Sketch of the life of Abraham Lincoln Part 8

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I shall publish a POPULAR EDITION of the history, with portraits printed from transfers, and bound in cloth. Price. $7.50

The next will be the LIBRARY EDITION, royal octavo, printed on good fair paper, good plates, and substantially bound in sheep. $12.00

The same size printed on fine paper. Proof Portraits--bound in half morocco, beveled boards. $17.50

A FINE EDITION on tinted paper. Proof Portraits. Full morocco, gilt, beveled boards, gilt edges. $25.00

A LARGE PAPER EDITION (limited) will be printed from new type, and the original wood-cuts in the best style of modern hand-press work, on heavy toned paper, with the finest INDIA PROOF PORTRAITS. In Sheets, st.i.tched, uncut, $100.00

Elaborately bound. Full levant morocco, gilt. $125.00

I have now devoted five years and a half to collecting material for the history of the Battle of Gettysburg, but until quite recently I have felt unwilling to commence to write, knowing that other matter existed which it was important for me to have, and which, when obtained, might make a material change in the account. This reason no longer exists, though I shall still thankfully receive suggestions from any partic.i.p.ant in the battle.

Within another year the Government will have completed the Topographical Map of the field, by which time I hope to be ready to publish my work.

As a publisher I would have done so long ago, but as a historian not until I feel that I have written the truth--the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


I have also in progress, the finest Collection of Oil Paintings executed of any battle in this country. The whole to be known as



I have divided the Battle into a series of episodes, beginning with its commencement and continuing to its close, each to embrace such movements and operations as of themselves form a complete unit. Of each, I make an accurate historical design, which design I place in the hands of some eminent battle-scene painter, who will be responsible for the artistic rendering of the subject. Each painting is to be 7 4 ft., and when completed, will be exhibited in the places where the regiments represented in it were raised. The whole, together, will form a most complete and graphic representation of the Battle from its commencement to the close. Each of these paintings will be engraved on steel, and hereafter engravings may be had representing actual scenes, which, having been designed under the personal direction of the partic.i.p.ants themselves, will possess the merit of historical truth.

It must not be understood that this whole work is to be put in hand at once. It will be taken up in detail, and continued as rapidly as I have time and means to attend to it. I shall be happy to correspond with those interested in any portion of the Battle. When convenient, it will be better to call a meeting, at Gettysburg, of the officers of the command to be represented, before commencing a painting, that all the details may be properly arranged. I have already made a design, representing the "charge" of the 6th Wisconsin, 95th N. Y., and 14th N.

Y. S. M., on the first day, resulting in the capture of the 2d Mississippi Regiment, which is now being painted by Alonzo Chappel, Esq., the eminent historical painter. I have recently met, at Gettysburg, the officers of the 3d Division, 1st Army Corps, and under their direction completed a design of their engagement on the afternoon of the first day, which will also embrace the movements of the 1st Brigade, 1st Division. This picture is now being painted by the distinguished battle-scene painter, James Walker, Esq.

Fine Steel Engravings will be published from these paintings. Size (engraved surface), 12 21 in.


Prints, $5.00; Plain Proofs, $10.00; India Proofs, $15.00; Artist's Proofs, $25.00.

[Ill.u.s.tration: DEATH OF MAJOR FERRY, 5^th MICH. CAV'Y.]

Mr. Walker has just completed for me, his graphic representation of


on the afternoon of the third day, which will be exhibited in the cities of the country. This is also from my historical design, and has been painted under my immediate direction. Mr. Walker spent weeks at Gettysburg, transcribing the portraiture of the field to canvas, which has been done in the most pleasing and lifelike manner. We have received in this matter the kindest support and co-operation of the officers of the army, engaged on that portion of the field.

Many distinguished general officers, on my invitation, visited Gettysburg, and went over the field with us, and pointed out all the details of this great turning point of the Rebellion; each explaining the movements of their several commands. Among those present at different times, were Generals Meade, Hanc.o.c.k, Gibbon, Howard, Doubleday, Stannard, Hunt, Warren, Humphreys, Graham, Burling, De Trobriand, Wistar, and Dana; together with a large number of Field, Line, and Staff-Officers. Most of these gentlemen have since kindly called at Mr. Walker's studio, and aided the work with their advice.

Many others, who were unable to meet with us at Gettysburg, have, at considerable trouble, visited the studio in New York; among them, Generals Webb, Hall, Newton, Hazard, Sickles, Ward, Brewster, Berdan, and Gates, and Generals Wilc.o.x and Longstreet, of the Confederate Army; the latter taking great interest in the painting, and leaving me a fine letter indorsing its accuracy. This painting has been designed _strictly_ in conformity to the directions of these gentlemen, given on the field for that purpose, and from the Reports of the Confederate Commanders, furnished to me by the Government.

This great representative Battle-scene has not its equal in America, for correctness of design or accuracy of execution. Gibbon's and Hays's Divisions and the Corps Artillery, occupy the immediate foreground. It is on a canvas 7-1/2 20 feet, and represents, not only every Regiment engaged at that portion of the field, but where the formation of the ground would admit, the entire left wing is shown.

It presents such an accurate and lifelike portrait of the country, that on it the movements of the first and second day's operations can readily be traced. No important scene has been screened behind large foreground figures, or, for the want of a knowledge of the details, hidden by convenient puffs of smoke; but every feature of this gigantic struggle has, in its proper place, been woven into a symmetrical whole.

A fine steel plate is also to be engraved of this picture, which will be accompanied by a _Key_, by which the position of every Regiment and Battery can be determined.


Print, $10.--Plain Proof, $25.--India Proof, $60.--Artist Proof (limited to 200 copies), $100.

The following gentlemen, intimately identified with the Battle of Gettysburg, and exercising the highest commands at the battle, kindly furnished me these letters, as indors.e.m.e.nts to an application to examine Confederate Reports of the Battle of Gettysburg at the War Department.

"PHILADELPHIA, _Nov. 3, 1867_.


"* * * * Mr. Bachelder has acc.u.mulated a vast amount of official and reliable testimony on our side, and I am of the opinion his work will be as truthful as the data in his possession will admit; I am greatly interested in his application being granted, and would most earnestly recommend permission being given him to examine the Confederate Reports, in case you do not see any strong reasons preventing it.

"Very truly yours, "GEO. G. MEADE, "_Major-General, U. S. A._


"_Sec. War, ad interim._"


[Extract of a letter from Major-General Humphreys, Chief of the Corps of Engineers.]

"WAs.h.i.+NGTON, D. C., _Nov. 14, 1867_.


"* * * The information which Mr. Bachelder has collected concerning the Battle of Gettysburg, is extraordinary in amount and correctness. So far as I am able to judge, there is no battle of any war respecting which so many truthful accounts, so many exact details, have been collected and compiled. From every source, from the private to the general commanding the army, facts have been collected, and where discrepancies were found, evidence was multiplied, and in this way errors have been dissipated.

Mr. Bachelder has peculiar qualifications for the task he has undertaken, and has devoted four years to it. * * *

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Sketch of the life of Abraham Lincoln Part 8 summary

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