Plays: Lady Frederick, The Explorer, A Man of Honor Part 128

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[_Pa.s.sionately._] Will you swear that you're not in love with her? Swear it on your honour?


You're mad.


[_With growing excitement._] Swear it. You can't. You're simply madly in love with her.




Swear it. Swear it on your honour. Swear you don't care for her.


[_Shrugging his shoulders._] I swear it ... on my honour.


[_Scornfully._] It's a lie!... And she's just as much in love with you as you are with her.


[_Seizing her wrists._] What d'you mean?


D'you think I haven't got eyes in my head? I saw it that day she came here. D'you suppose she came to see me? She despises me. I'm not a lady.

She came here to please _you_. She was polite to me to please _you_. She asked me to go and see her to please _you_.


[_Trying to compose himself._] It's absurd. She was an old friend of mine. Of course she came.


I know that sort of friend. D'you think I didn't see the way she looked at you, and how she followed you with her eyes? She simply hung on every word you said. When you smiled, she smiled. When you laughed, she laughed. Oh, I should think she was in love with you; I know what love is, and I felt it. And when she looked at me I know she hated me because I'd robbed her of you.


[_Unable to contain himself._] Oh, what a dog's life it is we lead!

We've been both utterly wretched. It can't go on--and I only see one way out.


That's what you've been brooding over this last week, is it? Separation!

I knew there was something, and I couldn't find out what it was.


I do my best to hold myself in, but sometimes I feel it's impossible. I shall be led to saying things that we shall both regret. For Heaven's sake let us part.




We can't go on having these awful quarrels. It's too degrading. It was a horrible mistake that we ever married.


[_Horror-stricken._] Basil!


Oh, you must see that as well as I. We're utterly unsuited to one another. And the baby's death removed the only necessity that held us together.


You talk as if we only remained together because it was convenient.


[_Pa.s.sionately._] Let me go, Jenny. I can't stand it any more. I feel as if I shall go mad.


[_Full of pain and anguish._] It's nothing at all to you.


Jenny, I did my best for you a year ago. I gave you all I had to give.

It was little enough in all conscience. Now I ask you to give me back my freedom.


[_Distracted._] You only think of yourself. What is to become of me?


You'll be much happier. It's the best thing for both of us. I'll do all I can for you, and you can have your mother and sister to live here.


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Plays: Lady Frederick, The Explorer, A Man of Honor Part 128 summary

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