Boy Scouts of the Air on Lost Island Part 10

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"Nothing more likely. We'll know to-night. At least we'll know whether Tod is there--and I guess we'll make a good strong try at getting him loose."

"How can we do it? What's your plan?"

"Leave it to the Flying Eagle Scouts. I'm not bragging, but we're one live crew!"



Still, it was some time after the return of Phil and Jerry from their unsuccessful sortie into the enemy's country, before a practical plan occurred to the ten-brain-power plotters. But the scheme, once its details had been worked out, struck them all as having a fair chance for success. Briefly, it was this:

Two of the boys--Jerry and Phil were again chosen--were to go down the river to the bridge and cross over and get the _Big Four_. They were to come back up the river as quietly as possible, hugging the opposite sh.o.r.e to a point about two hundred yards below the island, where the east bank spurred off into a fairly high hill. Here one of the boys was to leave the boat, as near nine o'clock as possible--it was now seven--and climb the hill, where he was to signal across to d.i.c.k Garrett, who would be watching directly opposite.

Then Jerry and Phil were to make all speed to Lost Island, landing at the lower end. The Boy Scouts, and Dave and Frank, were to gather as conspicuously as possible--a flaring camp fire would show their intentions--and pretend that _they_ were about to embark for the island.

That _ought_ to leave the lower end of the island unguarded for the safe landing of Jerry and Phil. Once they were ash.o.r.e, the dense bushes and the darkness ought to be sufficient cover for their search.

Little time had been lost, really, in making the plan, for the Scouts had been bustling back and forth, building a camp fire and preparing supper. Four of them had set up the tents, finis.h.i.+ng the task begun by all of them when Jerry and Phil set out on their first trip to the island.

It was not a very fancy meal the boys sat down to. The food was served on paper lunch plates, so there would be no dish-was.h.i.+ng. Each Scout carried knife, fork, spoon and tincup. There was no extra "silverware"

save the cook's big utensils. So the three outsiders ate with fingers and pocketknives. A nice mess of perch had been caught in a near-by creek, and Frank Willis, whose turn it was to act as chef, had browned them most artistically. There were some ash-baked potatoes, and a farmhouse close by had provided a generous supply of b.u.t.termilk.

The last of the meal was eaten by the light of the camp fire, for the sky had clouded over and night seemed to drop suddenly from above.

Licking the last morsel of the delicious fish from his greasy finger-ends, and wiping his greasier mouth on his sleeve, Jerry jumped to his feet and announced:

"I'm ready, Phil, if you are."

"I've been ready for a quarter of an hour--just waiting for the skillet to be empty, because I knew you'd never stir so long as there was a crumb left. Where do you put it all?"

"I've got to stow away a lot to balance my brains. I notice you're a light eater," retorted Jerry, but Phil only chuckled.

"All right, you two--be on your merry way," put in d.i.c.k Garrett. "This is no picnic excursion you're starting off on. And don't forget your oars, unless you expect to row your boat with your wits."

The two made no reply; a half minute later there were only eight boys in camp.

Something like a quarter of a mile inland was the gravel road that followed the windings of Plum Run, to cut across at the wagon bridge.

Two stealthy figures hurried through the woods and across the fields, to emerge on the other side of a barbed wire fence and trudge off down the dusty road.

"Some woodsman, you are!" snorted Phil in purposely exaggerated disgust. "When you skulked through the brush the limbs could be heard popping for a mile. How many times did you fall down?"

"Fall down? What you mean, fall down? Every time you stumbled over your shadow I thought you were ducking for cover, so I simply crouched to keep out of sight."

Phil snorted, and quickened his pace. Jerry put an extra few inches on his own stride and easily kept up. They pa.s.sed a farmhouse--at good speed, for a dog came out and after a few suspicious sniffs proceeded to satisfy his appet.i.te on Phil's leg. A loud ripping noise told that he at least kept a souvenir of the visit.

The dog's excited barking kept them company to the next farmhouse, which they pa.s.sed as silently as possible, not particularly desiring to repeat the experience.

"It was your whistling back there that scared up that dog--see if you can whistle a patch onto my leggins," Phil suggested when they were once more surrounded by open fields.

Jerry did not answer, for just ahead of them the road forked and he was trying to remember which turn it was one took to get to the bridge. He had never gone this way, but he had once heard a farmer giving directions to a party of automobilists. However, Phil unhesitatingly took the branch that cut in toward the river, so he said nothing for some time.

"Ever been over this road before?" he ventured to ask when the road suddenly became so rough that they stumbled at every step.

"No--never been up this way. We always fish on the other side of the Plum."

"How do you know then that this is the right road?"

"It turned in toward the river, didn't it? And the other road angled off toward Tarryville."

"But the bridge road is graveled all the way, and if this isn't blue clay I'll eat my hat. It might just be a private road to some farm, and the other road might have swung around after a bit. This muck-hole doesn't look good to me."

"All the same, through those trees yonder I can see water. It's the old Plum all right. Shake a leg."

"I think we'll gain time by shaking two legs--back to the fork. That's the Plum, all right enough, but you'll walk through marsh all the way to the bridge if you try to follow the bank. I remember now: this is the old wood road. It hasn't been used since they cut timber on the Jameson tract."

Jerry did not wait to finish his argument but had already gone back a good fifty feet of the way to the other road, when he noticed that Phil was not following him.

"What's the matter, Phil?"

"Don't you think we've wasted enough time, without losing some more by going back?"

"We'll lose more by going ahead. And we're losing now by standing still chewing the rag about it. Come on."

"I'm going ahead. You followed my lead this far; I guess it won't hurt you to follow it a little farther. I'm Patrol Leader, you know."

Jerry sensed a little resentment in Phil's tone, and remembered that once or twice he had spoken to the Scout leader just as he did to his chums--and his chums always looked to him for commands.

"I'm not trying to boss you, Phil, don't think that. But I _know_ that the other way is the best way, and I've _got_ to follow it. So you go ahead, and I'll wait for you at this end of the bridge."

Without further word he strode off on the back road. It was so dark that he might have done so safely, but he did not look back.

Nevertheless, a pleased grin spread over his face, for he was soon aware that Phil was tagging along not many paces behind. That had always been the way. Jerry was a born leader; the other boys followed him willingly because they never found any cause to lose confidence in his judgment.

"Phil, you're a genuine sport," was all he said as the other boy fell into step beside him as once more they reached the gravel roadway and turned into the right-hand branch.

Sooner than they expected they saw the gaunt skeleton of the upper bridgework against the dark sky. Jerry did not permit himself an "I told you so," but he said instead:

"We'll be in a pretty pickle if we get on the other side and find our boat gone."

Phil made no answer and in silence they walked across the hollow-echoing bridge. A series of giant stone steps led down to the river bank, and as soon as they reached bottom they saw that their fears were groundless, for there lay the _Big Four_ as Jerry and Dave had left her eighteen hours before. Deep footprints in the mud bank, dimly visible in the dusk, told that someone had stopped to look the boat over. Perhaps had the oars been handy, the boat might not have remained so safely.

The boys were glad to relieve their shoulders of the pair they had taken turns in carrying, and without pausing to rest, they stepped into the boat, Phil finding some difficulty in making the Scout boat's oars fit the _Big Four's_ oarlocks. But at last they were off and Jerry bent to his task. The _Big Four_ had been built for speed, and the craft was trimmed just right for getting the most with the least effort. The current was fairly swift here, but Jerry hugged the east bank and took advantage of every eddy. It was not long before Lost Island swung into sight.

"Let me spell you off," suggested Phil, but Jerry shook his head.

"After we land at the hill you can take her the rest of the way. I think I'll pull in at that little cove just ahead. It makes a little longer walk, but it's well out of sight of the island. Who'll climb the hill!"

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Boy Scouts of the Air on Lost Island Part 10 summary

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