Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather Part 16

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In pa.s.sing, I would say, that in meeting the demand made upon me by the Reviewer, to rewrite the history of Salem witchcraft, I shall avail myself of the opportunity to correct the single error he has mentioned.

In a re-issue of the work, I shall endeavor to make it as accurate as possible. Anything that is found to be wrong shall be rectified. The work, in the different forms in which it was published, is nearly out of print. When issued again, it will be in a less costly style and more within the reach of all. From the result of my own continued researches and the suggestions of others, I feel inclined to the opinion that no very considerable alterations will be made; and that subsequent editions, will not impair the authority or value of the work, as originally published in 1867.

In preparing the statement, now brought to a close, the only object has been to get at, and present, the real facts of history. Nothing, merely personal, affecting the writer in the _North American Review_ or myself, can be considered as of comparative moment. Many of the expressions used by that writer, as to what I have "seen" or "read" and the like, are, it must be confessed, rather peculiar; but of very little interest to the public. Any notice, taken of them, has been incidental, and such as naturally arose in the treatment of the subject.

In parting with the reader, I venture so far further to tax his patience, as to ask to take a retrospective glance, together, over the outlines of the road we have travelled.

In connection with some preliminary observations, the first step in the argument was to show the relation of the Mathers, father and son, to the superst.i.tions of their times culminating in the Witchcraft Delusion of 1692, and their share of responsibility therefor. The several successive stages of the discussion were as follows:--The connection of Cotton Mather with alleged cases of Witchcraft in the family of John Goodwin of Boston, in 1688; and said Goodwin's certificates disposed of: Mather's idea of Witchcraft, as a war waged by the Devil against the Church; and his use of prayer: The connection between the cases, at Boston in 1688, and at Salem in 1692: The relation of the Mathers to the Government of Ma.s.sachusetts, in 1692: The arrival of Sir William Phips; the impression made upon him by those whom he first met; his letter to the Government in England: The circ.u.mstances attending the establishment of the Special Court of Oyer and Terminer, and the precipitance with which it was put into operation: Its proceedings, conducted by persons in the interest of the Mathers: Spectral Testimony; and the extent to which it was authorized by them to be received at the Trials, as affording grounds of enquiry and matter of presumption: Letter of Cotton Mather to one of the Judges: The Advice of the Ministers: Cotton Mather's probable plan for dealing with spectral evidence: His views on that subject, as gathered from his writings and declarations: The question of his connection with the Examinations before the Magistrates: His connection with the Trials and Executions: His Report of five of the Trials: His book ent.i.tled _The Wonders of the Invisible World_; its design; the circ.u.mstances attending its preparation for the press; and the views, feelings, and expectations of its author, exhibited in extracts from it: Increase Mather's _Cases of Conscience_: The suppression of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, by Sir William Phips: Cotton Mather's views subsequent to 1692, as gathered from his writings.

In traversing the field thus marked out, I submit that it has become demonstrated that, while Cotton Mather professed concurrence in the generally-received judgment of certain writers against the reception of spectral evidence, he approved of the manner in which it had been received by the Judges, at the Salem Trials, and eulogized them throughout, from the beginning to the end of the prosecution, and ever after. He vindicated, as a general principle, the _admission_ of that species of testimony, on the ground of its being a sufficient basis of enquiry and presumption, and needing only some additional evidence,--his own Report and papers on file show how little was required--to justify conviction and execution. This has been proved, at large, by an examination of his writings and actions, and is fully admitted by him, in various forms of language, on several occasions--substantially, in his statement, that Spectral Testimony was the "chief" ground upon which "divers" were condemned and executed, and, explicitly, in his letter to Foster, in which he says that "a very great use is to be made" of it, in the manner and to the extent just mentioned; and that, when thus used, the "use for which the Great G.o.d intended it," will be made. In the same pa.s.sage, he commends the Judge for having admitted it; and declares they had the divine blessing thereupon, inasmuch as "G.o.d strangely sent other convincing testimony," to corroborate, and thereby render it sufficient to convict. In his Address to the General a.s.sembly, years afterward, he fully admits that the Judges, in 1692, whose course he applauded at the time, allowed persons to be adjudged guilty, "merely because" of Spectral Testimony.

My main purpose and duty, in preparing this article, have been to disprove the absolute and unlimited a.s.sertions made by the contributor to the _North American Review_, that Cotton Mather was opposed to the _admission_ of Spectral Evidence; "denounced it as illegal, uncharitable, and cruel;" and "ever testified against it, both publicly and privately;" and that the _Advice of the Ministers_, drawn up by him, "was _very specific_ in _excluding_ Spectral Testimony."

It has been thought proper, also, to vindicate the truth of history against the statements of this Reviewer, on some other points; as, for instance, by showing that the opinion of Cotton Mather's particular responsibility for the Witchcraft Tragedy, instead of originating with me, was held at the time, at home and abroad, and has come down, through an unbroken series of the most accredited writers, to our day; and that the influence of the Mathers never recovered from the shock given it, by the catastrophe of 1692.

The apology for the great length of this article is, that the high authority justly accorded to the _North American Review_, demanded, in controverting any position taken in its columns, a thorough and patient investigation, and the production, in full, of the doc.u.ments belonging to the question. It has further been necessary, in order to get at the predominating tendency and import of Cotton Mather's writings, to cite them, in extended quotations and numerous extracts. To avoid the error into which the Reviewer has fallen, the peculiarity of Mather's style must be borne in mind. Opposite drifts of expression appear in different writings and in different parts of the same writing; and, not infrequently, the clauses of the same pa.s.sage have contrary bearings. He often palters, with himself as well as others, in a double sense.

Quotations, to any amount, from the writings of either of the Mathers, of pa.s.sages having the appearance of discountenancing spectral evidence, can be of no avail in sustaining the positions taken by the Reviewer, because they are qualified by the admission, that evidence of that sort might and ought, notwithstanding, to be received as a basis for enquiry and ground of presumption, and, if supported by other ordinary testimony, was sufficient for conviction. That other testimony, when adduced, was, as represented by Mather, clothed with a divine authority; having, as he says, been supplied by a special Providence, and been justly regarded, by the "excellent Judges," as "an encouraging presence of G.o.d, strangely sent in." It could, indeed, in the then state of the public mind, always be readily obtained. No matter how small in quant.i.ty or utterly irrelevant, it was sufficient for conviction coming after the Spectral Evidence. To minds thus subdued and overwhelmed with "awe,"

trifles light as air were confirmation strong.

It is to be presumed that his warmest admirers would not think of comparing Cotton Mather with his transatlantic correspondent and coadjutor, as to force of character, power of mind, or the moral and religious value of their writings. Yet there were some striking similarities between them. They were men of undoubted genius and great learning. They were all their lives awake to whatever was going on around them. Earnestly interested, and actively engaging, in all questions of theology and government, they both rushed forthwith and incontinently to the press, until their publications became too voluminous and numerous to be patiently read or easily counted. Of course, what they printed was imbued with the changing aspects of the questions they handled and open to the imputation of inconsistency, of which Baxter was generally disregardful and Mather mostly unconscious.

Sir Roger L'Estrange was one of the great wits and satirists of his age. His style was rough and reckless. A vehement and fierce upholder of the doctrines of arbitrary government, he was knighted by James the Second. His controversial writings, having all the attractions of unscrupulous invective and homely but cutting sarcasm, were much patronized by the great, and extensively read by the people. All Nonconformists and Dissenters were the objects of his coa.r.s.e abuse. He issued an ingenious pamphlet with this t.i.tle: "_The Casuist uncased; in a Dialogue betwixt Richard and Baxter, with a moderator between them, for quietness sake._" The two disputants range over a variety of subjects, and are quite vehement against each other; the Moderator interposing to keep them to the point, preserve order in the debate, and, as occasion required, reduce them to "quietness." At one stage of the altercation, he exclaimed: "If an Angel from Heaven, I perceive, were employed to bring you two to an agreement, he should lose his labor." Great was the amus.e.m.e.nt of all to find that the language uttered by the combatants, on each side, was taken from one or another of writings published by Richard Baxter, during his diversified controversial life.

If any skilful and painstaking humorist of our day, should feel so disposed, he might, by wading through the sea of Cotton Mather's writings, pick up material enough for the purpose; and, by cutting in halves paragraphs and sentences, entertain us in the same way, by giving to the public, through the Press, "_A Dialogue betwixt COTTON and MATHER, with a Moderator between them for quietness sake._"

THE HISTORICAL MAGAZINE; AND Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History and Biography of America.

This Magazine was commenced in January, 1857, for the purpose of furnis.h.i.+ng a medium of intercommunication between Historical Societies, Authors, and Students of History, and supplying an interesting and valuable journal--a miscellany of American History. On the first of July, 1866, it pa.s.sed into the hands of the undersigned, by whom it is still conducted, with the support and aid of a large body of intelligent readers, and the a.s.sistance of the foremost historical writers in the country.

Among the contributors to the past volumes are Hon. Edward Everett, Hon.

George Bancroft, Jared Sparks, LL.D., Hon. Peter Force, Hon. James Savage, Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, Wm. Gilmore Simms, Esq., Henry R.

Stiles, M.D., Geo. Gibbs, Esq., Hon. John R. Brodhead, J. Carson Brevoort, Esq., Henry R. Schoolcraft, Esq., Benson J. Lossing, Esq., Hon. Henry C. Murphy, Samuel G. Drake, Esq., Sebastian F. Streeter, Esq., Alfred B. Street, Esq., E. B. O'Callaghan, LL.D., Prof. W. W.

Turner, Buckingham Smith, Esq., Evert A. Duyckinck, Esq., Brantz Mayer, Esq., Hon. John R. Bartlett, Samuel F. Haven, Esq., Dr. R. W. Gibbs, John W. Francis, M.D., D. G. Brinton, M.D., George H. Moore, Esq., John G. Shea, LL.D., Rev. E. H. Gillett, D.D., John Ward Dean, Esq., Henry O'Reilly, Esq., Rev. Pliny H. White, Hon. E. E. Bourne, and Hon. Thomas Ewbank.

The eleven volumes already published contain an immense ma.s.s of matter relating to American History and kindred studies, such as cannot be found collected elsewhere, rendering it a work absolutely necessary in all libraries. Few historical works now appear that do not acknowledge indebtedness to it.

The Contents of the Historical Magazine may be generally cla.s.sed under the following heads:

I. Original Papers, involving points of research in historical studies, presenting new facts, or the discussion of Federal and Local topics of interest, in Essays, by writers versed in American History.

II. The Collection of Original Letters, Correspondence, Diaries, &c., hitherto unpublished, of Americans of Eminence.

III. Biographical and Obituary Notices of persons distinguished in the service of the country, whether in office, political life, literature, or science.

IV. Accurate reports of the proceedings of the numerous American Historical, Antiquarian, Geographical, Numismatic, and other kindred Societies.

V. Notes and Queries of curious and important topics, new and old, with replies, by a large body of contributors.

VI. Reprints of rare and interesting Tracts, old Poems out of print, &c., &c.

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VIII. Carefully prepared and impartial Notices of New Books and Engravings, especially those relating to the History, Antiquities, or Biography of America.

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The Historical Magazine is printed on fine quality of paper, similar in form and size to this sheet, and published in monthly numbers, of sixty-four pages each, at FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. Single numbers SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS.

HENRY B. DAWSON, Morrisania, N. Y.


BERGEN, Hon. TUNIS, Bay Side, L. I.

BRINTON, Doctor D. G., Westchester, Pennsylvania, the celebrated Ethnologist.

BRODHEAD, Hon. J. ROMEYN, the historian of New York.

DAWSON, HENRY B., author of _Battles of the United States_, etc.

DEAN, JOHN WARD, Secretary of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society.

ELLIS, Rev. GEORGE B., D.D., Charlestown, Ma.s.sachusetts.

EWBANK, Hon. THOMAS, Vice-president of the American Ethnological Society.

FORCE, General PETER, Was.h.i.+ngton, D. C.

GILLETT, Rev. E. H., D.D., the historian of the Presbyterian Church.

KAPP, FRIEDRICH, the biographer of Steuben, De Kalb, etc.

LAWRENCE, EUGENE, Columbia College, New York.

MOORE, GEORGE H., Librarian of New York Historical Society.

NEW YORK CITY, Corporation of.

O'REILLY, HENRY, the veteran printer and telegraphist.

ROCKWELL, Prof. E. F., Davidson College, North Carolina.

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Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather Part 16 summary

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