Hebrew Literature Part 51

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The goal is distant far, and short the day.

What canst thou plead th' Almighty's grace to earn?

Would thou the glory of the Lord Behold, O soul? With prompt accord Then to thy Father's house return, return!


Sabbath Hymn

Come forth, my friend, the bride to meet, Come, O my friend, the Sabbath greet!

"Observe ye" and "remember" still The Sabbath-thus His holy will G.o.d in one utterance did proclaim.

The Lord is one, and one His name To His renown and praise and fame.

Come forth, my friend, the bride to meet, Come, O my friend, the Sabbath greet!

Greet we the Sabbath at our door, Well-spring of blessing evermore, With everlasting gladness fraught, Of old ordained, divinely taught, Last in creation, first in thought.

Come forth, my friend, the bride to meet, Come, O my friend, the Sabbath greet!

Arouse thyself, awake and s.h.i.+ne, For, lo! it comes, the light divine.

Give forth a song, for over thee The glory of the Lord shall be Revealed in beauty speedily.

Come forth, my friend, the bride to meet, Come, O my friend, the Sabbath greet!

Crown of thy husband, come in peace, Come, bidding toil and trouble cease.

With joy and cheerfulness abide Among thy people true and tried, Thy faithful people-come, O bride!

Come forth, my friend, the bride to meet, Come, O my friend, the Sabbath greet!


O Sleeper! Wake, Arise!

O sleeper! wake, arise!

Delusive follies shun, Keep from the ways of men and raise thine eyes To the exalted One.

Hasten as haste the starry orbs of gold To serve the Rock of old.

O sleeper! rise and call upon thy G.o.d!

Behold the firmament His hands have wrought on high, See how His mighty arms uphold the tent Of His ethereal sky, And mark the host of stars that heaven reveals- His graven rings and seals.

Tremble before His majesty and hope For His salvation still, Lest, when for thee the gates of fortune ope, False pride thy spirit fill.

O sleeper! rise and call upon thy G.o.d!

Go seek at night abroad Their footsteps, who erewhile Were saints on earth, whose lips with hymns o'erflowed, Whose hearts were free from guilt.

Their nights were spent in ceaseless prayer and praise, In pious fast their days.

Their souls were paths to G.o.d, and by His throne Their place is set anigh.

Their road through life was but a stepping-stone Unto the Lord on high.

O sleeper! rise and call upon thy G.o.d!

Weep for thy sins, and pause In wrongful deeds, to implore G.o.d's pardoning grace, nor fret thyself because Of evildoers more.

Cleave to the right, and of thy substance bring To honor Him, thy King.

When saviours then Mount Zion joyfully Ascend with eager feet, And nations shout for gladness, thou wilt be Prepared thy G.o.d to meet.

O sleeper! rise and call upon thy G.o.d!

Whence does man's wisdom flow- Man, who of dust is wrought, Whose poor pre-eminence on earth does show Over the beast as naught?

Only those gazing with the inward eye Behold G.o.d's majesty: They have the well-spring of their being found, More precious far than wine.

Thou also thus, though by earth's fetters bound, Mayst find thy Rock divine.

O sleeper! rise and call upon thy G.o.d!

The Lord is Lord of all, His hands hold life and death, He bids the lowly rise, the lofty fall, The world obeys His breath.

Keep judgment, then, and live and cast aside False and rebellious pride, That asketh when and where, and all below And all above would know; But be thou perfect with the Lord thy G.o.d!

O sleeper! rise and call upon thy G.o.d!


The Land Of Peace

Whose works, O Lord, like Thine can be, Who 'neath Thy throne of grace, For those pure souls from earth set free, Hast made a dwelling-place?

There are the sinless spirits bound Up in the bond of life, The weary there new strength have found, The weak have rest from strife.

Sweet peace and calm their spirits bless, Who reach that heavenly home, And never-ending pleasantness- Such is the world to come.

There glorious visions manifold Those happy ones delight, And in G.o.d's presence they behold Themselves and Him aright.

In the King's palace they abide, And at His table eat, With kingly dainties satisfied, Spiritual food most sweet.

This is the rest forever sure, This is the heritage, Whose goodness and whose bliss endure Unchanged from age to age.

This is the land the spirit knows That everlastingly With milk and honey overflows- And such its fruit shall be.


The Heart's Desire

Lord! unto Thee are ever manifest My inmost heart's desires, though unexprest In spoken words. Thy mercy I implore Even for a moment-then to die were blest.

Oh! if I might but win that grace divine, Into Thy hand, O Lord, I would resign My spirit then, and lay me down in peace To my repose, and sweetest sleep were mine.

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Hebrew Literature Part 51 summary

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