Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous -
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_Emarginate_, applied to gills which are notched or scooped out suddenly before they reach the stem.
_Embryo_, the mushroom before leaving its volva or egg stage; also any early stage of mushrooms which may have no volva.
_Entire_, the edge quite devoid of serrature or notch.
_Epidermis_, the external or outer layer of the plant.
_Epiphytal_, growing upon another plant.
_Equal_, all gills of the same, or nearly the same length from back to front.
_Eroded_, the edge ragged, as if torn.
_Etiolated_, whitened, bleached.
_Even_, distinguished from smooth: a surface quite plane as contrasted with one which is striate, pitted, etc.
_Excentric_, out of center. The stems of some mushrooms are always excentric.
_Exotic_, foreign.
_Family_, a systematic group in scientific cla.s.sification embracing a greater or less number of genera which agree in certain characters not shared by others of the same order.
_Farinaceous_, mealy.
_Farinose_, covered with a white, mealy powder.
_Fascia_, a band or bar.
_Fasciate_, zoned with bands.
_Fasciculate_, growing in small bundles.
_Fastigiate_, bundled together like a sheath.
_Favose_, honeycombed.
_Ferruginous_, rust-colored.
_Fibrillose_, clothed with small fibers.
_Fibrous_, composed of fibers.
_Filiform_, thread-like.
_Fimbriated_, fringed.
_Fissile_, capable of being split.
_Fistular_, _fistulose_, tubular.
_Flabelliform_, fan-shaped.
_Flavescent_, yellowish, or turning yellow.
_Flexuose_, wavy.
_Flocci_, threads as of mold.
_Floccose_, downy.
_Flocculose_, covered with flocci.
_Foveolate_, pitted.
_Free_, in relation to the gills of mushrooms reaching the stem but not attached to it.
_Fringe_, a lacerated marginal membrane.
_Fructification_, reproducing power of a plant.
_Fugacious_, disappearing rapidly.
_Furcate_, forked.
_Fuliginous_, blackish or sooty.
_Fulvous_, tawny; a rather indefinite brownish yellow.
_Furfuraceous_, with branny scales or scurf.
_Fuscous_, brownish, but dingy; not pure.
_Fusiform_, spindle-shaped.
_Genera_, plural of genus.
_Generic_, pertaining to a genus.
_Genus_, a group of species having one or more characteristics in common; the union of several genera presenting the same features const.i.tutes a tribe.
_Gibbous_, in the form of a swelling; of a pileus which is more convex or tumid on one side than the other.
_Gills_, vertical plates radiating from the stem on the under surface of the mushroom cap.
_Glabrous_, smooth.