Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous -
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_Glaucescent_, inclining to glaucose.
_Glaucose_, covered with a whitish-green bloom or fine white powder easily rubbed off.
_Globose_, nearly spherical.
_Granular_, with roughened surface.
_Greaved_, of a stem clothed like a leg in armor.
_Gregarious_, of mushrooms not solitary but growing in numbers in the same locality.
_Grumous_, clotted; composed of little cl.u.s.tered grains.
_Guttate_, marked with tear-like spots.
_Gyrose_, circling in wavy folds.
_Habitat_, natural abode of a vegetable species.
_Hepatic_, pertaining to the liver; hence, liver-colored.
_Heterogeneous_, of a structure which is different from adjacent ones.
_Hibernal_, pertaining to winter.
_Hirsute_, hairy.
_h.o.m.ogeneous_, similar in structure.
_Hyaline_, transparent.
_Hygrophanous_, looking watery when moist and opaque when dry.
_Hymenium_, the fructifying surface of the mushroom; the part on which the spores are borne.
_Hymenoph.o.r.e_, the structure which bears the hymenium.
_Hypogaeous_, subterranean.
_Identification_, the determination of the species to which a given specimen belongs.
_Identify_, to determine the systematic name of a specimen.
_Imbricate_, overlapped like tiles.
_Immarginate_, without a distinct border.
_Immersed_, sunk into the matrix.
_Incised_, cut out; cut away.
_Indehiscent_, not opening.
_Indigenous_, native of a country.
_Inferior_, growing below; of the ring of an agaric, which is far down on the stem.
_Infundibuliform_, funnel-shaped.
_Innate_, adhering by growing into.
_Inserted_, growing like a graft from its stock.
_Involute_, edges rolled inward.
_Laciniate_, divided into flaps.
_Lactescent_, milk-bearing.
_Lacunose_, pitted or having cavities.
_Lamellae_, gills of mushrooms.
_Lanceolate_, lance-shaped; tapering to both ends.
_Lateral_, attached to one side.
_Latex_, the viscid fluid contained in some mushrooms.
_Laticiferous_, applied to the tubes conveying latex, as in the Lactarias.
_Lepidote_, scurfy with minute scales.
_Leucospore_, white spore.
_Ligneous_, woody consistency.
_Linear_, narrow and straight.
_Linguiform_, tongue-shaped.
Fries, Saccardo, Kromholtz, Cooke and Berkeley, M. C. Cooke, Peck, Stevenson, Badham, Gillet, Boyer, Gibson, Roques, Hussey, Hay, Bel, Paulet and Leveille, Constantin and Dufour, Barla, Roze, W. G. Smith, Vittadini.