Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes Part 12

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This House has grown to be the largest of its kind in the world and it has achieved that result by always maintaining the highest standard in the quality of its cocoa and chocolate preparations and selling them at the lowest price for which unadulterated articles of high grade can be put upon the market. Under cover of a similarity in name, trade-mark, label or wrapper, a number of unscrupulous concerns have, within recent years, made attempts to get possession of the great market won by this House, by trading on its good name--selling to unsuspecting consumers goods of distinctly inferior quality by representing them to be the products of the genuine "Baker's." The quant.i.ty of goods sold in this way is not so much of an injury to us as the discredit cast upon our manufactures by leading some consumers to believe that these fraudulent articles are of our manufacture and that we have lowered the high standard maintained for so many years. It is difficult to bring the fraud home to all consumers, as those who are making use of it seek out-of-the-way places where deception will the more easily pa.s.s.

We have letters from housekeepers who have used the genuine Baker goods for years, expressing their indignation at the attempts of unscrupulous dealers to foist upon them inferior and adulterated articles by fraudulently representing them to be of our manufacture.

Statements in the press and in the reports of the Pure Food Commissioners show that there are on the market at this time many cocoas and chocolates which have been treated with adulterants, more or less injurious to health, for the purpose of cheapening the cost and giving a fict.i.tious appearance of richness and strength. The safest course for consumers, therefore, is to buy goods bearing the name and trade-mark of a well-known and reputable manufacturer, and to make sure by a careful examination that they are getting what they order.

Our Cocoa and Chocolate Preparations are ABSOLUTELY PURE--free from coloring matter, chemical solvents, or adulterants of any kind, and are therefore in full conformity to the requirements of all National and State Pure Food Laws.

We have behind us one hundred and twenty-nine years of successful manufacture, and fifty-two highest awards from the great industrial exhibitions in Europe and America.

We ask the cooperation of all consumers who want to get what they order and what they pay for to help us--as much in their own interest as ours--in checking these frauds.


Our registered guarantee under National Pure Food Laws is Serial No.


WALTER BAKER & Co.'s Cocoa and Chocolate Preparations


[Ill.u.s.tration: Walker Baker & Co's. BREAKFAST COCOA FAC-SIMILE OF 1/2 LB. CAN.]

In 1-5 lb., 1-4 lb., 1-2 lb., 1 lb. and 5 lb. tins

This admirable preparation is made from selected cocoa, from which the excess of oil has been removed. It is _absolutely pure_, and it is _soluble_. It has _more than three times the strength_ of cocoa mixed with starch, arrowroot or sugar, and is, therefore, far more economical, _costing less than one cent a cup_. It is delicious, nouris.h.i.+ng, strengthening, _easily digested_, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health.

_No alkalies or other chemicals or dyes are used in its preparation._

Trade-Mark on every package



In 1-4 and 1-2 lb. cakes, 1 lb. packages, blue wrapper, yellow label

It is the pure product of carefully selected cocoa beans, to which nothing has been added and from which nothing has been taken away.

Unequalled for smoothness, delicacy and natural flavor. Celebrated for more than a century as a nutritious, delicious and flesh-forming beverage. The high reputation and constantly increasing sales of this article have led to imitations on a very extensive scale. To distinguish their product from these imitations Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., have enclosed their cakes and pound packages in a new envelope or case of stiff paper, different from any other package. The color of the case is the same shade of deep blue heretofore used on the Baker packages, and no change has been made in the color (yellow) and design of the label.

On the outside of the case, the name of the manufacturer is prominently printed in white letters. On the back of every package a colored lithograph of the trade-mark, "La Belle Chocolatiere" sometimes called the Chocolate Girl, is printed. Vigorous proceedings will be taken against anyone imitating the package.

Trade-mark on every package


In 1-2 lb. and 1-6 lb. cakes and 5c and 10c packages,

is guaranteed to consist solely of choice cocoa and sugar, flavored with pure vanilla beans. Particular care is taken in its preparation, and a trial will convince one that it is really a delicious article for eating or drinking. It is the best sweet chocolate in the market. Used at receptions and evening parties in place of tea or coffee. The small cakes form the most convenient, palatable and healthful article of food that can be carried by bicyclists, tourists and students.

Trade-mark on every package



In 1-8 and 1-4 lb. packages

A delicious article. Good to eat and good to drink. It is one of the finest and most popular sweet chocolates on the market, and has a constantly increasing sale in all parts of the country. If you do not find it at your grocer's, we will send a quarter-pound cake by mail, prepaid, on receipt of 10 cents in stamps or money.

Trade-mark on every package


In 1-4 lb. packages

A fine vanilla chocolate for eating or drinking. Put up in very artistic wrappers.

Trade-mark on every package


In 1-6 lb. packages

A fine eating chocolate, enclosed in an attractive wrapper with an embossed representation of an automobile in colors.

Trade-mark on every package

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Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes Part 12 summary

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