A Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities Part 65

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Pentelic marble; height, 8 inches. _Synopsis_, No. 250 (114); Ellis, _Elgin Marbles_, II., p. 119.

[Sidenote: =672.=]

Head of a youth, three-quarters turned to the right, from the side of a sepulchral relief. He wears a taenia, and there are traces of drapery which pa.s.sed over the shoulder. There is a part of a pilaster on the left (Pl. xii., fig. 2.)--_Athens._

Pentelic marble; height, 8 inches.

[Sidenote: =673.=]

Head of a youth, half turned to the right, together with the neck and part of the breast. From a sepulchral relief. The waving locks of hair are freely treated. (Pl. xii., fig. 1.)--_Athens._

Pentelic marble; height, 10 inches. The tip of the nose is restored.

[Sidenote: =674.=]

Fragment of a sepulchral relief. A male head in high relief, wearing a taenia, is slightly bent forwards to the right. There are remains of drapery which pa.s.sed over the shoulder. On the left is part of a pilaster which bounds the relief.

Marble; height, 6-1/2 inches.

[Sidenote: =675.=]

Female head, probably from a sepulchral relief. The neck is much bent.

A portion of the right hand remains clasping the top of the head.

Marble; height, 6 inches.

[Sidenote: =676.=]

Fragment of the head of a youth, perhaps from a sepulchral relief.

A band across the forehead immediately below the hair.--_Excavated by J. T. Wood, at Ephesus._

Marble; height, 5 inches.

[Sidenote: =677.=]

Portrait head of a bearded man. This head appears to be derived from a sepulchral monument in very high relief, and to have been turned to the left, as the left side is carefully finished, while the right side is rough and inaccurate.--_Athens?_ _Elgin Coll._

Pentelic marble; height, 10-1/2 inches. _Synopsis_, No. 242 (120).

[Sidenote: =678.=]

Fragment of the right side of a relief which was probably sepulchral.

A female figure, wearing a sleeved chiton and mantle, is seated on a chair. She extends her hands, probably towards a figure now wanting.

On the right is the head of a figure looking to the right, and part of a pilaster which bounds the scene. On the left is part of the drapery of a third figure.--_Ephesus._ _Strangford Coll._

Pentelic marble? Height, 1 foot 4 inches; width, 11 inches.

[Sidenote: =679.=]

Fragment of a relief, perhaps sepulchral, containing the lower part of the body and the right leg of a warrior, who stands on rocky ground drawing himself rather to the left. He wears a short chiton, a cuira.s.s with a triple row of flaps (_pteryges_), and a mantle. Behind are the legs from the knees of a rec.u.mbent figure. The warrior appears to have had a s.h.i.+eld on the left arm, and the right arm raised for a spear thrust at a fallen enemy.--_Found at the foot of the Inscribed Monument, Xanthos._

Hard limestone; height, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot 11 inches.

_Synopsis_, _Lycian Room_, No. 141_b_. Joints at both sides show that the complete work was of considerable size. Compare the scenes of combat in the entrance of the rock tomb at Kiobaschi.

Benndorf, _Reisen in Lykien_, I., p. 135; and at Tyssa, _loc.

cit._, II., p. 64.

[Sidenote: =680.=]

Figure of bull lying down to the right, on rough ground. The head is worked in a very natural manner. The forms of the body are treated in the flat manner of a bas-relief. The back has been left unfinished.

Probably the bull originally surmounted a tomb, at Athens. (Compare Curtius and Kaupert, _Atlas von Athen_, pl. 4.)--_Brought from Greece by C. R. c.o.c.kerell._ _Presented by Lord Hillingdon._

Pentelic marble; height, 3 feet 2-3/4 inches; length, 5 feet.

_Journ. of h.e.l.len. Studies_, VI., pl. C., p. 32.


For the supposed significance of Vases as Sepulchral Monuments, see above, p. 297.

[Sidenote: =681.=]

Plain sepulchral lekythos, in low relief.--_Elgin Coll._

Pentelic marble; height, 2 feet 11 inches. _Synopsis_, No.

164 (276); _Mus. Marbles_, IX., pl. 34, fig. 1; Ellis, _Elgin Marbles_, II., p. 161.

[Sidenote: =682.=]

Sepulchral lekythos, with relief. An old man, Pytharatos, stands, clasping the hand of a seated man, Herophilos, who is also old.

Inscribed: [Greek: Pytharatos, Herophilos].--_Sloane Coll._

Pentelic marble; height, 2 feet 9 inches; diameter, 10-1/4 inches, Ellis, _Townley Gallery_, II., p. 221; _Greek Inscriptions in Brit. Mus._, CXXVI.

[Sidenote: =683.=]

Plain sepulchral amphora of Phaidimos of Naucratis. Inscribed: [Greek: Phaidimos Naukrat.i.tes].--_Athens?_ _Elgin Coll._

Pentelic marble; height, 3 feet 4-1/2 inches; diameter, 11 inches.

_Synopsis_, No. 124 (A. 51); _Mus. Marbles_, IX., pl. 33, fig. 4; Ellis, _Elgin Marbles_, II., p. 164; _Greek Inscriptions in Brit.

Mus._, CV.; _C.I.A._, II., 3239.

[Sidenote: =684.=]

Body of sepulchral amphora of Timophon, of Anagyrus, with ornate flutings, and a horizontal band of interwoven fillets. Rosettes at the base of the handles.

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A Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities Part 65 summary

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