The Kellys and the O'Kellys Part 23

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"Ah! but you forget Morris," said Tierney; "and there's yourself, too.

If Ballindine is not to be the lucky man, I don't see why either of you should despair."

"Oh! as for me, I'm the devil. I've a tail, only I don't wear it, except on state occasions; and I've horns and hoofs, only people can't see them. But I don't see why Morris should not succeed: he's the only one of the four that doesn't own a racehorse, and that's much in his favour. What do you say, Morris?"

"I'd have no objection," said the member; "except that I wouldn't like to stand in Lord Ballindine's way."

"Oh! he's the soul of good-nature. You wouldn't take it ill of him, would you, Frank?"

"Not the least," said Frank, sulkily; for he didn't like the conversation, and he didn't know how to put a stop to it.

"Perhaps you wouldn't mind giving him a line of introduction to Lord Cashel," said Mat.

"But, Morris," said Blake, "I'm afraid your politics would go against you. A Repealer would never go down at Grey Abbey."

"Morris'll never let his politics harm him," said Tierney. "Repeal's a very good thing the other side of the Shannon; or one might, carry it as far as Conciliation Hall, if one was hard pressed, and near an election. Were you ever in Conciliation Hall yet, Morris?"

"No, Mat; but I'm going next Thursday. Will you go with me?"

"Faith, I will not: but I think you should go; you ought to do something for your country, for you're a patriot. I never was a public man."

"Well, when I can do any good for my country, I'll go there. Talking of that, I saw O'Connell in town yesterday, and I never saw him looking so well. The verdict hasn't disturbed him much. I wonder what steps the Government will take now? They must be fairly bothered. I don't think they dare imprison him."

"Not dare!" said Blake--'and why not? When they had courage to indict him, you need not fear but what they'll dare to go on with a strong hand, now they have a verdict."

"I'll tell you what, Dot; if they imprison the whole set," said Mat, "and keep them in prison for twelve months, every Catholic in Ireland will be a Repealer by the end of that time."

"And why shouldn't they all be Repealers?" said Morris. "It seems to me that it's just as natural for us to be Repealers, as it is for you to be the contrary."

"I won't say they don't dare to put them in prison," continued Mat; "but I will say they'll be great fools to do it. The Government have so good an excuse for not doing so: they have such an easy path out of the hobble. There was just enough difference of opinion among the judges--just enough irregularity in the trial, such as the omissions of the names from the long panel--to enable them to pardon the whole set with a good grace."

"If they did," said Blake, "the whole high Tory party in this country--peers and parsons--would be furious. They'd lose one set of supporters, and wouldn't gain another. My opinion is, they'll lock the whole party up in the stone jug--for some time, at least."

"Why," said Tierney, "their own party could not quarrel with them for not taking an advantage of a verdict, as to the legality of which there is so much difference of opinion even among the judges. I don't know much about these things, myself; but, as far as I can understand, they would have all been found guilty of high treason a few years back, and probably have been hung or beheaded; and if they could do that now, the country would be all the quieter. But they can't: the people will have their own way; and if they want the people to go easy, they shouldn't put O'Connell into prison. Rob them all of the glories of martyrdom, and you'd find you'll cut their combs and stop their crowing."

"It's not so easy to do that now, Mat," said Morris. "You'll find that the country will stick to O'Connell, whether he's in prison or out of it;--but Peel will never dare to put him there. They talk of the Penitentiary; but I'll tell you what, if they put him there, the people of Dublin won't leave one stone upon another; they'd have it all down in a night."

"You forget, Morris, how near Richmond barracks are to the Penitentiary."

"No, I don't. Not that I think there'll be any row of the kind, for I'll bet a hundred guineas they're never put in prison at all."

"Done," said Dot, and his little book was out--"put that down, Morris, and I'll initial it: a hundred guineas, even, that O'Connell is not in prison within twelve months of this time."

"Very well: that is, that he's not put there and kept there for six months, in consequence of the verdict just given at the State trials."

"No, my boy; that's not it. I said nothing about being kept there six months. They're going to try for a writ of error, or what the devil they call it, before the peers. But I'll bet you a cool hundred he is put in prison before twelve months are over, in consequence of the verdict. If he's locked up there for one night, I win. Will you take that?"

"Well, I will," said Morris; and they both went to work at their little books.

"I was in London," said Mat, "during the greater portion of the trial--and it's astonis.h.i.+ng what unanimity of opinion there was at the club that the whole set would be acquitted. I heard Howard make bet, at the Reform Club, that the only man put in prison would be the Attorney-General."

"He ought to have included the Chief Justice," said Morris. "By the bye, Mat, is that Howard the brother of the Honourable and Riverind Augustus?"

"Upon my soul, I don't know whose brother he is. Who is the Riverind Augustus?"

"Morris wants to tell a story, Mat,' said Blake; 'don't spoil him, now."

"Indeed I don't," said the member: "I never told it to any one till I mentioned it to you the other day. It only happened the other day, but it _is_ worth telling."

"Out with it, Morris," said Mat, "it isn't very long, is it?--because, if it is, we'll get Dot to give us a little whiskey and hot water first. I'm sick of the claret."

"Just as you like, Mat," and Blake rang the bell, and the hot water was brought.

"You know Savarius O'Leary," said Morris, anxious to tell his story, "eh, Tierney?"

"What, Savy, with the whiskers?" said Tierney, "to be sure I do. Who doesn't know Savy?"

"You know him, don't you, Lord Ballindine?" Morris was determined everybody should listen to him.

"Oh yes, I know him; he comes from County Mayo--his property's close to mine; that is, the patch of rocks and cabins--which he has managed to mortgage three times over, and each time for more than its value--which he still calls the O'Leary estate."

"Well; some time ago--that is, since London began to fill, O'Leary was seen walking down Regent Street, with a parson. How the deuce he'd ever got hold of the parson, or the parson of him, was never explained; but Phil Mahon saw him, and asked him who his friend in the white choker was. 'Is it my friend in black, you mane?' says Savy, 'thin, my frind was the Honourable and the Riverind Augustus Howard, the Dane.' 'Howard the Dane,' said Mahon, 'how the duce did any of the Howards become Danes?' 'Ah, bother!' said Savy, 'it's not of thim Danes he is; it's not the Danes of Shwaden I mane, at all, man; but a rural Dane of the Church of England.'"

Mat Tierney laughed heartily at this, and even Frank forgot that his dignity had been hurt, and that he meant to be sulky; and he laughed also: the little member was delighted with his success, and felt himself encouraged to persevere.

"Ah, Savy's a queer fellow, if you knew him," he continued, turning to Lord Ballindine, "and, upon my soul, he's no fool. Oh, if you knew him as well--"

"Didn't you hear Ballindine say he was his next door neighbour in Mayo?" said Blake, "or, rather, next barrack neighbour; for they dispense with doors in Mayo--eh, Frank? and their houses are all cabins or barracks."

"Why, we certainly don't pretend to all the Apuleian luxuries of Handicap Lodge; but we are ignorant enough to think ourselves comfortable, and swinish enough to enjoy our pitiable state."

"I beg ten thousand pardons, my dear fellow. I didn't mean to offend your nationality. Castlebar, we must allow, is a fine provincial city--though Killala's the Mayo city, I believe; and Claremorris, which is your own town I think, is, as all admit, a gem of Paradise: only it's a pity so many of the houses have been unroofed lately. It adds perhaps to the picturesque effect, but it must, I should think, take away from the comfort."

"Not a house in Claremorris belongs to me," said Lord Ballindine, again rather sulky, "or ever did to any of my family. I would as soon own Claremorris, though, as I would Castleblakeney. Your own town is quite as shattered-looking a place."

"That's quite true--but I have some hopes that Castleblakeney will be blotted out of the face of creation before I come into possession."

"But I was saying about Savy O'Leary," again interposed Morris, "did you ever hear what he did?"

But Blake would not allow his guest the privilege of another story. "If you encourage Morris," said he, "we shall never get our whist," and with that he rose from the table and walked away into the next room.

They played high. Morris always played high if he could, for he made money by whist. Tierney was not a gambler by profession; but the men he lived among all played, and he, therefore, got into the way of it, and played the game well, for he was obliged to do so in his own defence.

Blake was an adept at every thing of the kind; and though the card-table was not the place where his light shone brightest, still he was quite at home at it.

As might be supposed, Lord Ballindine did not fare well among the three. He played with each of them, one after the other, and lost with them all. Blake, to do him justice, did not wish to see his friend's money go into the little member's pocket, and, once or twice, proposed giving up; but Frank did not second the proposal, and Morris was inveterate. The consequence was that, before the table was broken up, Lord Ballindine had lost a sum of money which he could very ill spare, and went to bed in a very unenviable state of mind, in spite of the brilliant prospects on which his friends congratulated him.


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The Kellys and the O'Kellys Part 23 summary

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