A Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities Part 13

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Limestone; height, 4-1/2 inches.

[Sidenote: =70.=]

Androsphinx seated on a plinth. On the head are the combined crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt; in front is a collar, or pectoral; on the crown are traces of red colour. This Sphinx is a pseudo-Egyptian work.--_Acropolis of Camiros._

Limestone; height, 5 inches.

[Sidenote: =71.=]

Androsphinx seated on a plinth. On the head are the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt.--_Acropolis of Camiros._

Limestone; height, 3-1/2 inches.

[Sidenote: =72.=]

Androsphinx seated on a plinth. From the head falls a ma.s.s of long hair over the back and shoulders; the front of the body is covered with a collar or pectoral; the upper part of the wings is broken off.--_Acropolis of Camiros._

Limestone; height, 5 inches.

[Sidenote: =73.=]

Lion seated on a plinth. The mouth is open; the teeth are shown; about the lips and edge of the mane are traces of red colour.--_Camiros._

Limestone; height, 5-1/4 inches.

[Sidenote: =74.=]

Bird standing on a plinth with wings closed. Head broken off; tail long and spreading.

Height, 3-1/4 inches.

[Sidenote: =75.=]

The Egyptian ram-headed deity, Knef, seated in a chair. He wears a long chiton bound with a girdle, on each side of which a lappet falls as far as the knees; a thick ma.s.s of hair falls from behind each horn on to the breast.--_Lindos, in Rhodes._

Limestone; height, 4 inches.


The following sculptures, Nos. 80-97, are the archaic portion of the collection of sculptures from Xanthos, a town some ten miles from the sea, in the south-west of Lycia. The people of Lycia were a non-h.e.l.lenic race, but the sculptures of Xanthos are distinctly Greek, though not without traces of oriental influence (cf. No. 86). In the most important remains, especially in the Harpy Tomb (No. 94) we find the characteristics of the Ionian School of Asia Minor.

The sculptures of Xanthos were discovered by Mr. (afterwards Sir) Charles Fellows in April, 1838. (Fellows, _A Journal written during an excursion in Asia Minor_, 1838.) The discoverer revisited Xanthos in 1840, made a more minute examination of the remains, and published a further account. (_An Account of Discoveries in Lycia, being a Journal kept during a second excursion in Asia Minor_, 1840-1841, quoted as "_Lycia_.") In consequence of this work, a naval expedition, a.s.sisted by Fellows, was employed in Jan., Feb., 1842, to s.h.i.+p the Marbles of Xanthos for transport to England. (Fellows, _The Xanthian Marbles; their acquisition, and transmission to England_, 1843. This was reprinted by Fellows in _Travels and Researches in Asia Minor, more particularly in the Province of Lycia_, 1852, pp. 423-456.) Additional sculptures and casts from Lycia were obtained by a second expedition in 1843. (_Athenaeum_, 1844, pp. 176, 339, 715, 779.) Besides the published material, valuable information may be obtained from the plans and drawings by Mr. George Scharf, who accompanied Fellows as draughtsman in 1840. The originals are preserved in the British Museum, and referred to in this Catalogue as Scharf's Drawings. See also Solly, _Memoirs of W. J. Muller_, 1875; Beecheno, _E. T. Daniell, a Memoir_, 1889, p. 40; and the publication of the Austrian expedition to Lycia, _Reisen in Lykien_, vol. I. ed. by Benndorf and Niemann, 1884; vol. II. by Petersen and von Luschan, 1889.

[Sidenote: =80.=]

Sepulchral chest (soros), adorned with reliefs on the four sides. This tomb was made of a single block of hard coa.r.s.e limestone. It was found by Fellows in its original position, on a stele, which appears to have been about 9 feet high. On the top of the chest there is a rebate to receive the lid, which formed a separate block and has not been found.

The lower part of the block was sawn off by Fellows, to facilitate transport. (_Xanthian Marbles_, p. 34.)

Perrot (vol. v., p. 396) is perhaps right in thinking that this is the oldest of the Xanthian monuments, and represents Lycian sculpture before the Ionian influence had begun to make itself felt.

The appearance of the monument as found is shown in Scharf's drawing, here reproduced (pl. ii.), and also in a water-colour drawing by W. J. Muller, now in the Print Room of the British Museum. Solly, _Memoir of W. J. Muller_, pl. facing p. 216; Fellows, _Asia Minor_, p. 168.

[Sidenote: 1.]

_South Side._--Lion to the left, rec.u.mbent, in high relief.

Between the paws of the lion is seen the head of a bull, which has been thrown over by the lion, and is seized by the throat. Below the forepaws of the lion is a tablet, which seems to have traces of an inscription.

Height, 3 feet 1-1/2 inches; length, 4 feet; height of relief, 10 inches. Fellows, _Lycia_, pl. facing p. 176 (very poor); Prachov, pl. 1, fig. 1; Perrot and Chipiez, V., p. 392, fig. 277; p. 395, fig. 280; Dieulafoy, _L'Art. Ant. de la Perse_, III., pl. 16.

[Sidenote: 2.]

_East Side._--Frieze in low relief, with its right end broken away. A horseman wearing helmet and cloak rides to the right. He is followed by an attendant, wearing a short chiton, and carrying a spear on his right shoulder. Behind, a warrior moves to the left, wearing a helmet with a large crest, a s.h.i.+eld, and spear.

On the left, a s.h.i.+eld, supposed to be fastened on a wall. This relief, with its flat surface, devoid of detail, was probably painted.

Height, 1 foot 6-1/2 inches; length, 3 feet 3 inches; height of relief, 1/2 inch. Fellows, _Lycia_, pl. facing p. 176 (very inaccurate); Perrot and Chipiez, V., p. 394, fig. 279.

[Sidenote: 3.]

_North Side._--Lioness, in high relief, rec.u.mbent to right, playing with cubs. A cub is seen, with its forepaws across the paws of the lioness, and with its hind quarters to the right; a second cub lies on its back, over the first. The lower part of the relief is broken away.

Height, 2 feet 4 inches; length, 3 feet 6 inches; height of relief, 6 inches. Perrot and Chipiez, V., p. 391, fig. 276.

[Sidenote: 4.]

_West Side._--This side seems to have contained two separate entrances to the tomb. On right and left were two groups in low relief. (A.) On the right, a man, nude, with long hair, and armed with sword, contending with a lion.

Height, 1 foot 10 inches; length, 1 foot 6 inches; height of relief, 3/4 inch.

(B.) On the left a draped figure seated in a chair; left side alone remains.

Height, 1 foot 7 inches; height of relief, 3/4 inch. Fellows, _Lycia_, pl. facing p. 176; Prachov, pl. 1, fig. 1; Perrot and Chipiez, V., p. 392, fig. 277; p. 393, fig. 278; Dieulafoy, _L'Art Ant. de la Perse_, III., pl. 16.

[Sidenote: =81.=]

Frieze of Satyrs and animals, found by Fellows, built into the walls of the Acropolis at Xanthos.

Beginning from the left, the slabs of the frieze contain:

[Sidenote: 1, 2.]

Bearded Satyr in combat with a wild boar. The Satyr, who has pointed ears and tail, makes a thrust at the boar with a branch torn off a tree. The strange att.i.tude of the Satyr is due to the artist's difficulty in dealing with the shape of the slab. Slab 1 has been much injured by dripping water. The two slabs are proved to be connected by the bough which is seen on both.

Prachov, pl. vi. A, a; vi. B, c; Wolters, Nos. 146, 145; Fellows, _Lycia_, pl. facing p. 174; Brunn, _Denkmaeler_, No. 104.

[Sidenote: 3.]

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A Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities Part 13 summary

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