The Support Manages the Adventurer Parties!! Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
Chapter 12: Reason to start another business

Sarah came in when I was sitting in a corner of the inn, writing in between guides adventurers.

“hah. I came to drop off a reservation form, what is that? A Spell book?”

“No, it is a book to record transactions and memos.”

“There’s tens of pages. Isn’t parchment expensive?”

Certainly, for adventurers such a thing as parchment is uselessly expensive item. Because this worlds literacy is rally low, people have to memorise things instead causing many to have surprisingly good memory’s.


“Well compared to plant paper it is not bad. I have just gotten into the habit of recording transactions due to being concerned.”

“What are you concerned about?”

“Well. There are many things. How many adventurers are guided in a day? Among the adventurers who are guided, how many have returned safely? Several people who have returned safe have used the service again&h.e.l.lip;”

“Why do care about such things?”

“It is mainly to measure the satisfaction of those that employ me services. Though, it is also to help me decide whether to create a new business.”

“You are thinking of starting a new business even though this one is so popular?” Sarah gave a surprised voice as her eyes opened wide.

While such a way of though may be normal.

“Well I am worried about those that come back injured. What do you think happens to them? While most only come back with small injuries, some do have grave injuries such as missing limbs, leaving them as cripples. How are they supposed to live properly? I want to do something for those guys.”

Sarah stared at me with a look of surprise in her eyes.

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The Support Manages the Adventurer Parties!! Chapter 12 summary

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