Shakespeare and Precious Stones Part 14

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Those round clear pearls of his, that move thy pity, Are b.a.l.l.s of quenchless fire to burn thy city.

_Idem_, l. 1553.

L. 2, verso, l. 6, 7.


Of paled pearls and rubies red as blood.

"Lover's Complaint", l. 198.


Ah! but those tears are pearls which thy love sheds.

Sonnet x.x.xIV, l. 13.

C 4, l. 13.


Bright orient pearl, alack, too timely shaded!

"Pa.s.sionate Pilgrim", l. 133.

B 4, l. 3.


The heaven-hued sapphire and the opal blend With objects manifold.

"Lover's Complaint", l. 215.


Once more the ruby-colour'd portal open'd.

"Venus and Adonis", l. 451.

D ii, verso, l. 1.


Of paled pearls and rubies red as blood.

"Lover's Complaint", l. 198.


The deep-green emerald, in whose fresh regard Weak sights their sickly radiance do amend.

_Idem_, l. 213.


But hers through which the crystal tears gave light, Shone like the moon in water seen by night.

"Venus and Adonis", l. 491.

D iii, l. 16, 17.


Nor thy soft hands, sweet lips, and crystal eyne.

"Venus and Adonis", l. 633.

E ii, l. 15.


The crystal tide that from her two cheeks fair In the sweet channel of her bosom dropt.

_Idem_, l. 957.

G, l. 3, 4.


Her eyes seen in the tears, tears in her eye; Both crystals, where they view'd each other's sorrow.

_Idem_, l. 962, 963.

G, l. 8, 9.


Through crystal walls each little mote will peep.

"Lucrece", l. 1251.

I 2, verso, l. 19.

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Shakespeare and Precious Stones Part 14 summary

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