A Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities Part 61

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[Sidenote: =621.=]

Fragment of relief. A female figure, richly draped, is seated on a stool, to the left. The head, right arm, and knees are wanting.--_Athens._ _Elgin Coll._

Pentelic marble; height, 2 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 5 inches.

_Mus. Marbles_, IX., pl. 39, fig. 3. _Synopsis_, No. 280 (279).

[Sidenote: =622.=]

Fragment of relief. The upper part of a female figure, richly draped, and seated, with her left hand raised, the left elbow supported by the right hand. Very high relief.--_Athens._ _Elgin Coll._

Pentelic marble; height, 1 foot 7 inches; width, 1 foot 11-1/2 inches. _Synopsis_, No. 419.

[Sidenote: =623.=]

Fragment of relief. Draped male figure seated, three-quarters turned to the right, on a chair with a footstool. The head is wanting. Behind is part of a draped female figure standing. Her right arm is bent at the elbow, and crosses her breast.

Marble; height, 4 feet 11 inches; width, 2 feet 10-1/2 inches.

[Sidenote: =624.=]

Fragment of a relief. Torso of a male figure, wearing a mantle about his legs and over the left shoulder. Head, right leg, and left foot are wanting.--_Athens._ _Strangford Coll._

Pentelic marble; height, 2 feet 6-1/2 inches; width, 1 foot 3 inches.

[Sidenote: =625.=]

A nude youth stands, half turned to the left, and takes some object, perhaps a lekythos, from a boy standing before him. The boy is nude except for a chlamys thrown over his left shoulder, which is probably that of the older youth. Compare the Parthenon frieze, north side, figure No. 110. The relief is bounded by two pilasters surmounted by a pediment. On the side of one of the pilasters is the inscription [Greek: eDD].--_Delos._ _Presented by A. E. Impey, Esq., 1825._

Marble; height, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 8-1/2 inches. _Mus.

Marbles_, XI., pl. 50; Ellis, _Townley Gallery_, II., p. 205.

[Sidenote: =626.=]

A nude male figure, Tryphon, stands, half turned to the left, having a chlamys above the left arm, and a strigil in the right hand. The att.i.tude is similar to that of the Hermes of Andros. Compare the copy from the Farnese Collection in the British Museum.

Inscribed [Greek: Tryphon Eutychou]--Tryphon, son of Eutychos.--_Athens._ _Collection of Rev. F. V. J. Arundell._

Pentelic marble; height, 5 feet 11 inches; width, 3 feet.

Restored: right hand upper corner. _Mus. Marbles_, XI., pl. 49; _C.I.A._, III., 3391; _Greek Inscriptions in Brit. Mus._, CXXIX.

[Sidenote: =627.=]

Figure of a youth, standing, holding a bird, within a distyle portico, of which the left side is wanting. (Pl. xi., fig. 3.)--_Athens._ _Strangford Coll._

Pentelic marble; height, 3 feet 1 inch; width, 11-1/2 inches.

_Arch. Anzeiger_, 1864, p. 164,* No. 2.

[Sidenote: =628.=]

Sepulchral monument of Xanthippos. An elderly bearded figure is seated on a chair. He holds a foot in his extended right hand. Diminutive figures of a woman and a girl stand beside him. The girl is gazing at the foot, and raises her hands towards it, while the woman looks towards Xanthippos. She holds a bird in her right hand. It has been supposed that the foot is a votive offering, to commemorate a remarkable cure. Wolters, however, explains the object as a shoemaker's last ([Greek: kalapous], cf. _Monumenti dell' Inst._, xi.

pl. 29), and interprets it as an allusion to the trade of Xanthippos.

This theory hardly accounts for the gestures of the attendant figures.

Above the relief is a pediment, inscribed [Greek: Xanthippos]. (Pl.

xi., fig. 2.)

_Brought from the monastery of Asomato or Petraki at Athens by Dr.

Anthony Askew about 1747._ _Townley Coll._

Pentelic marble; height, 2 feet 9 inches; width, 1 foot 8 inches.

_Burney MSS._, No. 402; _Mus. Marbles_, X., pl. 33; Ellis, _Townley Gallery_, II., p. 106; _C.I.G._, 980; _C.I.A._, II., 4040; _Greek Inscriptions in Brit. Mus._, CXXIII.; Wolters, No.

1019; Brueckner, _Von den griech. Grabreliefs_, p. 26.

[Sidenote: =629.=]

Sepulchral monument of Jason. A physician, Jason, an elderly bearded man, is seated on a stool. Before him stands a boy, undergoing examination, and clearly shown to be suffering, by his swollen belly and wasted limbs. On the right is a vessel of peculiar form, resembling a cupping gla.s.s, but on a scale out of all proportion to that of the group, and not to be considered as a part of it.

The inscription runs: [Greek: Iason ho kai Dekmos Acharneus iatros, k.t.l.], and contains the names of 'Jason, called also Decimus, of the Acharnian deme, a physician,' and of other members of his family. The relief is surmounted by a row of roughly indicated antefixal tiles.

_Obtained by Fauvel in Athens; afterwards in the Choiseul-Gouffier and Pourtales Collections._

Pentelic marble; height, 2 feet 7 inches; width, 1 foot 10-1/2 inches. _C.I.G._, 606; _C.I.A._, III., 1445; Panofka, _Antiques du Cabinet Pourtales_, p. 78, pl. 26; _Greek Inscriptions in Brit.

Mus._, Lx.x.xI.; Wolters, No. 1804. On the cupping vessel see the two references last cited.

[Sidenote: =630.=]

Sepulchral monument of Agathemeris and Semp.r.o.nios Niketes. Draped male and female figures stand to the front. The woman wears the dress of a priestess of Isis, with a sistrum in her right hand and a vase in her left hand.

Inscribed [Greek: Agathemeris S e Aphrodeisiou ek Kol(l)yteon.

Senp.r.o.nios Niketes Kollyteus.] The letters [Greek: S e] have not been explained.

Discovered, in 1826, _between Athens and the Piraeus_.--_Presented by Gen. Malcolm._

Pentelic marble; height, 5 feet 6-1/2 inches; width, 3 feet.

_C.I.G._, 662_b_; _C.I.A._, III., 1760.

[Sidenote: =631.=]

Figure of a youth, a son of one Diodoros, standing, with a chlamys wrapped about his left arm. He holds a cup (?) in the right hand and a strigil in the left hand. Beside him, a diminutive figure of a nude boy holding a strigil. A tree on the left.

Inscribed [Greek: ... Diodorou, chreste, [chaire].--_Rhenea._ _From the Earl of Belmore's Coll._

Parian marble; height, 4 feet; width, 1 foot 8 inches. _C.I.G._, 2313.

[Sidenote: =632.=]

Upper part of a sepulchral relief. A draped male figure is seated on a chair. Before him stands a figure also draped. In the background, a bearded man and a woman stand one on each side of the seated person.

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A Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities Part 61 summary

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