree flung up the coat and caught it, then disappeared from view. At once Dan drew in the sheet, closed all the shutters of the loft, and went below.



"Well, I've just seen father and signalled to him."

"Where was he, Dan?"

"In the top of the king pine by the river. He was waving his coat to attract my attention. I waved a bed sheet at him and then he threw his coat up in the air and caught it, and got out of sight as soon as he could."

"Then he was going off."

"Yes," answered Dan. For among these pioneers to throw an object from one and then catch it meant to go away and return. "Probably he is going away for a.s.sistance."

"I shouldn't think he would leave us alone," mused Ralph, his face falling perceptibly.

"That makes me feel certain that the Indians don't intend to attack us until dark. Perhaps father heard some of their powwowing, or some talk between them and Stiger. Anyway, I am sure he is going away."

"Then we may as well close up tight."

"All but the door. But bring in all the buckets full of water first. We may be in for a regular siege of it."

Dan's suggestion was carried out, and the older boy also made a raid on the cattle yard and brought in one of the cows, tying her close to the door. "Now we'll have milk and meat too, if the worst comes to the worst," he observed. No matter what else happened he did not intend to be starved out.

Their regular done, the two boys locked up below, but left the door unbarred, and then went to the loft, taking with them their guns and the spy-gla.s.s.

"I suppose we can count this something of a fort," remarked Ralph. "But I don't care to play soldier--I'd rather have the Indians leave us alone."

"So would I. But I guess I can play soldier if I have to," added Dan, with quiet emphasis. Secretly he loved soldiering much better than life on the ranch, but in those days he never dreamed of the adventures on the battle-field which were still in store for him.

The afternoon wore away slowly until the sun began to set behind the timber west of the ranch. In the meantime, the boys, having had no dinner, grew hungry, and Ralph spent some time below in boiling a pot of coffee and stirring and baking some ash-cakes, serving both with a bit of broiled steak.

"It's too bad we can't have some venison," he sighed to his brother.

"But I reckon my first big game is going to get us into a whole lot of trouble."

"I reckon the Indians were getting ready to come down on us, anyhow,"

answered Dan. "It seems they can stay quiet just so long, and then their animal nature breaks loose for a s.h.i.+ndy."

Dan had just returned to the loft after his repast, when he uttered a shout.

"An Indian is coming toward the cabin, Ralph!"

"Do you know him?"

"No, but he is a Comanche."

"In war-paint?"

"I don't know if it's war-paint or not, but he is daubed full of all the colours of the rainbow."

"It must be war-paint. Is he alone?"

"Yes, and riding a white pony. His gun is on his back, and he doesn't look as if he was up to mischief."

"Oh, I wouldn't trust him!" cried the younger lad. "He may be up to some of their treachery."

"But I can't stop him from coming to the cabin. I'll be on my guard, and you must be, too," concluded Dan, and went below. With quickness he hid away all the weapons but two pistols, one of which he stuck in his s.h.i.+rt bosom and gave the other to Ralph.

"We must keep apart," said Ralph. "Then if he attacks one or the other the free one can fire on him."

"That's good generals.h.i.+p," returned Dan, with a grim smile.

By this time the Indian rider was close to the dooryard, and Dan walked outside to meet him. As soon as the youth appeared, the savage halted his steed.

"How! How!" he said, in guttural tones, meaning "How do you do?"

"How are you?" returned Dan.

"Wolf Ear is sick--got pain here," and the red man pointed to his stomach.

"Sick, eh? What have you been doing,--eating and drinking too much?"

"No, Wolf Ear big sick two moons past,--sick come back,--can't ride and must lay down," groaned the savage, grating his teeth as if in intense pain. "White boy help Wolf Ear, me lof him."

Under ordinary circ.u.mstances Dan would have been touched by this appeal, for he knew that the Indians suffered just as many aches and pains as did the white folks.

"I am no good at doctoring sick men," he answered. "Wolf Ear had better go back to his own medicine man."

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For the Liberty of Texas Part 4 summary

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