Hebrew Literature Part 50

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Deep, deep beyond all fathoming, Far, far beyond all measuring, We can but seek Thy deeds alone; When bow Thy saints before Thy throne Then is Thy faithfulness made known.

Thy righteousness we can discern, Thy holy law proclaim and learn.

Is not Thy presence near alway To them who penitently pray, But far from those who sinning stray?

Pure souls behold Thee, and no need Have they of light: they hear and heed Thee with the mind's keen ear, although The ear of flesh be dull and slow.

Their voices answer to and fro.

Thy holiness forever they proclaim: The Lord of Hosts! thrice holy is His name!


Servant Of G.o.d

Oh! would that I might be A servant unto Thee, Thou G.o.d by all adored: Then, though by friends out-cast, Thy hand would hold me fast, And draw me near to Thee, my King and Lord!

Spirit and flesh are Thine, O Heavenly Shepherd mine!

My hopes, my thoughts, my fears, Thou seest all, Thou measurest my path, my steps dost know.

When Thou upholdest, who can make me fall?

When Thou restrainest, who can bid me go?

Oh! would that I might be A servant unto Thee, Thou G.o.d, by all adored.

Then, though by friends out-cast, Thy hand would hold me fast, And draw me near to Thee, my King and Lord!

Fain would my heart come nigh To Thee, O G.o.d! on high, But evil thoughts have led me far astray From the pure path of righteous government.

Guide Thou me back into Thy holy way, And count me not as one impenitent.

Oh! would that I might be A servant unto Thee, Thou G.o.d, by all adored.

Then, though by friends out-cast, Thy hand would hold me fast, And draw me near to Thee, my King and Lord!

If in my youth I still Fail to perform Thy will, What can I hope when age shall chill my breast?

Heal me, O Lord! with Thee is healing found- Cast me not off, by weight of years opprest, Forsake me not when age my strength has bound.

Oh! would that I might be A servant unto Thee, Thou G.o.d, by all adored.

Then, though by friends out-cast, Thy hand would hold me fast, And draw me near to Thee, my King and Lord!

Contrite and full of dread, I mourn each moment fled Midst idle follies roaming desolate; I sink beneath transgressions manifold, That from Thy presence keep me separate; Nor can sin-darkened eyes Thy light behold.

Oh! would that I might be A servant unto Thee, Thou G.o.d, by all adored.

Then, though by friends out-cast, Thy hand would hold me fast, And draw me near to Thee, my King and Lord!

So lead me that I may Thy sovereign will obey.

Make pure my heart to seek Thy truth divine; When burns my wound, be Thou with healing near!

Answer me, Lord! for sore distress is mine, And say unto Thy servant, I am here!

Oh! would that I might be A servant unto Thee, Thou G.o.d, by all adored!

Then, though by friends out-cast, Thy hand would hold me fast, And draw me near to Thee, my King and Lord!


My King

Ere time began, ere age to age had thrilled, I waited in His storehouse, as He willed; He gave me being, but, my years fulfilled, I shall be summoned back before the King.

He called the hidden to the light of day, To right and left, each side the fountain lay, From out the stream and down the steps, the way That led me to the garden of the King.

Thou gavest me a light my path to guide, To prove my heart's recesses still untried; And as I went, Thy voice in warning cried: "Child! fear thou Him Who is Thy G.o.d and King!"

True weight and measure learned my heart from Thee; If blessings follow, then what joy for me!

If naught but sin, all mine the shame must be, For that was not determined by the King.

I hasten, trembling, to confess the whole Of my transgressions, ere I reach the goal Where mine own words must witness 'gainst my soul, And who dares doubt the writing of the King?

Erring, I wandered in the wilderness, In pa.s.sion's grave nigh sinking powerless: Now deeply I repent, in sore distress, That I kept not the statutes of the King!

With worldly longings was my bosom fraught, Earth's idle toys and follies all I sought; Ah! when He judges joys so dearly bought, How greatly shall I fear my Lord and King!

Now conscience-stricken, humbled to the dust, Doubting himself, in Thee alone his trust, He shrinks in terror back, for G.o.d is just- How can a sinner hope to reach the King?

Oh! be Thy mercy in the balance laid, To hold Thy servant's sins more lightly weighed, When, his confession penitently made, He answers for his guilt before the King.

Thine is the love, O G.o.d! and Thine the grace, That folds the sinner in its mild embrace; Thine the forgiveness bridging o'er the s.p.a.ce 'Twixt man's works and the task set by the King.

Unheeding all my sins, I cling to Thee!

I know that mercy will Thy footstool be: Before I call, oh! do Thou answer me, For nothing dare I claim of Thee, my King!

O Thou Who makest guilt to disappear, My help, my hope, my rock, I will not fear; Though Thou the body hold in dungeon drear, The soul has found the palace of the King.


To The Soul

O thou, who springest gloriously From thy Creator's fountain blest, Arise, depart, for this is not thy rest!

The way is long, thou must prepared be, Thy Maker bids thee seek thy goal- Return then to thy rest, my soul, For bountifully has G.o.d dealt with thee.

Behold! I am a stranger here, My days like fleeting shadows seem.

When wilt thou, if not now, thy life redeem?

And when thou seek'st thy Maker have no fear, For if thou have but purified Thy heart from stain of sin and pride, Thy righteous deeds to Him shall draw thee near.

O thou in strength who treadest, learn To know thyself, cast dreams away!

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Hebrew Literature Part 50 summary

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