Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Debate Index Part 27

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=Milton and Goethe.= _See_ =Goethe and Milton.=

=Milton and Homer.=

Which was the greater poet, Milton or Homer? Rowton, p. 210: References.

=Milton and Shakespeare.= _See_ =Shakespeare and Milton.=

=Mind force and physical force.=

Is all the force manifested in the material universe to be attributed to the immediate volition of G.o.d? Is mind the only real force and the first cause of all motion? Matson, p. 445: Briefs and references.

=Ministers= (of state).

Should ministers hold directors.h.i.+ps? Askew, 1906, p. 153; Askew, 1911, p. 158: Briefs.

=Ministers of the gospel.=

May a Christian minister do as much good in pastoral work as by preaching? Matson, p. 499: Briefs and references.

Should clergymen be politicians? Matson, p. 502: Briefs and references.

=Minorities, Rights of.=

Askew, 1906, p. 153: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 159: Briefs.

=Miser and spendthrift.=

Which does the greater injury to society, the miser or the spendthrift?

Rowton, p. 185: Briefs and references.

=Misery and happiness.= _See_ =Happiness and misery.=


Are modern Christian missions a failure? Gibson, p. 130: Briefs and references.


Has the influence of Mohammedanism been more evil than good? Matson, p.

476: Briefs and references.


Is a limited monarchy, like that of England, the best form of government? Rowton, p. 218: References.

=Monarchy and republicanism.=

Askew, 1906, p. 154: Briefs and references.--C. L. of P. Reference lists.

=Monasteries.= _See_ =Convents and monasteries.=


International money. Askew, 1906, p. 123: Briefs and references.

_See also_ Bimetallism.--Gold.--Silver.--Tainted money.

=Money and culture.=

Do birth, breeding and culture count in society to-day when weighed against the power of money? C. L. of P. Reference lists.

=Mongolian race.= _See_ =Yellow peril.=

=Monopolies.= _See_ =Federal charter and federal control.--Trusts.=

=Monroe doctrine.=

Askew, 1906, p. 155: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 159: Briefs.

The Monroe doctrine has been and will continue to be beneficial to the western hemisphere. C. L. of P. Reference lists.

The Monroe doctrine should be continued as a part of the permanent foreign policy of the United States. Ringwalt, p. 84: Briefs and references.--Thomas, p. 198: Briefs.

The United States should resist by force if need be the colonization of South America by any European nation. Thomas, p. 192: Briefs.

=Montaigne and Addison.=

Is Montaigne a better essayist than Addison? Matson, p. 342: Briefs and references.


Does morality increase with civilization? Rowton, p. 68: Speeches and references.

Is not private virtue essentially requisite to greatness of public character? Rowton, p. 47: Reference.

_See also_ Immorality.

=Morality and art.= _See_ =Art and morality.=

=Morality and intelligence.= _See_ =Intelligence and morality.=

=Moses and David.=

Was Moses greater than David? Matson, p. 507: Briefs and references.

=Mozart and Beethoven.= _See_ =Beethoven and Mozart.=

=Mrs Grundy.=

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