Plays: Lady Frederick, The Explorer, A Man of Honor Part 141

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[_Vehemently._] You know I love you. But because of my great love I beseech you to do your duty.


My duty is to be happy. Let us go where we can love one another--away from England, to a land where love isn't sinful and ugly.


Oh, Basil, let us try to walk straight. Think of your wife, who loves you also--as much as I do. You're all the world to her. You can't treat her so shamefully.

[_She puts her handkerchief to her eyes, and_ BASIL _gently takes away her hand_.


Don't cry, Hilda. I can't bear it.


[_In broken tones._] Don't you understand that we could never respect ourselves again if we did that poor creature such a fearful wrong? She would be always between us with her tears and her sorrows. I tell you I couldn't bear it. Have mercy on me--if you love me at all.


[_Wavering._] Hilda, it's too hard. I can't leave you.


You must. I _know_ it's better to do our duty. For my sake, dearest, go back to your wife, and don't let her ever know that you love me. It's because we're stronger than she that we must sacrifice ourselves.

[_He leans his head on his hands, and sighs deeply. For a while they remain in silence.

At last, with another sigh, he gets up._


I don't know any longer what's right and what's wrong. It all seems confused. It's very hard.


[_Hoa.r.s.ely._] It's just as hard for me, Basil.


[_Broken-hearted._] Good-bye, then. I dare say you're right. And perhaps I should only make you very unhappy.


Good-bye, my dearest.

[_He bends down and kisses her hands. She stifles a sob. He goes slowly to the door, with his back turned to her; and then_ HILDA, _unable to endure it, gives a groan_.


Basil. Don't go.


[_With a cry of joy._] Ah! Hilda.

[_He clasps her pa.s.sionately in his arms._


Oh, I can't bear it. I won't lose you. Basil, say you love me.


[_In a madness of joy._] Yes. I love you with all my heart.


I could have borne it if you'd been happy.


Now _nothing_ can separate us, Hilda. You belong to me for ever.


G.o.d help me! What have I done?


If we lose our souls, what does it matter? We gain the whole world.


Oh, Basil, I want your love. I want your love so badly.


Will you come with me, Hilda? I can take you to a land where the whole earth speaks only of love--and where only love and youth and beauty matter.


Let us go where we can be together always. We have so short a time; let us s.n.a.t.c.h all the happiness we can.


[_Kissing her again._] My darling.

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Plays: Lady Frederick, The Explorer, A Man of Honor Part 141 summary

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