Hebrew Literature Part 41

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But when he saith HBLI, _Hebeli_, of my breath, Tzedeq, Justice, is to be understood, which is MLKVTHA QDISHA, _Malkutha Qadisha_, the holy Malkuth (_Sanctum Regnum_, the Holy Kingdom).

For when She is stirred up in Her judgments and severities, then hath this saying place, "There is a just man who perished in his Tzedeq."

For what reason? Because Judgment, Meshephat, is far from Justice, Tzedeq.

And therefore is it said, Prov. xiii. 23, "And there is that is destroyed because therein is not Meshephat."

Come and see! When some sublimely just man is found in the world, who is dear unto G.o.d the Most Holy One-may He be blessed!-then even if Tzedeq, Justice, alone be stirred up, still on account of him the world can bear it.

And G.o.d the Most Holy-may He be blessed!-increaseth His glory so that He may not be destroyed by the severity (of the judgments).

But if that just man remaineth not in his place, then from the midst is he taken away for example by that Meshephat, Judgment, so that before it he cannot maintain his place, how much less before Tzedeq, Justice.

David the king said at first, Ps. xxvi. 2, "Try me, O Tetragrammaton, and prove me!" For I shall not be destroyed by all the severities, not even by Tzedeq, Justice Herself, seeing that I am joined thereunto.

For what is written, Ps. xvii. 15, "In Tzedeq, Justice, I will behold Thy countenance." Therefore, properly speaking, I cannot be destroyed through Tzedeq, seeing that I can maintain myself in its severities.(840)

But after that he had sinned, he was even ready to be consumed by that Meshephat, Judgment. Whence it is written, Ps. cxliii. 2, "And enter not into Meshephat, Judgment, with Thy servant!"

Come and see! When that Tzedeq, Justice, is mitigated by that Meshephat, Judgment, then it is called TZDQH, _Tzedeqah,_ Liberality.

And the world is tempered by Chesed, Mercy, and is filled therewith.

As it is written, Ps. x.x.xii. 5: "Delighting in TZDQH, Liberality, and MSHPT, Judgment; the earth is full of the CHSD, Mercy, of Tetragrammaton."

I testify concerning myself, that during my whole life I have been solicitous in the world, that I should not fall under the severities of Justice, nor that the world should be burned up with the flames thereof.

As it is written, Prov. x.x.x. 20, "She eateth and wipeth her mouth."

Thenceforward and afterward all and singular are near unto the Abyss.

And verily in this generation certain just men are given (upon earth); but they are few who arise that they may defend the flock from the four angels (otherwise, but judgments arise against the world, and desire to rush upon us).

Chapter X: Concerning Microprosopus in Especial, with Certain Digressions; and Concerning the Edomite Kings

Hereunto have I propounded how one thing agreeth with another; and I have expounded those things which have been concealed in the most Holy Ancient One, the Concealed with all Concealments; and how these are connected with those.

But now for a time I will discourse concerning the requisite parts of Microprosopus; especially concerning those which were not manifested in the Conclave of the a.s.sembly, and which have been concealed in mine heart, and have not been given forth in order therefrom.

Hereunto have I mystically and in a subtle manner propounded all those matters. Blessed is his portion who entereth therein and departeth therefrom, and (blessed the portion) of those who shall be the heirs of that inheritance.

As it is written, Ps. cxliv. 15, "Blessed are the people with whom it is so," etc.

Now these be the matters which we have propounded. The Father(841) and the Mother(842) adhere unto the Ancient One, and also unto His conformation; since they depend from the Hidden Brain, Concealed with all Concealments, and are connected therewith.

And although the Most Holy Ancient One hath been conformed (as it were) alone (_i.e._, apparently apart from all things at first sight); yet when all things are accurately inspected, all things are HVA, _Hoa_, Himself, the Ancient One, alone.

Hoa is and Hoa shall be; and all those forms cohere with Himself, are concealed in Himself, and are not separated from Himself.

The Hidden Brain is not manifested, and (Microprosopus) doth not depend immediately from it.

The Father and the Mother proceed from this Brain, and depend from It, and are connected with It.

(Through Them) Microprosopus dependeth from the Most Holy Ancient One, and is connected (with Him). And these things have we already revealed in the Conclave of the a.s.sembly.

Blessed is his portion who entereth therein and departeth therefrom, and hath known the paths; so that he declineth not unto the right hand, or unto the left.

But if any man entereth not therein and departeth therefrom, better were it for that (man) that he had never been born. For thus it is written, Hos. xiv. 10, "True are Thy ways, O Tetragrammaton!"

Rabbi Schimeon spake and said: Through the whole day have I meditated on that saying where it is said, Ps. x.x.xiv. 2, "My Nephesch(843) shall rejoice in Tetragrammaton, the humble shall hear thereof and rejoice"; and now that whole text is confirmed (in my mind).

"My Nephesch shall rejoice in Tetragrammaton." This is true, for my Neschamah is connected therewith, radiateth therein, adhereth thereto, and is occupied thereabout, and in this same occupation is exalted in its place.

"The humble shall hear thereof and rejoice." All those just and blessed men who have come into communion with G.o.d, the Most Holy-blessed be He!-all hear and rejoice.

Ah! now is the Holy One confessed; and therefore "magnify Tetragrammaton with me, and let us exalt His Name together!"

Thus is it written, Gen. x.x.xvi. 31, "And those are the kings who reigned in the land of Edom." And also it is written thus, Ps. xlviii. 4, "Since, lo! the kings a.s.sembled, they pa.s.sed away together."

"In the land of Edom." That is, in the place wherewith the judgments are connected.

"They pa.s.sed away together." As it is written, "And he died, and there reigned in his stead."

"They themselves beheld, so were they astonished; they feared, and hasted away." Because they remained not in their place, since the conformations of the King had not as yet been formed, and the Holy City and its walls were not as yet prepared.

This is that which followeth in the text, "As we have heard, so have we seen, in the city," etc. For all did not endure.

But She (the Bride) now subsisteth beside the Male, with Whom She abideth.

This is that which is written, Gen. x.x.xvi. 39, "And Hadar reigned in his stead, and the name of his city was Pau, and the name of his wife was Mehetabel, the daughter of Matred, the daughter of Mizaheb."

a.s.suredly this have we before explained in the a.s.sembly.(844)

Now, also, in the book of the teaching of Rav Hamenuna the Elder it is said, "And Hadar reigned in his stead." The word HDR, _Hadar_, is properly to be expounded according unto that which is said, Lev. xxiii. 40, "The fruit of trees which are HDR, _Hadar_, goodly."

"And in the name of his wife Mehetabel," as it is written (in the text just cited), "branches of palm-trees."

Also it is written, Ps. xcii. 3, "The just man shall flourish as the palm-tree." For this is of the male and female s.e.x.

She is called "the daughter of Matred"; that is, the Daughter from that place wherein all things are bound together, which is called AB, Father.

Also it is written, Job xxviii. 13, "Man knoweth not the price thereof, neither is it found in the land of the living."

She is the Daughter of Aima, the Mother; from Whose side the judgments are applied which strive against all things.

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Hebrew Literature Part 41 summary

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