Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Debate Index Part 41

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Has the stage a moral tendency? Rowton, p. 85: Speeches and references.

Is the theatre in its character and influence, as shown in the past and the present, more evil than good? Can the theatre be reformed? Should Christians never attend the theatre? Matson, p. 464: Briefs and references.

Ought Christians to attend the theatre? Gibson, p. 206: Briefs and references.

_See also_ Censors.h.i.+p of the stage.--Drama.

=Theatre, National.=

Askew, 1906, p. 207: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 242: Briefs.

=Thomas a Kempis and Bunyan.= _See_ =Bunyan and Thomas a Kempis.=

=Thought and language.=

Is thought possible without language? Is language identical with thought? Matson, p. 447: Briefs and references.

=Thucydides and Tacitus.=

Was Thucydides a greater historian than Tacitus? Matson, p. 285: Briefs and references.

=t.i.tles of honor.=

Do t.i.tles operate beneficially in a community? Rowton, p. 231: References.

=Total abstinence.= _See_ =Liquor question.=

=Trade unions.=

Are trade unions a benefit to the laboring cla.s.s? Matson, p. 223: Briefs and references.

Are trades unions, on the whole, mischievous or beneficial? Gibson, p.

211: Briefs and references.

Labor organizations promote the best interests of workingmen. Brookings, p. 151: Briefs and references.--C. L. of P. Debates: References.

Labor unions. C. L. of P. Reference lists.

Labor unions are advantageous to workingmen. Thomas, p. 208: Briefs.

Labor unions are beneficial to this country. C. L. of P. Reference lists.

Labor unions as they now exist are, on the whole, beneficial to society in the United States. Pearson, p. 201: Report of debate, and references.

Reform of trade union law. Askew, 1906, p. 212: Briefs and references.

Trade unionism. Askew, 1906, p. 210: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 244: Briefs.

_See also_ Open shop and closed shop.--Osborne judgment.

=Travel and reading.=

Which is the better means of culture, travel or reading? C. L. of P.

Reference lists.

=Trial by jury.= _See_ =Jury system.=


All trusts and combinations intended to monopolize industries should be prohibited. Brookings, p. 134: Briefs and references.

The anti-trust laws should be amended to permit fair and reasonable combinations and monopolies. C. L. of P. Reference lists.

Are monopolies, on the whole, more a good than an evil to the public? Is the present general tendency to minimize compet.i.tion by the formation of monopolies an evil? Matson, p. 215: Briefs and references.

Are private monopolies public evils? Gibson, p. 134: Briefs and references.

Are the so called trusts, in their working and influence, a benefit to the public? Do trusts threaten our inst.i.tutions so as to warrant adverse legislation? Are trusts, in their tendency, subversive of industrial liberty? Matson, p. 217: Briefs and references.

The formation of trusts should be opposed by legislation. Alden, p. 257: Brief (negative).

Further federal legislation in respect to trusts and industrial combinations is desirable. Ringwalt, p. 131: Briefs and references.

Is a well-managed trust beneficial to the general public? Craig, p. 538: Speeches.

Present tariff on trust-made steel articles should be abolished.

Wisconsin University, no. 279: References.

Trusts and monopolies are a positive injury to the people financially.

Craig, p. 327: Outlines.

_See also_ Federal charter and federal control.--Sherman anti-trust law.


Would the subversion of the Turkish empire be a gain to its subjects and to Europe as a whole? Matson, p. 185: Briefs and references.


Cities should employ labor when the private demand for it is largely inadequate. Thomas, p. 182: Briefs.

General Booth's employment system as outlined in "Darkest England"

should be adopted in this country. Brookings, p. 160: Briefs and references.

In times of depression munic.i.p.alities should give work to the unemployed. Brookings, p. 168: Briefs and references.

State intervention for the unemployed. Askew, 1906, p. 213: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 246: Briefs.

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