Emperor of the North Chapter 1084

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Chapter 1084 - Evasion

"What is it? Do you know him? "

Wu Er saw that Li Mu was so excited, and his eyes revealed a look of surprise.

"To tell you the truth, junior Li Mu is indeed my father."

Li Mu did not have any intention to hide his ident.i.ty, and spoke straightforwardly.

"So that's how it is. Now that you mention it, I really feel that you're somewhat similar to him, it seems that all of this is fated to happen. I never thought that you would actually be his son, and besides my master, your father has the best talent in the path of the sword!"

"That year, when he refused my master, he said, 'The heavens are not fit to be my teacher, on what basis do you think you are!?'" I still remember it. "

When Wu Er found out about the relations.h.i.+p between Li Mu and Li Chongtian, he looked at Li Mu with a slightly friendlier gaze. At the same time, he did not forget to mutter to himself.

"Even the heavens are not fit to be my master, what right do you have!?" What an arrogant tone, for Li Mu's father to speak like that, is Senior not angry at your master? "

Hua Yun suddenly interrupted, he did not expect Li Mu's father to have such an experience.

Wu Er laughed as he shook his head, "I don't know if he's angry or not, but at that time, my master asked him another question. If even Wentian isn't fit to be his teacher, then who is."

"What did my father say?"

Li Mu did not want to let go of even the slightest of matters regarding Li Chongtian, so he closely pursued and asked.

"His reply was very simple, and it was only one word, 'sword.' He said that throughout his entire life, he had climbed from the lowest level in the cultivation world to today, and he had never relied on anyone. He also felt that no one could rely on him."

"He said that his so-called master, peers, and friends would only plot against him to persecute him. In his eyes, only the sword in his hand would not leave his side. Speaking of which, that Heaven Punis.h.i.+ng Sword is really not an ordinary sword."

Especially Li Mu, his eyes were completely red. He had heard a bit about his father's past and experiences, and he could understand why his father would speak in such a manner when he heard it from Li Chengfeng.

"That is to say, my father didn't acknowledge a High Lord as his master in the end?" Then how did he leave the Nameless? "

After a moment of silence, Li Mu suppressed all the emotions in his heart and continued to ask.

"You brat, you are impatient to leave Nameless, why? Do you want to be like your father and refuse to take my master as your master? Let me tell you, even if this is the case, you can forget about leaving Nameless easily. "

"My master's cultivation is extremely high, he has calculated that you and his Master will be together for a hundred years, and he is helping you avoid your tribulation. You have too many karma points, if my master does not help you withstand this tribulation, you will not be able to survive!"

Wu Er understood the meaning behind Li Mu's words, and said with a cold face.

"Avoiding tribulations?" Avoiding what? What sort of tribulation could I possibly have? My own heavenly tribulation is mine, so do I need the help of others? "

After hearing Wu Er's unfathomable words, Li Mu said in confusion.

It's inconvenient for me to tell you more. In short, you only need to understand one thing, and that is that you have to stay in Nameless peacefully for a hundred years. Once the end of the century has pa.s.sed, you can naturally leave!

"My master is currently in closed-door training and will come looking for you after he finishes his closed door cultivation. For you, he was infected by the great karma. You should know what's good for you!"

Wu Er's tone was a little cold as he glared at Li Mu, then he looked at Hua Yun: "You must be called Hua Yun, Li Mu this guy isn't satisfied even after a hundred years, you can't leave, you and I are destined to meet each other as master and disciple, follow me."

Wu Er stood up as he spoke, and was about to bring Hua Yun who had a face full of bewilderment to leave.

Senior, where are you bringing Hua Yun to? Even if you want to take her as your disciple, you have to ask if she is willing.

Seeing that Wu Er stood up, Li Mu immediately opened his mouth to stop him.

He turned his head to look at Hua Yun, and then his lips moved slightly and Hua Yun's telepathic transmission appeared.

Following the telepathic transmission of Wu Er, Hua Yun's originally somewhat lost expression slowly changed into one of shock. In the end, even her eyes emitted a bright glow, and it was unknown just what Wu Er and she said in the end.

"Disciple Hua Yun greets Master!"

After the end of Wu Er's telepathic transmission, Hua Yun did something that Li Mu did not expect. She actually directly knelt down and paid her respects to Wu Er.

"Hahaha, good, very good. I have a bottle of Nine Hollow Dan Beads with me. Take it. In less than ten years, your cultivation will be able to break through your current bottleneck."

With a flash of inspiration, a white jade pill bottle appeared in his hand, and he then handed it over to Hua Yun. When Hua Yun received the white jade pill bottle, his face revealed great joy, and after greeting Wu Er once again, she stood up.

"Master, this Nameless does not have any heaven and earth origin energy. Although I have the help of a spirit pellet, I'm afraid it would be very difficult for me to reach the True King Realm."

Hua Yun said somewhat awkwardly as she stood up.

"Nameless is an isolated s.p.a.ce, so it's normal for there to be no vitality. However, since I can be your Master, I can help you solve this problem. Follow me, I'll find a place for you to go into closed door cultivation to ensure that you're satisfied!"

Wu Er mysteriously smiled at Hua Yun, and then his body slowly floated up into the air, Hua Yun seeing the situation, looked at Li Mu as though she had something to say, but after struggling for a bit, he still did not say a thing, and continued to follow Wu Er into the air.

"Li Mu, when my master comes out of seclusion, he will naturally come to find you. Do your best, and also, I advise you not to think about looking for the Nameless Palace, in case you make a mistake.

Wu Er laughed in mid air, and then turned into two beams of light and disappeared into the horizon, he did not know where they went.

"This... What the heck is this! "

Looking at the disappearing Hua Yun and Wu Er, Li Mu muttered to himself with a bitter face while standing where he was. He looked at the wine cup on the stone table in front of him and directly picked up the cup of spirit wine that Wu Er poured for him earlier and drank it.

He did not know what material the spirit wine that Wu Er took out was used to brew it, but after Li Mu drank it, his entire body felt comfortable, as though he had ingested some miracle medicine that could help him circulate his Qi and blood.

Li Mu felt that the spirit wine was not bad, and drank the cup that Wu Er poured for Hua Yun, becoming addicted to it. In the end, he poured all the remaining spirit wine in the jug into his mouth, and drank it comfortably.

"Qing Ling, what should I do now? I originally had Hua Yun to accompany me, but now that she has left, I am left alone. A hundred years …" My G.o.d, you might as well kill me! "

After Li Mu finished all the spirit wine, he looked at the boundless sea in front of him and said with a sullen face.

"I don't like what you said, when are you alone? Don't you still have me, and what's more, I see that whatever that person said is not without reason, his so called master who took you in might really be helping you escape calamity."

Qing Ling said seriously.

I don't believe that if I don't enter this Nameless, I will lose my life. Since the day I stepped into the cultivation world, I have experienced all sorts of storms, and I have even partic.i.p.ated in battles between experts of the Ancestor Realm.

Li Mu muttered somewhat disdainfully, as he casually chose a direction to walk in.

"Didn't I already say that there are some matters that are too high up for me to talk to you about? What's more, this person is a Saint level expert, do he need to lie to you?" Qing Ling sneered.

"What?" You said that old man, he's... He was a Saint rank expert? You didn't lie to me right? I thought that he would at most only be at the level of Transcendence! "

Once Li Mu heard Qing Ling's words, he almost spat out the spirit wine he just drank. Although he knew that Wu Er's cultivation was unfathomable, he never thought that she would be a Saint rank expert who had already become extinct in Beidou World.

"Why would I lie to you? I don't know the old man very well, and as for tricking you for his sake, seriously speaking, if you think about it carefully, this old man's cultivation is already at the Saint-rank, and you have also seen the nine-headed monster, its strength is comparable to a Holy Spirit. Tell me, what kind of level do you think the other party's master is?"

Qing Ling continued to remind Li Mu.

Li Mu's eyes lit up when he heard it. At the beginning, he thought that Wu Er's master should only have a Holy-ranked cultivation, but after Qing Ling mentioned the Second Saint rank expert, he had a whole new understanding of Wu Er's cultivation level.

"He's either a quasi Emperor or a true Ancestor. Even the worst of it is a fully mastered Saint rank expert. He's taking me in as his disciple; is all this true?!"

Li Mu's mind was in a mess, he never thought that he would have such an opportunity. If the other party was really a character on the level of the Ancestor, then he would truly admire his own father.

Just as his mind was thinking about what realm his Master was in, suddenly, all the Qi and blood in Li Mu's body surged up, he felt that his body was about to explode, and the Qi and blood in his body started to boil crazily.

"This is bad!" It's the Spirit Wine, the Spirit Wine!

Li Mu felt that his body was not right, he immediately thought about the spirit wine he drank earlier, and in that moment, Li Mu's entire body became full of veins, making him look strange.


Under the blood and Qi in his body boiling uncontrollably, Li Mu roared into the sky, and then he quickly sat cross-legged on the ground, and started to circulate the Great Brahma Heavenly Demon Art to suppress the boiling blood and energy in his body.

Under the circulation of Li Mu's technique, a layer of blood colored flames appeared on the surface of his body. This layer of blood colored flames did not emit any fire type energy, but contained a vigorous life force …

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Emperor of the North Chapter 1084 summary

You're reading Emperor of the North. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Black Robe, Hei Pao, 黑袍. Already has 527 views.

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