Hebrew Literature Part 53

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Holy art Thou!

Israel, His people, ceaselessly Cry as they bend and bow the knee: Blessed art Thou, O Lord!

Holy and blest.

Those s.h.i.+ning as a crystal spring, Chant in the presence of their King: Holy art Thou, O Lord!

Holy art Thou!

The stranger's children evermore The mighty Lord of lords adore.

Blessed art Thou, O Lord!

Blessed art Thou!

Those who of fire are fas.h.i.+oned, crowd On crowd unnumbered, chant aloud: Holy art Thou, O Lord!

Holy art Thou!

They cry, whom He has freed from thrall, And His inheritance does call: Blessed art Thou, O Lord!

Holy and blest.

Pure visions, bathed in endless light, Declare 'midst radiance infinite: Holy art Thou, O Lord!

Holy art Thou!

Who to the covenant adhere, The remnant saved, cry loud and clear: Blessed art Thou, O Lord!

Blessed art Thou!

'Neath folded wings, in cadence meet, The glorious ones each hour repeat: Holy art Thou, O Lord!

Holy art Thou!

She, who among the nations dwells, Chosen, apart, His glory tells: Holy art Thou, O Lord!

Holy and blest!

The high exalted ones make known Of Him, Who fills the heavenly throne: Holy art Thou, O Lord!

Holy art Thou!

They who their G.o.d each day proclaim "Awful in deeds," exalt His name: Blessed art Thou, O Lord!

Blessed art Thou!

Those who are awe-inspiring say Of Him more awful far than they: Holy art Thou, O Lord!

Holy art Thou!

To all creation's King of kings, From earth, from heaven, responsive rings: Holy art Thou, O Lord!

Holy and blest!


Hymn Of Praise

O G.o.d of earth and heaven, Spirit and flesh are Thine!

Thou hast in wisdom given Man's inward light divine, And unto him Thy grace accords The gift of spoken words.

The world was fas.h.i.+oned by Thy will, Nor didst Thou toil at it, for still Thy breath did Thy design fulfil.

My times are in Thy hand, Thou knowest what is best, And where I fear to stand Thy strength brings succor blest.

Thy loving-kindness, as within A mantle, hides my sin.

Thy mercies are my sure defence, And for Thy bounteous providence Thou dost demand no recompense.

For all the sons of men Thou hast a book prepared, Where, without hand or pen, Their deeds are all declared: Yet for the pure in heart shall be A pardon found with Thee.

The life and soul Thou didst create Thou hast redeemed from evil strait, Thou hast not left me desolate.

The heavens Thou badest be, Thy bright, celestial throne, Are witnesses to Thee, O Thou the Lord alone.

One, indivisible, Thy name Upholds creation's frame.

Thou madest all-the depth, the height, Thou rulest all in power and might, Supreme, eternal, infinite!


Pa.s.sover Hymn

When as a wall the sea In heaps uplifted lay, A new song unto Thee Sang the redeemed that day.

Thou didst in his deceit O'erwhelm the Egyptian's feet, While Israel's footsteps fleet How beautiful were they!

Jeshurun! all who see Thy glory cry to thee: "Who like thy G.o.d can be?"

Thus even our foes did say.

Oh! let thy banner soar The scattered remnant o'er, And gather them once more Like corn on harvest-day.

Who bear through all their line Thy covenant's holy sign, And to Thy name divine Are sanctified alway.

Let all the world behold Their token, prized of old, Who on their garment's fold The thread of blue display.

Be then the truth made known For whom, and whom alone, The twisted fringe is shown, The covenant kept this day.

Oh! let them, sanctified, Once more with Thee abide, Their sun s.h.i.+ne far and wide, And chase the clouds away.

The well-beloved declare Thy praise in song and prayer: "Who can with Thee compare, O Lord of Hosts?" they say.

When as a wall the sea In heaps uplifted lay, A new song unto Thee Sang the redeemed that day.


Morning Prayer

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Hebrew Literature Part 53 summary

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