Sketch of the life of Abraham Lincoln Part 7

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COLORED PROOF, on heavy plate paper, carefully finished in Water-Colors, $15.00

PROOF, printed in tints, on paper as above, with positions of Regiments, colored, 10.00

TINTED, printed with one tint, on lighter paper, 5.00

The above styles have a sky, and are suitable to frame, and are accompanied by a key.

PLAIN, on lighter paper, without sky, $3.00

[Ill.u.s.tration: CAPTURE OF THE 8th LA. COLORS BY LT. YOUNG, ADG'T 107th OHIO VOLS.]

The original plate has not been used except to print copies for _transfers_. The _first_ impressions from each transfer are reserved for PROOFS. Therefore the quality of the print can never materially change, as the original plate would furnish a thousand transfers. The _colored_ PROOFS are carefully colored by an Artist. The TINTED and PLAIN editions are next printed, and when the plate is worn a new transfer is made.

To any person remitting the money, for either of the above styles, I will forward the print by mail, to any part of the United States, FREE OF CHARGE, carefully packed on a roll: or, I will send it by express, at their expense, with bill for collection. I have sent hundreds by mail, to all parts of the country, and have yet to hear of the first copy being lost or injured, while it is quite a saving of expense. A _Key_, embracing a brief description of the battle, accompanies each print without extra charge. I have hundreds of letters of indors.e.m.e.nt from which I select the following:--



"I have examined Col. Bachelder's ISOMETRICAL DRAWING of the Gettysburg Battle-field, and am perfectly satisfied with the accuracy with which the topography is delineated, and the positions of the troops laid down.

Col. B., in my judgment, deserves great credit for the time and labor he has devoted to obtaining the materials for this drawing, which have resulted in making it so accurate. * * * * I can cheerfully recommend it to all those who are desirous of procuring an accurate picture and faithful record of the events of this great battle. * * * *

"I remain most truly yours, "GEO. G. MEADE, "_Maj.-Gen. Comd'g. A. P._"


"The view of the Battle-field of Gettysburg prepared by Col. Bachelder, has been carefully examined by me. I find it as accurate as such a drawing can well be made. And _it is accurate_, as far as my knowledge extends.

"WINF'D S. HANc.o.c.k, "_Major-General Comd'g 2d Corps._"

"Col. Bachelder's Isometrical View of the Battle of Gettysburg is an admirable production, and a truthful rendering of the various positions a.s.sumed by the troops of my command.

"A. DOUBLEDAY, "_Maj.-Gen. Vols., Comd'g 1st Corps._"

"BOSTON, _Sept. 23, 1964_.

"COL. BACHELDER:--I have examined your beautiful drawing of the Battle-field of Gettysburg and vicinity. The certificates of Gen. Meade and the Corps Commanders, which appear on its face, establish its accuracy on the highest authority. Your personal explorations, and your inquiries of all the commissioned officers in command of the Union Army, and of the Confederate officers made prisoners, have furnished you means of information not possessed, I imagine, by any other person. Such opportunities of observation as I had during three days pa.s.sed at Gettysburg satisfy me of the fidelity of your delineation of the position of every regiment of the two armies on each of the three eventful days. * * * * I may add, that the engraving is beautifully executed and colored. Wis.h.i.+ng you ample remuneration,

"I remain sincerely yours, "EDWARD EVERETT."



"DEAR SIR:--I am exceedingly gratified with receiving a finished copy of your print of the Battle-field of Gettysburg. I am familiar with your long and untiring labors in all the fields where truth could be reached, and know that your efforts were crowned with a success that leaves nothing more to be desired. You are authorized to add my name to those who bear testimony to Its accuracy.

"Very respectfully your obedient servant, "G. K. WARREN.

"_Maj.-Gen. Vols., Comd'g 5th Corps._ "_Ch. Eng. at Gettysburg._"

"ORANGE, _Oct. 1, 1864_.


"MY DEAR SIR:--I have carefully examined your Isometrical Drawing of the Battle-field of Gettysburg, with great interest and much profit. Never having been on that field, of course I can not express an opinion as to its accuracy--so abundantly indorsed for, however, by most competent judges: but I can say that it has given me a much clearer idea of the battle than I had before, and I earnestly hope that you will find it convenient to ill.u.s.trate others of our great battles in the same manner.

"I am very truly yours, "GEO. B. McCLELLAN."



"MY DEAR SIR:--I was much gratified on receiving a copy of your beautiful drawing of the 'Gettysburg Battle-field.' I have never seen a painting or topographical map that could give so vivid a representation of a great battle. I regard it as an honor that you have a.s.sociated my name with those of other corps commanders in your historical picture. Be pleased to accept my kind regards.

"Respectfully yours, "O. O. HOWARD, _Major-General_."


"DEAR SIR:--I have examined with care your Isometrical Drawing of the Gettysburg Battle-field, and can cheerfully bear testimony to the accuracy of the position of the troops on the right of our line.

"Yours very truly, "H. W. SLOc.u.m, "_Maj.-Gen. Vols., Comd'g Right Wing at Gettysburg._"



During my consultations with officers at the front, as well as on the Battle-field, I noted down with great care their conversations, and have books full of material thus rescued from oblivion.


Since the publication of the Drawing, and even before, I have been steadily engaged in compiling the History of the Battle of Gettysburg. I have traveled many thousand miles to add to my knowledge. I have received a great number of letters relating to it, and the Government have very considerately placed at my disposal the entire Reports of both the Union and Confederate officers; and have also given me access to the archives at Was.h.i.+ngton. They have recently ordered a re-survey of the field, which is now being done by Government Engineers in the most complete and scientific manner. A fine Topographical map is to be compiled and engraved, copies of which I have arranged to have to ill.u.s.trate my History of the Battle. This book, in addition to the maps, which will cost several thousand dollars, will also be ill.u.s.trated with Steel Plates and Wood-Cuts in a manner second to no book heretofore published in this country. Over $7,500 worth of ill.u.s.trations are already engraved to embellish it, including fine Steel Portraits, executed by the best engravers in America, in line and stipple, of Generals Reynolds, Doubleday, Newton, Meredith, Stannard, Hanc.o.c.k, Gibbon, Zook, Hays, Webb, Hall, Sickles, Birney, Humphreys, Berdan, Sykes, Barnes, Tilton, Wright, Bartlett, Wheaton, Howard, Ames, Sloc.u.m, Williams, Geary, Kane, Pleasanton, b.u.t.terfield, Warren, Hunt, Ingalls, Randolph, Martin, and McGilvrey. Several others are in hand, and undoubtedly more will be added to the list. In addition to these the Portraits of leading Confederate Generals will be engraved. Many of the prominent scenes of the battle have already been beautifully designed and engraved on wood, samples of which embellish this circular, others are to be added, and to those interested I shall be pleased to furnish full information regarding either portraits or wood-cuts.

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Sketch of the life of Abraham Lincoln Part 7 summary

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