Hebrew Literature Part 42

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"The Daughter of Mizaheb;" because She hath nourishment from the two Countenances (Chokmah and Binah, which are within Kether); and s.h.i.+neth with two colors-namely from CHSD, _Chesed_, Mercy; and from DIN, _Din_, Judgment.

For before the world was established Countenance beheld not Countenance.(845)

And therefore were the Prior Worlds destroyed, for the Prior Worlds were formed without (equilibrated) conformation.

But these which existed not in conformation are called vibrating flames and sparks, like as when the worker in stone striketh sparks from the flint with his hammer, or as when the smith smiteth the iron and dasheth forth sparks on every side.

And these sparks which fly forth flame and scintillate, but shortly they are extinguished. And these are called the Prior Worlds.

And therefore have they been destroyed, and persist not, until the Most Holy Ancient One can be conformed, and the workman can proceed unto His work.

And therefore have we related in our discourse that that ray sendeth forth sparks upon sparks in 320 directions.

And those sparks are called the Prior Worlds, and suddenly they perished.

Then proceeded the workman unto His work, and was conformed, namely as Male and Female.

And those sparks became extinct and died, but now all things subsist.

From a Light-Bearer of insupportable brightness proceeded a Radiating(846) Flame, das.h.i.+ng off like a vast and mighty hammer those sparks which were the Prior Worlds.

And with most subtle ether were these intermingled and bound mutually together, but only when they were conjoined together, even the Great Father and Great Mother.

From _Hoa_, Himself, is AB, the Father; and from _Hoa_, Himself, is Ruach, the Spirit; Who are hidden in the Ancient of Days, and therein is that ether concealed.

And It was connected with a light-bearer, which went forth from that Light-Bearer of insupportable brightness, which is hidden in the Bosom of Aima, the Great Mother.

Chapter XI: Concerning the Brain of Microprosopus and Its Connections

And when both can be conjoined and bound together mutually (_i.e._, the Father and the Mother), there proceedeth thenceforth a certain hard Skull.

And it is extended on its sides, so that there may be one part on one side, and another one on another side.

For as the Most Holy Ancient One is found to include equally in Himself the Three Heads,(847) so all things are symbolized under the form of the Three Heads, as we have stated.

Into this skull (of Microprosopus) distilleth the dew from the White Head (of Macroprosopus), and covereth it.

And that dew appeareth to be of two colors, and by it is nourished the field of the holy apple trees.

And from this dew of this Skull is the manna prepared for the just in the world to come.(848)

And by it shall the dead be raised to life.

But that manna hath not at any other time been prepared so that it might descend from this dew, save at that time when the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness, and the Ancient One supplied them with food from this place; because that afterward it did not fall out so more fully.

This is the same which is said, Exod. xvi. 4, "Behold I rain upon you bread from heaven." And also that pa.s.sage where it is thus written, Gen.

xxvii. 28, "And the Elohim shall give unto thee of the dew of heaven."

These things occur in that time. Concerning another time it is written, "The food of man is from G.o.d the Most Holy One-blessed be He!"-and that dependeth from MZLA, _Mezla_, the Influence; a.s.suredly from the Influence rightly so called.

And therefore is it customary to say, "Concerning children, life, and nourishment, the matter dependeth not from merit, but from the Influence."

For all these things depend from this Influence, as we have already shown.

Nine thousand myriads of worlds receive influence from and are upheld by that GVLGLTHA, _Golgeltha_, Skull.

And in all things is that subtle AVIRA, _Auira_, Ether,(849) contained, as It Itself containeth all things, and as in It all things are comprehended.

His countenance is extended in two sides,(850) in two lights, which in themselves contain all things.

And when His countenance (_i.e._, that of Microprosopus) looketh back upon the countenance of the Most Holy Ancient One, all things are called ARK APIM, _Arikh Aphim_, Vastness of Countenance.

What is ARK APIM, or Vastness of Countenance? Also it should rather be called ARVK APIM, _Arokh Aphim_, Vast in Countenance.

a.s.suredly thus is the tradition, since also He prolongeth His wrath against the wicked. But the phrase ARK APIM, _Arikh Aphim_, also implies the same as "healing power of countenance."

Seeing that health is never found in the world save when the countenances (of Macroprosopus and Microprosopus) mutually behold each other.

In the hollow of the Skull (of Microprosopus) s.h.i.+ne three lights. And although thou canst call them three, yet notwithstanding are there four,(851) as we have before said.

He (Microprosopus) is the heir of His Father and of His Mother, and there are two inheritances from Them; all which things are bound together under the symbol of the Crown of His Head. And they are the phylacteries of His Head.

After that these are united together after a certain manner they s.h.i.+ne, and go forth into the Three Cavities of the Skull.

(And then) singly they are developed each after its own manner, and they are extended through the whole body.

But they are a.s.sociated together in two Brains, and the third Brain containeth the others in itself.(852)

And it adhereth as well to the one side as to the other, and is expanded throughout the whole body.

And therefrom are formed two colors mixed together in one, and His countenance s.h.i.+neth.

And the colors of His countenance are symbols of Ab (the Father) and Aima (the Mother), and are called Daath (Knowledge) in Daath.

As it is written, 1 Sam. ii. 3, "Since El Daoth (plural) is Tetragrammaton," because in Him there are two colors.

Unto Him (Microprosopus) are works ascribed diversely; but to the Most Holy Ancient One (operations) are not ascribed diversely.

For what reason doth He (Microprosopus) admit of variable disposition?

Because He is the heir of two inheritances (_i.e._, from Chokmah and Binah).

Also it is written, Ps. xviii. 26, "With the merciful man thou shalt show thyself merciful."

But also truly and rightly have the Companions decided concerning that saying where it is written, Gen. xxix. 12, "And Jacob declared unto Rachel that he was her father's brother, and that he was Rebekah's son."

It is written "Rebekah's son," and not "the son of Isaac." And all the mysteries are in Chokmah.(853)

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Hebrew Literature Part 42 summary

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