Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder's Record of Counterattacks Chapter 2778: Seemingly Infinite Amount of Bats

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Chapter 2778: Seemingly Infinite Amount of Bats

It was only when the black ‘cloud’ was close enough that people realized it was actually a seemingly infinite amount of bats.

These bats descended upon the blood hunters.

They ambushed them and attacked them by biting their exposed skin.

Since it was a hot summer day, everyone was dressed accordingly to feel cool.

Soon, their entire body was covered with bites.

These bats also seemed to be poisonous, because the bite wounds they caused turned black.

Darlene bit her lips and released a white magic that turned some of these bats into ashes.

Ning Shu frowned and rapidly formed hand signs. She activated the most powerful yang gathering formation in the manor and created an enormous talisman.

The talisman then formed dense rain-like lines which proceeded to rain onto the bats.

Ads by Pubfuture Ads by PubFuture As soon as the bats came into contact with the spell, they screeched in terror and were burnt into ashes.

Ning Shu looked at the third-generation vampire and Perry, who were still hovering in the air.

Even if she couldn’t kill the third-generation vampire, she must still kill Perry.

At least, this way, the constant threat that Perry posed over her would be lifted.

She really didn’t want to let Perry off this time and battle him next time, when he could be even more powerful.

After all, Perry was blessed with great fortune, and he even had the backing of a third-generation vampire.

By the next time they met, Perry might’ve already reached a new peak of strength.

She had also already offended him, so if she didn’t deal with him now, the consequences

would be endless for her.

Ning Shu’s eyes met the third-generation vampire’s eyes.

He seemed to be observing and a.s.sessing her strength.

He then raised his hand. A round, blood-colored bead appeared in his hand. The blood bead rushed towards Ning Shu extremely quickly.

Ning Shu rolled her eyes. Was he trying to contaminate her with vampire blood?

Vampire blood was like a virus. Human beings contaminated by it could be temporarily reduced into monsters who knew nothing but to drink blood.

They’d lose all will and reason.

A huge dragon that was covered with flames appeared behind Ning Shu’s back.

It scorched the s.p.a.ce it occupied and roared soundlessly

It opened its mouth and swallowed the blood drop, which immediately evaporated due to the high temperature.

The crowd: …

The crowd stared at the fire dragon in the sky. Were they watching a sci-fi movie right now?

The dragon was so hot that the crowd felt like they were being put above a campfire and roasted.

Many people’s hair swelled and curled.

Some people’s hair straight up started burning.

Ning Shu sighed and touched her own hair.

Her heart was filled with melancholy…

This was the disadvantage of her fire dragon: the heat wave attacked indiscriminately.

Ning Shu pointed at Perry and the third-generation vampire.

The fire dragon rushed towards the two at great speed.

It had yet to even come close to Perry, but Perry’s skin was already starting to tighten. His flesh seemed on the verge of exploding.

It was extremely uncomfortable for him.

The fire dragon was a pure yang existence. Meanwhile, vampires were yin creatures.

Yin and yang were opposing forces.

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The third-generation vampire didn’t change his expression. He even began to fight the fire dragon.

Ning Shu’s main aim was to kill Perry. She didn’t actually want to fight the third-generation vampire.

The fire dragon pa.s.sed through Perry’s body twice in succession.

Perry’s body seemed to have been frozen, and the skin on his face began to fall off.

MTL Editor: Ran

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Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder's Record of Counterattacks Chapter 2778: Seemingly Infinite Amount of Bats summary

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