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" concolor, 1 ft., yellow, June, 1790.
" Cooperi, 3 ft., red, yellow, September, Natal, 1862.
" crispiflorus, various, July, 1842.
" cruentus, blood red, white, September, Natal, 1868.
" cuspidatus, 1-1/2 ft., white, brown, May, 1795.
" debilis, 1-1/2 ft, white, May.
" decoratus, 3 ft., scarlet, yellow, East Africa, 1890.
" dracocephalus, 2-1/4 ft., greenish yellow with purple lines, Natal, 1871.
" Eckloni, 1 to 1-1/2 ft., pinkish white, densely red spotted, Autumn, South Africa, 1862.
" edulis, 1-1/2 ft., white, June, 1816.
" Elloni, white tipped with purple, 1890.
" festivus, pale rose, July, 1844.
" flexuosus, 1 ft., orange, June, 1825.
" floribundus, 1 ft., citron, July, 1788.
" Gandavensis, rich crimson, yellow, summer, hybrid.
" gracilis, 2 ft., blue, white, April, 1800.
" hastatus, 1 ft., flesh, May, 1846.
" hirsutus, 1-1/2 ft., pink, June, 1795.
" hyalinus, 1 ft., yellow, red, June, 1825.
" imbricatus, 1 ft., red, June, Russia, 1820.
" involutus, 1-1/2 ft., pink, June, 1757.
" Kirkii, 3 ft., rose, Grahamstown, 1890.
" Kotschya.n.u.s, light violet, Afghanistan and Persia.
" Leichtlini, scarlet, yellow, Transvaal, 1889.
" Mackinderii, 2 ft., red or yellow, 1905.
" Milleri, 1-1/2 ft., violet, May, 1751.
" Mortonius, 1-1/2 ft., white, 1837.
" namaquensis, 3/4 ft., orange, June, 1800.
" natalensis, 4 ft., scarlet, yellow, August, Natal River, 1830.
" ochroleucus, Transvaal.
" oppositiflorus, April, Madagascar, 1843.
" papilio, 2 ft., purple, yellow, South Africa, 1866.
" permeabilis, 3/4 ft., orange, June, 1825.
" primulinus, Primrose-yellow, East Africa, 1890.
" psittacinus, 3 ft., scarlet, yellow, S. E. Africa.
" pudibundus, 3 ft., rose, hybrid (G. blandus G. Cardinalis).
" punctatus, greenish-yellow, brownish-purple, 1889.
" purpureo-auratus, yellow, purple, Natal, 1872.
" Quartinia.n.u.s, 4 ft., yellow and red.
" recurvus, 2 ft., striped, May, 1758.
" Saundersii, scarlet, white, August, South Africa, 1871.
" segetum, 2 ft., purple, July, South Europe, 1596.
" sericeo-villosus, 3 ft., yellow, S. Africa, 1864.
" Salmoneus, 2 ft., bright salmon.
" tenellus, 3/4 ft., yellow, June, 1825.
" tenuis, 1 ft., red, June, Tauria, 1823.
" trichonemifolius, 1-1/2 ft., yellow, June, 1800.
" trimaculatus, 1 ft., red, white, June, 1794.
" tristis, 1 ft., brown, red, 1745.
" turicensis, Garden hybrid: G. Gandavensis G. Saundersii.