Hebrew Literature Part 54

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O Lord! my life was known to Thee Ere Thou hadst caused me yet to be, Thy Spirit ever dwells in me.

Could I, cast down by Thee, have gained A standing place, or, if restrained By Thee, go forth with feet unchained?

Hear me, Almighty, while I pray, My thoughts are in Thy hand alway, Be to my helplessness a stay!

Oh! may this hour Thy favor yield, And may I tread life's battle-field Encompa.s.sed by Thy mercy's s.h.i.+eld.

Wake me at dawn Thy name to bless, And in Thy sanctuary's recess To praise and laud Thy holiness.


Judgment And Mercy

By the faithful of His children in their conclaves Shall His name be sanctified, Awe-inspiring are the praises of His angels, And the voices in His temple spread His glory Far and wide.

Those who keep His law shall yet again be gathered To the stronghold of His might, Those who fear Him commune, praying, with each other- He will hear and in the book of their memorial He will write.

Let your deeds be fair and righteous-then unbroken He the covenant will hold.

He who maketh bright the heavens, He will heed you And will count your prayers more precious than the off'rings Brought of old.

May the tribes of those who wors.h.i.+p and proclaim Him Be uplifted as of yore, When He pruneth, may He cut the straggling branches, For to Him belong the sov'reignty and kingdom Evermore.

May He lead us once again unto the mountain Of His sanctuary's shrine, There to glorify Him ever in His temple, For our G.o.d will not forget His word, the holy And divine.

At His name shall heaven and earth break forth in praises With a joy that shall not cease, And the woods shall shout and clap their hands in gladness, For the Lord our G.o.d has visited His people, Bringing peace.

From each band of angels mighty in their splendor, From each s.h.i.+ning, circling star, Hymns and praises evermore declare His glory, Saying, "Praise Him with the sound of joyful trumpets, The Shophar!"

All the creatures of the universe together, Heaven above and earth below, Shall proclaim, "The Lord in all His works is mighty, He is king o'er all the earth, and His salvation All shall know."


Grace After Meals

Our Rock with loving care, According to His word, Bids all His bounty share, Then let us bless the Lord.

His flock our Shepherd feeds With graciousness divine, He satisfies our needs With gifts of bread and wine.

Therefore with one accord We will His name adore, Proclaiming evermore None holy as the Lord.

Our Rock, etc.

The land desired so long, Our fathers' heritage, Inspires our grateful song To G.o.d from age to age; His bounteous gifts afford Us sustenance each day, His mercy is our stay, For faithful is the Lord.

Our Rock, etc.

Oh! be Thy mercy moved, Our Rock, to dwell with us, With Zion, Thy beloved, Our temple glorious.

May we, redeemed, restored, Be led there every one, By David's holy son, The anointed of the Lord.

Our Rock, etc.

Thy city fill once more, Thy temple-walls upraise, There will we Thee adore With joyful songs of praise, Thee, merciful, adored, We bless and sanctify, With wine-cups filled up high, By blessings of the Lord.

Our Rock, etc.


Lord Of The Universe

Lord of the universe, Who reigned Ere earth and heaven's fas.h.i.+oning, When to create the world He deigned, Then was His name proclaimed King.

And at the end of days shall He, The Dreaded One, still reign alone, Who was, Who is, and still will be Unchanged upon His glorious throne.

And He is one, His powers transcend, Supreme, unfathomed, depth and height, Without beginning, without end, His are dominion, power, and might.

My G.o.d and my Redeemer He, My rock in sorrow's darkest day, A help and refuge unto me, My cup's full portion, when I pray.

My soul into His hand divine Do I commend: I will not fear, My body with it I resign, I dread no evil: G.o.d is near.


Hymn For The Conclusion Of The Sabbath

May He Who sets the holy and profane Apart, blot out our sins before His sight, And make our numbers as the sand again, And as the stars of night.

The day declineth like the palm-tree's shade, I call on G.o.d, Who leadeth me aright, The morning cometh-thus the watchman said- Although it now be night.

Thy righteousness is like Mount Tabor vast, Oh! let my sins be wholly put to flight, Be they as yesterday, forever past, And as a watch at night.

The peaceful season of my prayers is o'er, Would that again had rest my soul contrite, Weary am I of groaning evermore, I melt in tears each night.

Hear Thou my voice: be it not vainly sped, Open to me the gates of lofty height, For with the evening dew is filled my head, My locks with drops of night.

Oh! grant me Thy redemption, while I pray, Be Thou entreated, Lord of power and might, In twilight, in the evening of the day, Yea, in the gloom of night.

Save me, O Lord my G.o.d! I call on Thee: Make me to know the path of life aright, From sore and wasting sickness s.n.a.t.c.h Thou me, Lead me from day to night.

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Hebrew Literature Part 54 summary

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