Hebrew Literature Part 55

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We are like clay within Thy hand, O Lord!

Forgive us all our sins, both grave and light, And day shall unto day pour forth the word And night declare to night.

May He Who sets the holy and profane Apart, blot out our sins before His sight, And make our numbers as the sand again, And as the stars of night.


G.o.d And Man

O Lord! I will declare Thy holy name, Thy glories past compare: My tongue shall not conceal, O Lord!

Thy righteousness made known to me: I heard and I believed Thy word, I will not ask presumptuously.

For should the vase of clay "What doest thou?" unto its maker say?

Him have I sought and known, A rock of strength, a tower of might, Resplendent as the glorious light, Without or veil or covering, radiant shown: Exalted, magnified, Extolled and glorified.

The heavens from hour to hour Declare Thy wondrous works, proclaim Thy power Sunrise and sunset, still the same, Prostrate in awe eternally.

The angels pa.s.s through flood and flame As unto Thee they testify; Thy praise they celebrate, O Thou, the fruit of lips who dost create.

For Thou uphold'st alone, Unwearied and invisible, The depths, the heights, where move and dwell The living creatures and the heavenly throne: Exalted, magnified, Extolled and glorified.

Who has the glory praised Fitly of Him, Whose word the heavens upraised?

The Eternal One, Who dwells concealed In His exalted heights, but yet In Zion's temple, full revealed, Did erst His glorious presence set, And He showed visions then To cause His image to be seen of men; Yet past all measuring His wisdom is, past depth and height He flashes on His prophet's sight In visions only as the heavenly king: Exalted, magnified, Extolled and glorified.

His power, exceeding great, Is without end: who can His praise narrate?

Happy the man, who testifies Unto His greatness manifold, Whose faith in G.o.d unshaken lies, In G.o.d, whose arms the world uphold, Who, fearing G.o.d, can trust In Him, acknowledging His deeds are just, That for himself has He Made all His works, His creatures all, And that His awful day will call All men, the judgment of their deeds to see: Exalted, magnified, Extolled and glorified.

Do thou then heed and learn, Prepare thyself thy nature to discern.

See whence thou comest, what thou art, And who created thee and taught Thee knowledge, and in every part Of thee the power of motion wrought.

Mark then G.o.d's might untold, And rouse thyself His wonders to behold.

But to Himself concealed Dare not to stretch thy hand, for then Thou seekest, with presumptuous ken, The first and last, the hidden and revealed: Exalted, magnified, Extolled and glorified.


Hymn For Tabernacles

Thy praise, O Lord! will I proclaim In hymns unto Thy glorious name.

O thou Redeemer, Lord and King, Redemption to Thy faithful bring!

Before Thine altar they rejoice With branch of palm and myrtle stem, To Thee they raise the prayful voice- Have mercy, save and prosper them.

Mayst Thou, in mercy manifold, Dear unto Thee Thy people hold, When at Thy gate they bend the knee, And wors.h.i.+p and acknowledge Thee.

Do Thou their heart's desire fulfil, Rejoice with them in love this day, Forgive their sins and thoughts of ill, And their transgressions cast away.

They overflow with prayer and praise To Him, Who knows the future days.

Have mercy Thou, and hear the prayer Of those who palms and myrtles bear.

Thee day and night they sanctify, And in perpetual song adore; Like to the heavenly hosts they cry: "Blessed art Thou for evermore."


Hymn For Pentecost

When Thou didst descend upon Sinai's mountain, It trembled and shook 'neath Thy mighty hand, And the rocks were moved by Thy power and splendor; How then can my spirit before Thee stand On the day when darkness o'erspread the heavens, And the sun was hidden at Thy command?

The angels of G.o.d for Thy great name's wors.h.i.+p, Are ranged before Thee, a s.h.i.+ning band, And the children of men are waiting ever Thy mercies unnumbered as grains of sand; The law they received from the mouth of Thy glory, They learn and consider and understand.

Oh! accept Thou their song and rejoice in their gladness, Who proclaim Thy glory in every land.


Hymn Of Glory

Sweet hymns and songs will I indite To sing of Thee by day and night, Of Thee, Who art my soul's delight.

How doth my soul within me yearn Beneath Thy shadow to return, Thy secret mysteries to learn.

And even while yet Thy glory fires My words, and hymns of praise inspires, Thy love it is my heart desires.

Therefore I will of Thee relate All glorious things, and celebrate In songs of love Thy name most great.

Thy glory shall my discourse be, In images I picture Thee, Although Thyself I cannot see.

In mystic utterances alone, By prophet and by seer made known, Hast Thou Thy radiant glory shown.

Thy might and greatness they portrayed, According to the power displayed In all the works Thy hand has made.

In images of Thee they told Of Thy great wonders wrought of old, Thy essence they could not behold.

In signs and visions seen of yore They pictured Thee in ancient lore, But Thou art One for evermore.

They saw in Thee both youth and age, The man of war, the h.o.a.ry sage, But ever Israel's heritage.

O Thou Whose word is truth alway Thy people seek Thy face this day, Oh! be Thou near them when they pray.

May these, my songs and musings, be Acceptable, O Lord, to Thee, And do Thou hear them graciously.

Oh! let my praises, heavenward sped, Be as a crown unto Thy head, My prayer as incense offered.

Oh! may my words of blessing rise To Thee, Who, throned above the skies, Art just and mighty, great and wise.

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Hebrew Literature Part 55 summary

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