Why Not Soar Your Majesty Chapter 5.2

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Chapter 5.2 - Failed to attack monsters, instead got beaten up

Parting song was a summoner, he could call up lots of babies so now there was a row of babies behind him as well as a fox.

[Now] Tang poem: d.a.m.n, what the h.e.l.l are you doing.

But quickly, she knew what the h.e.l.l he was doing. Freaking starting a fight!

Parting song’s sudden attack caught her off guard as the support nurse had to keep healing her.

With the healing, Tang poem wasn’t scared.

The two people started an all out brawl, but no one thought of it as strange.

After a few more rounds of fighting, the nine tailed fox unleashed another critical hit and knocked down the whole party again.

[Now] Su Muzhe: We’re not fighting any more today. Those who have missions to complete can go complete them.

[Now] Tang poem: Ah, why?

[Now] Parting song: No reason why, just because between beating up the nine tailed fox and beating you up, I’d rather beat you up.

Parting song silently resurrected and rushed over to beat Tang poem up again.

A summoner had a lot of babies so Tang Xiao utilised this time to muddle up the scene.

Parting song couldn’t get the upper hand, but Tang poem didn’t have it easy either.

Su Muzhe found a safe spot to watch the fight.

[Now] Tang poem: Wait, hero, I need to say something.

Tang Xiao had to type and fight at the same time, her feet and hands were already crazily busy.

She couldn’t even type out her words properly so Parting song quickly got the upper hand.

Tang poem laid on the ground and stared speechlessly at the sky.

The Su Muzhe who had been squatting and watching the fight for a while finally ran over, copied her previous actions and threw a chrysanthemum flower on her.

[Now] Su Muzhe: Your chrysanthemum flower is blooming~ You threw this out before, don’t waste it.

Tang Xiao ridiculed silently: Su Muzhe wasn’t just quick tongued anymore, he was clearly petty and salty as h.e.l.l!

After being resurrected, Parting song rolled up his sleeves and started again.

Tang poem quickly ran to the safety zone.

[Now] Tang poem: Hero! You have to be reasonable, as a guild master, how can you be so rash, so violent?! What happened exactly? Weren’t we happily gossiping about Mu Cheng just before?

[Now] Su Muzhe: What did you just say about Mu Cheng’s a.s.sistant?

Su Muzhe helpfully reminded from the side.

Tang Xiao thought for a bit, she seemed to have accidentally just repeated what Xiao Lin said about not eating dog p.o.o.p?

[Now] Tang poem: Not eating dog p.o.o.p? I misspoke! What I wanted to say was to not eat soft or hard. Wait, are you his relative? G.o.d d.a.m.n it, Xiao Lin said that!

Parting song didn’t bother with her and Tang Xiao quickly thought of another possibility.

[Now] Tang poem: Or are you Mu Cheng’s a.s.sistant’s lover? Wait, that’s not right. Why do I remember you as a guy? G.o.d d.a.m.n it, his a.s.sistant’s gay?? Does that mean Mu Cheng’s in danger?!?!!

[Now] Su Muzhe: …..

[Now] Parting song: He’s your old man!

[Now] Tang poem: I would actually prefer Mu Cheng’s a.s.sistant to be my old man, then I can use a relative’s relation to pull some strings to get to Mu Cheng!

[Now] Parting song: ….

[Now] Su Muzhe: …..

[Now] Parting song: You actually like Mu Cheng that much?

Tang Xiao originally didn’t want face in real life so when she played games anonymously, her not-wanting-face comes out even more naturally.

[Now] Tang poem: What do you mean like?! It’s love! Love!

[Now] Su Muzhe: ….

At this time, another person facing a computer and a certain not eating p.o.o.p a.s.sistant were discussing this.

Xia Ziyang had been an a.s.sistant for so long but he had never really placed any importance on gossip.

But this time, he couldn’t hold it in and ran to the neighbouring apartment.

“Little Tang poem really has no self awareness. She made you send posters and made it out to Lin Wen (Xiao Lin)’s address. I actually thought she figured out who you were.”

Mu Cheng’s fingers. .h.i.t the keyboard a few more times, and hearing his a.s.sistant’s words, lightly laughed. “You’re overestimating her.”

“In a few days, you’ll be partic.i.p.ating in an event with her, don’t forget.”

Mu Cheng nodded his head then moved his attention back to the game.

In the game, Parting song had left for a while and Su Muzhe didn’t say anything so the female enchantress in the game, bored, went to play by herself.

Mu Cheng looked at the female enchantress who disappeared from his screen and suddenly, his temple throbbed.

He had a bad feeling.

Far away, he saw Tang poem pull the nine tailed fox over again so Su Muzhe quickly ran off to hide.

But the Xia Ziyang who hadn’t reached his computer yet, wasn’t so lucky.

“I feel like you should go look at your game.” Mu Cheng helpfully called for his attention.

Xia Ziyang leaned over and his whole body didn’t feel okay.

His head hurt as he rubbed at his temples. “I feel like if she put all of her trouble making efforts towards the right path, she would’ve guessed ages ago that you are Su Muzhe.”


[Now] Parting song: Little Tang poem, are you lacking love again~

[Now] Tang poem: I’m using my body to personally tell you, idling in a wild area is very dangerous!

[Now] Parting song: …...


TL note:

Use a relative’s strings - the literal Chinese is another saying, “the pavilion closest to the water gets the moon first” which is basically saying that you should get as close as possible to the person or whatever you want to be able to get it first. Here, Tang Xiao wants the a.s.sistant to be her old man so that she can get closer to Mu Cheng.

First time that the author’s tacitly said that Su Muzhe is Mu Cheng (as if it wasn’t obvious already) but Parting song is also Mu Cheng’s a.s.sistant ah.

Tang Xiao has really bad luck.

A few other characters will know her or already know her in real life too. It’s a realisation that will cause a lot of headaches for her~

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Why Not Soar Your Majesty Chapter 5.2 summary

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