De Re Metallica Part 44

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Although minute particles of gold appear to scintillate in the regulus of copper and silver, yet if all that are in a _libra_ do not weigh as much as a single sesterce, then the sulphur has satisfactorily parted the gold from the silver; but if it should weigh a sesterce or more, then the regulus is thrown back again into the earthen crucible, and it is not advantageous to add sulphur, but only a little copper and powder, by which method a gold lump is again made to settle at the bottom; and this one is added to the other b.u.t.ton which is not rich in gold.

When gold is parted from sixty-six _librae_ of silver, the silver, copper, and sulphur regulus weighs one hundred and thirty-two _librae_.

To separate the copper from the silver we require five hundred _librae_ of lead, more or less, with which the regulus is melted in the second furnace. In this manner litharge and hearth-lead are made, which are re-smelted in the first furnace. The cakes that are made from these are placed in the third furnace, so that the lead may be separated from the copper and used again, for it contains very little silver. The crucibles and their covers are crushed, washed, and the sediment is melted together with litharge and hearth-lead.

Those who wish to separate all the silver from the gold by this method leave one part of gold to three of silver, and then reduce the alloy to granules. Then they place it in an ampulla, and by pouring _aqua valens_ over it, part the gold from the silver, which process I explained in Book VII.

If sulphur from the lye with which _sal artificiosus_ is made, is strong enough to float an egg thrown into it, and is boiled until it no longer emits fumes, and melts when placed upon glowing coals, then, if such sulphur is thrown into the melted silver, it parts the gold from it.

[Ill.u.s.tration 453 (Parting precious metals with antimony): A--Furnace in which the air is drawn in through holes. B--Goldsmith's forge.

C--Earthen crucibles. D--Iron pots. E--Block.]

Silver is also parted from gold by means of _stibium_[17]. If in a _bes of_ gold there are seven, or six, or five double _s.e.xtulae_ of silver, then three parts of _stibium_ are added to one part of gold; but in order that the _stibium_ should not consume the gold, it is melted with copper in a red hot earthen crucible. If the gold contains some portion of copper, then to eight _unciae_ of _stibium_ a _sicilicus_ of copper is added; and if it contains no copper, then half an _uncia_, because copper must be added to _stibium_ in order to part gold from silver. The gold is first placed in a red hot earthen crucible, and when melted it swells, and a little _stibium_ is added to it lest it run over; in a short s.p.a.ce of time, when this has melted, it likewise again swells, and when this occurs it is advisable to put in all the remainder of the _stibium_, and to cover the crucible with a lid, and then to heat the mixture for the time required to walk thirty-five paces. Then it is at once poured out into an iron pot, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, which was first heated and smeared over with tallow or wax, and set on an iron or wooden block. It is shaken violently, and by this agitation the gold lump settles to the bottom, and when the pot has cooled it is tapped loose, and is again melted four times in the same way. But each time a less weight of _stibium_ is added to the gold, until finally only twice as much _stibium_ is added as there is gold, or a little more; then the gold lump is melted in a cupel. The _stibium_ is melted again three or four times in an earthen crucible, and each time a gold lump settles, so that there are three or four gold lumps, and these are all melted together in a cupel.

To two _librae_ and a half of such _stibium_ are added two _librae_ of argol and one _libra_ of gla.s.s-galls, and they are melted in an earthen crucible, where a lump likewise settles at the bottom; this lump is melted in the cupel. Finally, the _stibium_ with a little lead added, is melted in the cupel, in which, after all the rest has been consumed by the fire, the silver alone remains. If the _stibium_ is not first melted in an earthen crucible with argol and gla.s.s-galls, before it is melted in the cupel, part of the silver is consumed, and is absorbed by the ash and powder of which the cupel is made.

The crucible in which the gold and silver alloy are melted with _stibium_, and also the cupel, are placed in a furnace, which is usually of the kind in which the air is drawn in through holes; or else they are placed in a goldsmith's forge.

Just as _aqua valens_ poured over silver, from which the sulphur has parted the gold, shows us whether all has been separated or whether particles of gold remain in the silver; so do certain ingredients, if placed in the pot or crucible "alternately" with the gold, from which the silver has been parted by _stibium_, and heated, show us whether all have been separated or not.

We use cements[18] when, without _stibium_, we part silver or copper or both so ingeniously and admirably from gold. There are various cements.

Some consist of half a _libra_ of brick dust, a quarter of a _libra_ of salt, an _uncia_ of saltpetre, half an _uncia_ of sal-ammoniac, and half an _uncia_ of rock salt. The bricks or tiles from which the dust is made must be composed of fatty clays, free from sand, grit, and small stones, and must be moderately burnt and very old.

Another cement is made of a _bes_ of brick dust, a third of rock salt, an _uncia_ of saltpetre, and half an _uncia_ of refined salt. Another cement is made of a _bes_ of brick dust, a quarter of refined salt, one and a half _unciae_ of saltpetre, an _uncia_ of sal-ammoniac, and half an _uncia_ of rock salt. Another has one _libra_ of brick dust, and half a _libra_ of rock salt, to which some add a sixth of a _libra_ and a _sicilicus_ of vitriol. Another is made of half a _libra_ of brick dust, a third of a _libra_ of rock salt, an _uncia_ and a half of vitriol, and one _uncia_ of saltpetre. Another consists of a _bes_ of brick dust, a third of refined salt, a sixth of white vitriol[19], half an _uncia_ of verdigris, and likewise half an _uncia_ of saltpetre. Another is made of one and a third _librae_ of brick dust, a _bes_ of rock salt, a sixth of a _libra_ and half an _uncia_ of sal-ammoniac, a sixth and half an _uncia_ of vitriol, and a sixth of saltpetre. Another contains a _libra_ of brick dust, a third of refined salt, and one and a half _unciae_ of vitriol.

Those ingredients above are peculiar to each cement, but what follows is common to all. Each of the ingredients is first separately crushed to powder; the bricks are placed on a hard rock or marble, and crushed with an iron implement; the other things are crushed in a mortar with a pestle; each is separately pa.s.sed through a sieve. Then they are all mixed together, and are moistened with vinegar in which a little sal-ammoniac has been dissolved, if the cement does not contain any. But some workers, however, prefer to moisten the gold granules or gold-leaf instead.

The cement should be placed, alternately with the gold, in new and clean pots in which no water has ever been poured. In the bottom the cement is levelled with an iron implement, and afterward the gold granules or leaves are placed one against the other, so that they may touch it on all sides; then, again, a handful of the cement, or more if the pots are large, is thrown in and levelled with an iron implement; the granules and leaves are laid over this in the same manner, and this is repeated until the pot is filled. Then it is covered with a lid, and the place where they join is smeared over with artificial lute, and when this is dry the pots are placed in the furnace.

[Ill.u.s.tration 455 (Parting precious metals by cementation): A--Furnace.

B--Pot. C--Lid. D--Air-holes.]

The furnace has three chambers, the lowest of which is a foot high; into this lowest chamber the air penetrates through an opening, and into it the ashes fall from the burnt wood, which is supported by iron rods, arranged to form a grating. The middle chamber is two feet high, and the wood is pushed in through its mouth. The wood ought to be oak, holmoak, or turkey-oak, for from these the slow and lasting fire is made which is necessary for this operation. The upper chamber is open at the top so that the pots, for which it has the depth, may be put into it; the floor of this chamber consists of iron rods, so strong that they may bear the weight of the pots and the heat of the fire; they are sufficiently far apart that the fire may penetrate well and may heat the pots. The pots are narrow at the bottom, so that the fire entering into the s.p.a.ce between them may heat them; at the top the pots are wide, so that they may touch and hold back the heat of the fire. The upper part of the furnace is closed in with bricks not very thick, or with tiles and lute, and two or three air-holes are left, through which the fumes and flames may escape.

The gold granules or leaves and the cement, alternately placed in the pots, are heated by a gentle fire, gradually increasing for twenty-four hours, if the furnace was heated for two hours before the full pots were stood in it, and if this was not done, then for twenty-six hours. The fire should be increased in such a manner that the pieces of gold and the cement, in which is the potency to separate the silver and copper from the gold, may not melt, for in this case the labour and cost will be spent in vain; therefore, it is ample to have the fire hot enough that the pots always remain red. After so many hours all the burning wood should be drawn out of the furnace. Then the refractory bricks or tiles are removed from the top of the furnace, and the glowing pots are taken out with the tongs. The lids are removed, and if there is time it is well to allow the gold to cool by itself, for then there is less loss; but if time cannot be spared for that operation, the pieces of gold are immediately placed separately into a wooden or bronze vessel of water and gradually quenched, lest the cement which absorbs the silver should exhale it. The pieces of gold, and the cement adhering to them, when cooled or quenched, are rolled with a little mallet so as to crush the lumps and free the gold from the cement. Then they are sifted by a fine sieve, which is placed over a bronze vessel; in this manner the cement containing the silver or the copper or both, falls from the sieve into the bronze vessel, and the gold granules or leaves remain on it.

The gold is placed in a vessel and again rolled with the little mallet, so that it may be cleansed from the cement which absorbs silver and copper.

The particles of cement, which have dropped through the holes of the sieve into the bronze vessel, are washed in a bowl, over a wooden tub, being shaken about with the hands, so that the minute particles of gold which have fallen through the sieve may be separated. These are again washed in a little vessel, with warm water, and scrubbed with a piece of wood or a twig broom, that the moistened cement may be detached.

Afterward all the gold is again washed with warm water, and collected with a bristle brush, and should be washed in a copper full of holes, under which is placed a little vessel. Then it is necessary to put the gold on an iron plate, under which is a vessel, and to wash it with warm water. Finally, it is placed in a bowl, and, when dry, the granules or leaves are rubbed against a touchstone at the same time as a touch-needle, and considered carefully as to whether they be pure or alloyed. If they are not pure enough, the granules or the leaves, together with the cement which attracts silver and copper, are arranged alternately in layers in the same manner, and again heated; this is done as often as is necessary, but the last time it is heated as many hours as are required to cleanse the gold.

Some people add another cement to the granules or leaves. This cement lacks the ingredients of metalliferous origin, such as verdigris and vitriol, for if these are in the cement, the gold usually takes up a little of the base metal; or if it does not do this, it is stained by them. For this reason some very rightly never make use of cements containing these things, because brick dust and salt alone, especially rock salt, are able to extract all the silver and copper from the gold and to attract it to themselves.

It is not necessary for coiners to make absolutely pure gold, but to heat it only until such a fineness is obtained as is needed for the gold money which they are coining.

The gold is heated, and when it shows the necessary golden yellow colour and is wholly pure, it is melted and made into bars, in which case they are either prepared by the coiners with _chrysocolla_, which is called by the Moors borax, or are prepared with salt of lye made from the ashes of ivy or of other salty herbs.

The cement which has absorbed silver or copper, after water has been poured over it, is dried and crushed, and when mixed with hearth-lead and de-silverized lead, is smelted in the blast furnace. The alloy of silver and lead, or of silver and copper and lead, which flows out, is again melted in the cupellation furnace, in order that the lead and copper may be separated from the silver. The silver is finally thoroughly purified in the refining furnace, and in this practical manner there is no silver lost, or only a minute quant.i.ty.

There are besides this, certain other cements[20] which part gold from silver, composed of sulphur, _stibium_ and other ingredients. One of these compounds consists of half an _uncia_ of vitriol dried by the heat of the fire and reduced to powder, a sixth of refined salt, a third of _stibium_, half a _libra_ of prepared sulphur (not exposed to the fire), one _sicilicus_ of gla.s.s, likewise one _sicilicus_ of saltpetre, and a _drachma_ of sal-ammoniac.[21] The sulphur is prepared as follows: it is first crushed to powder, then it is heated for six hours in sharp vinegar, and finally poured into a vessel and washed with warm water; then that which settles at the bottom of the vessel is dried. To refine the salt it is placed in river water and boiled, and again evaporated.

The second compound contains one _libra_ of sulphur (not exposed to fire) and two _librae_ of refined salt. The third compound is made from one _libra_ of sulphur (not exposed to the fire), half a _libra_ of refined salt, a quarter of a _libra_ of sal-ammoniac, and one _uncia_ of red-lead. The fourth compound consists of one _libra_ each of refined salt, sulphur (not exposed to the fire) and argol, and half a _libra_ of _chrysocolla_ which the Moors call borax. The fifth compound has equal proportions of sulphur (not exposed to the fire), sal-ammoniac, saltpetre, and verdigris.

The silver which contains some portion of gold is first melted with lead in an earthen crucible, and they are heated together until the silver exhales the lead. If there was a _libra_ of silver, there must be six _drachmae_ of lead. Then the silver is sprinkled with two _unciae_ of that powdered compound and is stirred; afterward it is poured into another crucible, first warmed and lined with tallow, and then violently shaken. The rest is performed according to the process I have already explained.

Gold may be parted without injury from silver goblets and from other gilt vessels and articles[22], by means of a powder, which consists of one part of sal-ammoniac and half a part of sulphur. The gilt goblet or other article is smeared with oil, and the powder is dusted on; the article is seized in the hand, or with tongs, and is carried to the fire and sharply tapped, and by this means the gold falls into water in vessels placed underneath, while the goblet remains uninjured.

Gold is also parted from silver on gilt articles by means of quicksilver. This is poured into an earthen crucible, and so warmed by the fire that the finger can bear the heat when dipped into it; the silver-gilt objects are placed in it, and when the quicksilver adheres to them they are taken out and placed on a dish, into which, when cooled, the gold falls, together with the quicksilver. Again and frequently the same silver-gilt object is placed in heated quicksilver, and the same process is continued until at last no more gold is visible on the object; then the object is placed in the fire, and the quicksilver which adheres to it is exhaled. Then the artificer takes a hare's foot, and brushes up into a dish the quicksilver and the gold which have fallen together from the silver article, and puts them into a cloth made of woven cotton or into a soft leather; the quicksilver is squeezed through one or the other into another dish.[23] The gold remains in the cloth or the leather, and when collected is placed in a piece of charcoal hollowed out, and is heated until it melts, and a little b.u.t.ton is made from it. This b.u.t.ton is heated with a little _stibium_ in an earthen crucible and poured out into another little vessel, by which method the gold settles at the bottom, and the _stibium_ is seen to be on the top; then the work is completed. Finally, the gold b.u.t.ton is put in a hollowed-out brick and placed in the fire, and by this method the gold is made pure. By means of the above methods gold is parted from silver and also silver from gold.

Now I will explain the methods used to separate copper from gold[24].

The salt which we call _sal-artificiosus_,[25] is made from a _libra_ each of vitriol, alum, saltpetre, and sulphur not exposed to the fire, and half a _libra_ of sal-ammoniac; these ingredients when crushed are heated with one part of lye made from the ashes used by wool dyers, one part of unslaked lime, and four parts of beech ashes. The ingredients are boiled in the lye until the whole has been dissolved. Then it is immediately dried and kept in a hot place, lest it turn into oil; and afterward when crushed, a _libra_ of lead-ash is mixed with it. With each _libra_ of this powdered compound one and a half _unciae_ of the copper is gradually sprinkled into a hot crucible, and it is stirred rapidly and frequently with an iron rod. When the crucible has cooled and been broken up, the b.u.t.ton of gold is found.

The second method for parting is the following. Two _librae_ of sulphur not exposed to the fire, and four _librae_ of refined salt are crushed and mixed; a sixth of a _libra_ and half an _uncia_ of this powder is added to a _bes_ of granules made of lead, and twice as much copper containing gold; they are heated together in an earthen crucible until they melt. When cooled, the b.u.t.ton is taken out and purged of slag. From this b.u.t.ton they again make granules, to a third of a _libra_ of which is added half a _libra_ of that powder of which I have spoken, and they are placed in alternate layers in the crucible; it is well to cover the crucible and to seal it up, and afterward it is heated over a gentle fire until the granules melt. Soon afterward, the crucible is taken off the fire, and when it is cool the b.u.t.ton is extracted. From this, when purified and again melted down, the third granules are made, to which, if they weigh a sixth of a _libra_, is added one half an _uncia_ and a _sicilicus_ of the powder, and they are heated in the same manner, and the b.u.t.ton of gold settles at the bottom of the crucible.

The third method is as follows. From time to time small pieces of sulphur, enveloped in or mixed with wax, are dropped into six _librae_ of the molten copper, and consumed; the sulphur weighs half an _uncia_ and a _sicilicus_. Then one and a half _sicilici_ of powdered saltpetre are dropped into the same copper and likewise consumed; then again half an _uncia_ and a _sicilicus_ of sulphur enveloped in wax; afterward one and a half _sicilici_ of lead-ash enveloped in wax, or of minium made from red-lead. Then immediately the copper is taken out, and to the gold b.u.t.ton, which is now mixed with only a little copper, they add _stibium_ to double the amount of the b.u.t.ton; these are heated together until the _stibium_ is driven off; then the b.u.t.ton, together with lead of half the weight of the b.u.t.ton, are heated in a cupel. Finally, the gold is taken out of this and quenched, and if there is a blackish colour settled in it, it is melted with a little of the _chrysocolla_ which the Moors call borax; if too pale, it is melted with _stibium_, and acquires its own golden-yellow colour. There are some who take out the molten copper with an iron ladle and pour it into another crucible, whose aperture is sealed up with lute, and they place it over glowing charcoal, and when they have thrown in the powders of which I have spoken, they stir the whole ma.s.s rapidly with an iron rod, and thus separate the gold from the copper; the former settles at the bottom of the crucible, the latter floats on the top. Then the aperture of the crucible is opened with the red-hot tongs, and the copper runs out. The gold which remains is re-heated with _stibium_, and when this is exhaled the gold is heated for the third time in a cupel with a fourth part of lead, and then quenched.

The fourth method is to melt one and a third _librae_ of the copper with a sixth of a _libra_ of lead, and to pour it into another crucible smeared on the inside with tallow or gypsum; and to this is added a powder consisting of half an _uncia_ each of prepared sulphur, verdigris, and saltpetre, and an _uncia_ and a half of _sal coctus_. The fifth method consists of placing in a crucible one _libra_ of the copper and two _librae_ of granulated lead, with one and a half _unciae_ of _sal-artificiosus_; they are at first heated over a gentle fire and then over a fiercer one. The sixth method consists in heating together a _bes_ of the copper and one-sixth of a _libra_ each of sulphur, salt, and _stibium_. The seventh method consists of heating together a _bes_ of the copper and one-sixth each of iron scales and filings, salt, _stibium_, and gla.s.s-galls. The eighth method consists of heating together one _libra_ of the copper, one and a half _librae_ of sulphur, half a _libra_ of verdigris, and a _libra_ of refined salt. The ninth method consists of placing in one _libra_ of the molten copper as much pounded sulphur, not exposed to the fire, and of stirring it rapidly with an iron rod; the lump is ground to powder, into which quicksilver is poured, and this attracts to itself the gold.

Gilded copper articles are moistened with water and placed on the fire, and when they are glowing they are quenched with cold water, and the gold is sc.r.a.ped off with a bra.s.s rod. By these practical methods gold is separated from copper.

Either copper or lead is separated from silver by the methods which I will now explain.[26] This is carried on in a building near by the works, or in the works in which the gold or silver ores or alloys are smelted. The middle wall of such a building is twenty-one feet long and fifteen feet high, and from this a front wall is distant fifteen feet toward the river; the rear wall is nineteen feet distant, and both these walls are thirty-six feet long and fourteen feet high; a transverse wall extends from the end of the front wall to the end of the rear wall; then fifteen feet back a second transverse wall is built out from the front wall to the end of the middle wall. In that s.p.a.ce which is between those two transverse walls are set up the stamps, by means of which the ores and the necessary ingredients for smelting are broken up.

From the further end of the front wall, a third transverse wall leads to the other end of the middle wall, and from the same to the end of the rear wall. The s.p.a.ce between the second and third transverse walls, and between the rear and middle long walls, contains the cupellation furnace, in which lead is separated from gold or silver. The vertical wall of its chimney is erected upon the middle wall, and the sloping chimney-wall rests on the beams which extend from the second transverse wall to the third; these are so located that they are at a distance of thirteen feet from the middle long wall and four from the rear wall, and they are two feet wide and thick. From the ground up to the roof-beams is twelve feet, and lest the sloping chimney-wall should fall down, it is partly supported by means of many iron rods, and partly by means of a few tie-beams covered with lute, which extend from the small beams of the sloping chimney-wall to the beams of the vertical chimney-wall. The rear roof is arranged in the same way as the roof of the works in which ore is smelted. In the s.p.a.ce between the middle and the front long walls and between the second[27] and the third transverse walls are the bellows, the machinery for depressing and the instrument for raising them. A drum on the axle of a water-wheel has rundles which turn the toothed drum of an axle, whose long cams depress the levers of the bellows, and also another toothed drum on an axle, whose cams raise the tappets of the stamps, but in the opposite direction. So that if the cams which depress the levers of the bellows turn from north to south, the cams of the stamps turn from south to north.

[Ill.u.s.tration 468 (Cupellation Furnace): A--Rectangular stones.

B--Sole-stone. C--Air-holes. D--Internal walls. E--Dome. F--Crucible.

G--Bands. H--Bars. I--Apertures in the dome. K--Lid of the dome.

L--Rings. M--Pipes. N--Valves. O--Chains.]

Lead is separated from gold or silver in a cupellation furnace, of which the structure consists of rectangular stones, of two interior walls of which the one intersects the other transversely, of a round sole, and of a dome. Its crucible is made from powder of earth and ash; but I will first speak of the structure and also of the rectangular stones. A circular wall is built four feet and three palms high, and one foot thick; from the height of two feet and three palms from the bottom, the upper part of the interior is cut away to the width of one palm, so that the stone sole may rest upon it. There are usually as many as fourteen stones; on the outside they are a foot and a palm wide, and on the inside narrower, because the inner circle is much smaller than the outer; if the stones are wider, fewer are required, if narrower more; they are sunk into the earth to a depth of a foot and a palm. At the top each one is joined to the next by an iron staple, the points of which are embedded in holes, and into each hole is poured molten lead. This stone structure has six air-holes near the ground, at a height of a foot above the ground; they are two feet and a palm from the bottom of the stones; each of these air-holes is in two stones, and is two palms high, and a palm and three digits wide. One of them is on the right side, between the wall which protects the main wall from the fire, and the channel through which the litharge flows out of the furnace crucible; the other five air-holes are distributed all round at equal distances apart; through these escapes the moisture which the earth exhales when heated, and if it were not for these openings the crucible would absorb the moisture and be damaged. In such a case a lump would be raised, like that which a mole throws up from the earth, and the ash would float on the top, and the crucible would absorb the silver-lead alloy; there are some who, because of this, make the rear part of the structure entirely open. The two inner walls, of which one intersects the other, are built of bricks, and are a brick in thickness. There are four air-holes in these, one in each part, which are about one digit's breadth higher and wider than the others. Into the four compartments is thrown a wheelbarrowful of slag, and over this is placed a large wicker basket full of charcoal dust. These walls extend a cubit above the ground, and on these, and on the ledge cut in the rectangular stones, is placed the stone sole; this sole is a palm and three digits thick, and on all sides touches the rectangular stones; if there are any cracks in it they are filled up with fragments of stone or brick. The front part of the sole is sloped so that a channel can be made, through which the litharge flows out. Copper plates are placed on this part of the sole-stone so that the silver-lead or other alloy may be more rapidly heated.

A dome which has the shape of half a sphere covers the crucible. It consists of iron bands and of bars and of a lid. There are three bands, each about a palm wide and a digit thick; the lowest is at a distance of one foot from the middle one, and the middle one a distance of two feet from the upper one. Under them are eighteen iron bars fixed by iron rivets; these bars are of the same width and thickness as the bands, and they are of such a length, that curving, they reach from the lower band to the upper, that is two feet and three palms long, while the dome is only one foot and three palms high. All the bars and bands of the dome have iron plates fastened on the underside with iron wire. In addition, the dome has four apertures; the rear one, which is situated opposite the channel through which the litharge flows out, is two feet wide at the bottom; toward the top, since it slopes gently, it is narrower, being a foot, three palms, and a digit wide; there is no bar at this place, for the aperture extends from the upper band to the middle one, but not to the lower one. The second aperture is situated above the channel, is two and a half feet wide at the bottom, and two feet and a palm at the top; and there is likewise no bar at this point; indeed, not only does the bar not extend to the lower band, but the lower band itself does not extend over this part, in order that the master can draw the litharge out of the crucible. There are besides, in the wall which protects the wall against the heat, near where the nozzles of the bellows are situated, two apertures, three palms wide and about a foot high, in the middle of which two rods descend, fastened on the inside with plates. Near these apertures are placed the nozzles of the bellows, and through the apertures extend the pipes in which the nozzles of the bellows are set. These pipes are made of iron plates rolled up; they are two palms three digits long, and their inside diameter is three and a half digits; into these two pipes the nozzles of the bellows penetrate a distance of three digits from their valves. The lid of the dome consists of an iron band at the bottom, two digits wide, and of three curved iron bars, which extend from one point on the band to the point opposite; they cross each other at the top, where they are fixed by means of iron rivets. On the under side of the bars there are likewise plates fastened by rivets; each of the plates has small holes the size of a finger, so that the lute will adhere when the interior is lined. The dome has three iron rings engaged in wide holes in the heads of iron claves, which fasten the bars to the middle band at these points. Into these rings are fastened the hooks of the chains with which the dome is raised, when the master is preparing the crucible.

On the sole and the copper plates and the rock of the furnace, lute mixed with straw is placed to a depth of three digits, and it is pounded with a wooden rammer until it is compressed to a depth of one digit only. The rammer-head is round and three palms high, two palms wide at the bottom, and tapering upward; its handle is three feet long, and where it is set into the rammer-head it is bound around with an iron band. The top of the stonework in which the dome rests is also covered with lute, likewise mixed with straw, to the thickness of a palm. All this, as soon as it becomes loosened, must be repaired.

[Ill.u.s.tration 470 (Cupellation Furnace): A--An artificer tamping the crucible with a rammer. B--Large rammer. C--Broom. D--Two smaller rammers. E--Curved iron plates. F--Part of a wooden strip. G--Sieve.

H--Ashes. I--Iron shovel. K--Iron plate. L--block of wood. M--Rock.

N--Basket made of woven twigs. O--Hooked bar. P--Second hooked bar.

Q--Old linen rag. R--bucket. S--Doeskin. T--Bundles of straw. V--Wood.

X--Cakes of lead alloy. Y--Fork. Z--Another workman covers the outside of the furnace with lute where the dome fits on it. AA--Basket full of ashes. BB--Lid of the dome. CC--The a.s.sistant standing on the steps pours charcoal into the crucible through the hole at the top of the dome. DD--Iron implement with which the lute is beaten. EE--Lute.

FF--Ladle with which the workman or master takes a sample. GG--Rabble with which the sc.u.m of impure lead is drawn off. HH--Iron wedge with which the silver ma.s.s is raised.]

The artificer who undertakes the work of parting the metals, distributes the operation into two s.h.i.+fts of two days. On the one morning he sprinkles a little ash into the lute, and when he has poured some water over it he brushes it over with a broom. Then he throws in sifted ashes and dampens them with water, so that they could be moulded into b.a.l.l.s like snow. The ashes are those from which lye has been made by letting water percolate through them, for other ashes which are fatty would have to be burnt again in order to make them less fat. When he has made the ashes smooth by pressing them with his hands, he makes the crucible slope down toward the middle; then he tamps it, as I have described, with a rammer. He afterward, with two small wooden rammers, one held in each hand, forms the channel through which the litharge flows out. The heads of these small rammers are each a palm wide, two digits thick, and one foot high; the handle of each is somewhat rounded, is a digit and a half less in diameter than the rammer-head, and is three feet in length; the rammer-head as well as the handle is made of one piece of wood. Then with shoes on, he descends into the crucible and stamps it in every direction with his feet, in which manner it is packed and made sloping. Then he again tamps it with a large rammer, and removing his shoe from his right foot he draws a circle around the crucible with it, and cuts out the circle thus drawn with an iron plate. This plate is curved at both ends, is three palms long, as many digits wide, and has wooden handles a palm and two digits long, and two digits thick; the iron plate is curved back at the top and ends, which penetrate into handles. There are some who use in the place of the plate a strip of wood, like the rim of a sieve; this is three digits wide, and is cut out at both ends that it may be held in the hands. Afterward he tamps the channel through which the litharge discharges. Lest the ashes should fall out, he blocks up the aperture with a stone shaped to fit it, against which he places a board, and lest this fall, he props it with a stick. Then he pours in a basketful of ashes and tamps them with the large rammer; then again and again he pours in ashes and tamps them with the rammer. When the channel has been made, he throws dry ashes all over the crucible with a sieve, and smooths and rubs it with his hands. Then he throws three basketsful of damp ashes on the margin all round the edge of the crucible, and lets down the dome. Soon after, climbing upon the crucible, he builds up ashes all around it, lest the molten alloy should flow out. Then, having raised the lid of the dome, he throws a basketful of charcoal into the crucible, together with an iron shovelful of glowing coals, and he also throws some of the latter through the apertures in the sides of the dome, and he spreads them with the same shovel. This work and labour is finished in the s.p.a.ce of two hours.

An iron plate is set in the ground under the channel, and upon this is placed a wooden block, three feet and a palm long, a foot and two palms and as many digits wide at the back, and two palms and as many digits wide in front; on the block of wood is placed a stone, and over it an iron plate similar to the bottom one, and upon this he puts a basketful of charcoal, and also an iron shovelful of burning charcoals. The crucible is heated in an hour, and then, with the hooked bar with which the litharge is drawn off, he stirs the remainder of the charcoal about.

This hook is a palm long and three digits wide, has the form of a double triangle, and has an iron handle four feet long, into which is set a wooden one six feet long. There are some who use instead a simple hooked bar. After about an hour's time, he stirs the charcoal again with the bar, and with the shovel throws into the crucible the burning charcoals lying in the channel; then again, after the s.p.a.ce of an hour, he stirs the burning charcoals with the same bar. If he did not thus stir them about, some blackness would remain in the crucible and that part would be damaged, because it would not be sufficiently dried. Therefore the a.s.sistant stirs and turns the burning charcoal that it may be entirely burnt up, and so that the crucible may be well heated, which takes three hours; then the crucible is left quiet for the remaining two hours.

When the hour of eleven has struck, he sweeps up the charcoal ashes with a broom and throws them out of the crucible. Then he climbs on to the dome, and pa.s.sing his hand in through its opening, and dipping an old linen rag in a bucket of water mixed with ashes, he moistens the whole of the crucible and sweeps it. In this way he uses two bucketsful of the mixture, each holding five Roman _s.e.xtarii_,[28] and he does this lest the crucible, when the metals are being parted, should break open; after this he rubs the crucible with a doe skin, and fills in the cracks. Then he places at the left side of the channel, two fragments of hearth-lead, laid one on the top of the other, so that when partly melted they remain fixed and form an obstacle, that the litharge will not be blown about by the wind from the bellows, but remain in its place. It is expedient, however, to use a brick in the place of the hearth-lead, for as this gets much hotter, therefore it causes the litharge to form more rapidly. The crucible in its middle part is made two palms and as many digits deeper.[29]

There are some who having thus prepared the crucible, smear it over with incense[30], ground to powder and dissolved in white of egg, soaking it up in a sponge and then squeezing it out again; there are others who smear over it a liquid consisting of white of egg and double the amount of bullock's blood or marrow. Some throw lime into the crucible through a sieve.

Afterward the master of the works weighs the lead with which the gold or silver or both are mixed, and he sometimes puts a hundred _centumpondia_[31] into the crucible, but frequently only sixty, or fifty, or much less. After it has been weighed, he strews about in the crucible three small bundles of straw, lest the lead by its weight should break the surface. Then he places in the channel several cakes of lead alloy, and through the aperture at the rear of the dome he places some along the sides; then, ascending to the opening at the top of the dome, he arranges in the crucible round about the dome the cakes which his a.s.sistant hands to him, and after ascending again and pa.s.sing his hands through the same aperture, he likewise places other cakes inside the crucible. On the second day those which remain he, with an iron fork, places on the wood through the rear aperture of the dome.

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De Re Metallica Part 44 summary

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