Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes Part 10

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Put the sugar, glucose, _one_ cup of the cream and the b.u.t.ter over the fire; stir and cook until the mixture boils vigorously, then gradually add the other cup of cream. Do not allow the mixture to stop boiling while the cream is being added. Cook until the thermometer registers 250 F., stirring gently--move the thermometer, to stir beneath it--every four or five minutes. Without a thermometer boil until--when tested by dropping a little in cold water--a hard ball may be formed in the water. Remove from the fire, add the chocolate and nuts and beat until the chocolate is melted; beat in the vanilla and turn into a biscuit pan, nicely oiled or b.u.t.tered, to make a sheet three-fourths an inch thick. When nearly cold turn from the pan and cut into cubes.


[Ill.u.s.tration: RIBBON CARAMELS.]


1-1/4 cups of granulated sugar, 1/2 cup of glucose (pure corn syrup) _scant_ measure, 1/4 a cup of b.u.t.ter, 1/16 a teaspoonful of cream of tartar, 1-1/4 cups of rich milk, 1-1/4 squares of Baker's Premium Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract.


2/3 a cup of granulated sugar, 1/4 (scant) a cup of water, 1 cup, less one tablespoonful, of glucose (pure corn syrup), 1/3 a pound of dessicated cocoanut.

Put the sugar, glucose, b.u.t.ter, cream of tartar and the fourth a cup of milk over the fire, stir until the mixture boils, then very gradually stir in the rest of the milk. Let cook, stirring occasionally, to 248 F., or until, when tested in water or on a cold marble, a pretty firm ball may be formed. Add the chocolate and vanilla, mix thoroughly and turn into two well-b.u.t.tered shallow pans. For the white layer, put the sugar, water and glucose over the fire, stir until boiling, then add the cocoanut and stir occasionally until a soft ball may be formed when a little of the mixture is dropped upon a cold marble. Put this mixture over the fire, to dissolve the sugar, but do not let it begin to boil until the chocolate layers are turned into the pans. When the white mixture is ready, turn enough of it onto one of the chocolate layers to make a layer about one-third an inch thick. Have the other chocolate layer cooled, by standing in cold water; remove it from the pan and dispose above the cocoanut layer. Let stand until cold and firm, then cut in cubes; wrap each cube in waxed paper.


4 cups of granulated sugar, 1-1/2 cups of cold water, 1/4 a teaspoonful of cream of tartar, or 3 drops of acetic acid.

Stir the sugar and water in a saucepan, set on the back part of the range, until the sugar is melted, then draw the saucepan to a hotter part of the range, and stir until the boiling point is reached; add the cream of tartar or acid and, with the hand or a cloth wet repeatedly in cold water, wash down the sides of the saucepan, to remove any grains of sugar that have been thrown there. Cover the saucepan and let boil rapidly three or four minutes. Remove the cover, set in the thermometer--if one is to be used--and let cook very rapidly to 240 F., or the soft ball degree. Wet the hand in cold water and with it dampen a marble slab or a large platter, then without jarring the syrup turn it onto the marble or platter. Do not out the saucepan or allow the last of the syrup to drip from it, as sugary portions will spoil the fondant by making it grainy. When the syrup is cold, with a metal sc.r.a.per or a wooden spatula, turn the edges of the ma.s.s towards the center, and continue turning the edges in until the ma.s.s begins to thicken and grow white, then work it up into a ball, all the sugar from the marble onto the ma.s.s; knead slightly, then cover closely with a heavy piece of cotton cloth wrung out of cold water. Let the sugar stand for an hour or longer to ripen, then remove the damp cloth and cut the ma.s.s into pieces; press these closely into a kitchen bowl, cover with a cloth wrung out of water (this cloth must not touch the fondant) and then with heavy paper. The fondant may be used the next day, but is in better condition after several days, and may be kept almost indefinitely, if the cloth covering it be wrung out of cold water and replaced once in five or six days. Fondant may be used, white or delicately colored with vegetable color-pastes or with chocolate, as frosting for small cakes, or eclairs or for making candy "centers," to be coated with chocolate or with some of the same fondant tinted and flavored appropriately.



1/4 a cup of blanched almonds, chopped fine, 1/2 a cup of fondant, 1/4 a teaspoonful of vanilla, Confectioner's sugar for kneading and shaping.


About 1 cup of fondant, 2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract, Few drops of water, as needed, Halves of blanched almonds.

Mix the chopped almonds with the fondant and vanilla; add confectioner's sugar, a little at a time, and knead the ma.s.s thoroughly, on a marble or large platter; shape into a long roll, then cut into small pieces of the same size. Shape these into b.a.l.l.s a generous half inch in diameter and leave them about an hour to harden on the outside. Put the fondant for the coating and the chocolate (shaved or broken in pieces) in a double boiler (with hot water in the lower receptacle); add the vanilla and the water and heat until melted; take out the spoon and put in a dipping fork (a wire fork costing about ten cents) beat the fondant, to keep it from crusting and drop in a "center;" with the fork cover it with fondant; put the fork under it and lift it out, the fork lightly on the edge of the dish, to remove superfluous candy, turn the fork over and drop the bon-bon onto waxed paper. Make a design with the fork in taking it from the candy. At once press half of a blanched almond on the top of the candy, or the design made with the fork will suffice. If at any time the coating be too thick, add a few drops of water. If any be left over, use it to coat whole nuts or cherries.




1/4 a cup of candied cherries, chopped fine, 1/2 a cup of fondant.


About one cup of fondant, 2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract, Bits of cherry.

Prepare the centers and coat in the same manner as the almond creams.



Melt a little fondant and flavor it to taste with essence of peppermint; leave the mixture white or tint very delicately with green or pink color-paste. With a teaspoon drop the mixture onto waxed paper to make rounds of the same size--about one inch and a quarter in diameter--let these stand in a cool place about one hour. Put about a cup of fondant in a double boiler, add two ounces of chocolate and a teaspoonful of boiling water, then stir (over hot water) until the fondant and chocolate are melted and evenly mixed together; then drop the peppermints, one by one, into the chocolate mixture, and remove them with the fork to a piece of oil cloth; let stand until the chocolate is set, when they are ready to use.


[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG AND NUT CHOCOLATES.]

5 figs, 3 or 4 tablespoonfuls of water or sherry wine, 1/2 a cup of English walnut meats, Powdered sugar, Fondant, 3 or 4 ounces of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla.

Remove the stem and hard place around the blossom end of the figs, and let steam, with the water or wine, in a double boiler until softened, then add the nuts and chop very fine. Add powdered sugar as is needed to shape the mixture into b.a.l.l.s. Melt the chocolate, using enough to secure the shade of brown desired in the coating and add to the fondant with the vanilla. Coat the fig-and-nut b.a.l.l.s and drop them with the fork onto a piece of oil cloth or waxed paper in the same manner as the cherry bon-bons. These may be dipped in "Dot" Chocolate instead of fondant.



Cut the marshmallows in halves, and put them, one by one, cut side down, in chocolate fondant (as prepared for almond and cherry chocolate creams), melted over hot water and flavored to taste with vanilla. Beat the chocolate with the fork, that it may not crust over, lift out the marshmallow, turn it and, in removing the fork, leave its imprint in the chocolate; sprinkle at once with a little fine-chopped pistachio nut meat. To prepare the nuts, set them over the fire in tepid water to cover, heat to the boiling point, drain, cover with cold water, then take them up, one by one, and with the thumb and finger push the meat from the skin.


[Ill.u.s.tration: MAPLE FONDANT ACORNS.]

2 cups of maple syrup, 1-3/4 cups of granulated sugar, 3/4 a cup of cold water, Confectioner's sugar, 2 or more squares of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, About 1/4 a cup of fine-chopped almonds, browned in the oven.

Make fondant of the syrup, granulated sugar and cold water, following the directions given for fondant made of granulated sugar (cream of tartar or other acid is not required in maple fondant). Work some of the fondant, adding confectioner's sugar as needed, into cone shapes; let these stand an hour or longer to harden upon the outside. Put a little of the fondant in a dish over hot water; add Baker's Chocolate and vanilla as desired and beat till the chocolate is evenly mixed through the fondant, then dip the cones in the chocolate and set them on a piece of oil cloth or waxed paper. When all are dipped, lift the first one dipped from the paper and dip the base again in the chocolate, and then in the chopped-and-browned almonds. Continue until all have been dipped.


[Ill.u.s.tration: CHOCOLATE ALMOND BARS.]

1/2 a cup of sugar, 3/4 a cup of glucose, 1/2 a cup of water, (1/4 an ounce of paraffine at discretion), 1/2 a cup of blanched almonds, chopped fine, 1/3 the recipe for fondant, 3 or 4 ozs. of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla.

Melt the sugar in the water and glucose and let boil to about 252 F., or between a soft and a hard ball. Without the paraffine cook a little higher than with it. Add the almonds and the vanilla, mix thoroughly and turn onto a marble or platter over which powdered sugar has been sifted.

Turn out the candy in such a way that it will take a rectangular shape on the marble. When cool enough score it in strips about an inch and a quarter wide, and, as it grows cooler, lift the strips, one by one, to a board and cut them in pieces half or three-quarters of an inch wide.

When cold, drop them, sugar side down, in chocolate fondant prepared for "dipping." With the fork push them below the fondant, lift out, drain as much as possible, and set onto oil cloth. These improve upon keeping.


[Ill.u.s.tration: ALMOND FONDANT STICKS.]

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Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes Part 10 summary

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