Why Not Soar Your Majesty Chapter 4.2

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Chapter 4.2 Marriage was successful, performing PDA

[Throwing in a bonus chapter for Dillycat ♡] 

“Okay, okay, okay!” Tang Xiao faced her posters and her eyes were full of hearts again.

“Right, when you come on that day, remember to bring some fruit pancakes from downstairs~ If you forget it, don’t even think about coming up~”

Xiaolin: “....”

After Xiaolin left, Tang Xiao turned on her computer again and started playing games again.

Su Muzhe was online too.

[Whisper] You to Su Muzhe: I received the posters~~ Thank you, thank you, thank you! If you have Mu Cheng’s fully nude posters, remember to contact me!!!!

[Whisper] Su Muzhe to you: … You don’t want face.

[Whisper]You to Su Muzhe: Correct.

[Whisper]  Su Muzhe to you: ….

Normally, Tang Xiao would say a few more words to disgust Su Muzhe but today, she was in a good mood, so she didn’t plan to do so.

Just like July said, why did she even bother annoying Su Muzhe when she had no reason to?

After all, a few decades later, they’d be hand in hand dancing in the public square.

Today’s world was too peaceful because last night’s affair had already sapped everyone’s strength and vitality.

There weren’t any people calling for missions today either.

[Guild] Tang poem: Who wants to go mob the nine tailed fox? Anyone?

There was only dead silence in reply.

[World] Tang poem: Who wants to go mob the nine tailed fox? Anyone?

Again, there was only dead silence in reply.

Tang Xiao became gloomy, there were definitely people from the guild online and there were even more people online on the server so why wasn’t anyone talking to her?

[World] Tang poem: Is there anyone?!

[World] Tang poem: Wife?

[World] Su Muzhe: What?

[World] July: Hurts.

[World] Millions of lolis: I really want to sing a romantic song and watch the most beautiful fireworks.

[World] This emperor: In the middle of the city, my heart drifts, my heart quivers for love.

[World] Parting song: Once, lost in the wind and rain, I loved the loneliness.

[World] Olden day dawn: Looking into the distance at night, at the starry sky, everything becomes withered.

[World] Su Muzhe: …..

[World] Tang poem: What’s up with you guys! Did you all go crazy? Why do I feel like I’ve come into an asylum!

[World] This emperor: This emperor hasn’t gone crazy but has been overstimulated by you guys. My mental state isn’t stable right now. I thought you were joking when you proposed but who knew that Su Muzhe actually agreed and after agreeing, you actually fled from the marriage.

[World] This emperor: After fleeing, Su Muzhe forced the marriage and after the forced marriage, you actually cut off your little ***! After cutting off your little ***, Su Muzhe actually pressed you little *** back on. And after pressing it back on, you actually both got married. And after marriage, you guys actually did PDA! And this PDA …

[World] Tang poem: ….

[World] Millions of lolis: Follow my left hand and my right hand, slowly move, right hand, left hand, slowly repeat.

[World] Parting song: Oh~ Didn’t this song make you happy? Did you fall in love with me?

[World] July: Little Tang poem and Su Muzhe are performing PDA, so anything’s possible. Love, love, love!

The citizens of Buddhist temple crowded around. The drama from these two months was too much and some had been overstimulated to the point of going crazy.

For example, Ranzhi Jiangshan’s Parting song and Olden day dawn, that bunch.

Others had grown stronger from this stimulation, their whole bodies ascending to a new level, for example, This emperor hasn’t gone crazy and Millions of lolis crossing the Great River.

Tang Xiao had asked a whole bunch of other people if they wanted to go mobbing monsters but no one replied to her so she decided to go to the wild and kill people for fun instead.

Maybe it was because yesterday was too exciting, there weren’t many people in the wild today.

There were only a few small accounts attacking monsters today.

[Now] Tang poem: Aiyo~ what a coincidence~

Olden day dawn didn’t even look at her, he only continued to slowly attack the monster.

Tang Xiao started ma.s.sacre mode, cast a freezing spell and made the whole group freeze on the spot.

The monster they had been attacking instantly went to find helpers.

One large attack then made the whole group of newbies fall down dead.

Olden day dawn’s defense was too high so this little bit didn’t affect him much.

[Now] Tang poem: That wasn’t me.

[Now] Olden day dawn: Beast.

[Now] Tang poem: Aiyo.

Without waiting for Tang poem to react, Su Muzhe had used their couple skill to teleport to her side.

After marrying in Spirit Road, the couple gains two new skills.

One is to teleport to the other’s side and the other skill is to heal the other easier.

[Now] Su Muzhe: Little Tang poem, I blinked and you disappeared, already causing a racket elsewhere.

[Now] Tang poem: Okay, I give up. I’m leaving, you guys play by yourselves~

Leave? What a joke, how could she.

Tang poem wandered around in the wild because around this time, the nine tailed fox should appear.

It was the rumoured ‘boss’ of the world, a fox that could conjure up eight other fake doppelgangers.

But you had to kill the real fox to complete the mission.

Tang Xiao made a loop before she finally found the fox in a corner.

She slowly made her way over and threw a bomb which hit the fox, making it aggressive as it roared and pounced on her.

Scared, she quickly ran.

She circled around the wild as she ran so pretty much any players around her got hit by the nine fox and died after a single paw attack.

After searching for them for half a day, Su Muzhe and his group were still casually attacking the monsters in the spot where they were before.

[Now] Olden day dawn: d.a.m.n it! If you can’t beat it, why did you lure it here? Shameless!

[Now] Tang poem: How can you call this shameless? En en en?

Tang poem’s dexterity was really good so she could pretty much dodge any critical attacks.

But the other people near her couldn’t.

The newbies were pretty much all lying on the ground, and even Olden day dawn was kissing the ground after a single paw swipe.

Su Muzhe dodged and dodged while calling for help.

Every thirty seconds, the nine tailed fox would unleash a big hit so before anyone could come, Tang poem and Su Muzhe were already lying on the ground.

[Now] Tang poem: Wife? Have you died yet? Quick! Hold onto me, when they collect our corpses, they’ll know that we were a pair.

[Now] Su Muzhe: …...


TL note:

This is the song that the guild sings for Tang Xiao when July suddenly says "hurts", it's the end of the line "you will not get hurt" after the guy calls the girl "wife".

It’s a pretty weird song and even Tang Xiao doesn't realise they randomly decided to break into song.

The song is called "Husband's temptation" by Phoenix Legend.

This is also the same duo that brought you this - "The most dazzling folk style".


I'm a few chapters ahead so h.e.l.lo someone sponsor me like how Tang Xiao wants to sponsor Mu Cheng (!)

Leave a comment and for more trouble making Tang Xiao xx

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Why Not Soar Your Majesty Chapter 4.2 summary

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