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--(65) A {k}inglet's {t}yphoid {th}at e{n}ded {m}arvellously = (18)71--Nov.--23
--(66) {G}reat (Britain) i{m}mediately {p}aid {th}e awa{r}d = (18)73--Sept.--14
--(67) {C}ourageous {R}ichards {sh}owed u{n}usual {p}edestrianism = (18)74--June--29
--(68) A {C}aptain's {l}ivery wi{l}l e{n}sure {f}loating = (18)75--May--28
--(69) A {c}urrent's {b}rightness {d}oes e{n}rich eye{s}ight = (18)79--Oct.--20
--(70) A {C}rippled {B}ridge {th}e{n} i{n}stantly {f}ell = (18)79--Dec.--28
--(71) A {f}emale {s}cribe {d}ie{d} i{n} {N}ovember--(18)80--Nov.--22
--(72) {F}oreign {d}octors {f}ormulate {m}edicine = (18)81--Aug.--3
--(73) {F}ixing {l}imits {t}o {t}ime = (18)85--January--1
--(74) {V}ictoria {l}earns Ho{l}y {T}estaments we{l}l = (18)85--May--15
--(75) Hal{v}ing e{l}ectrics {d}oubles {t}elegraphing = (18)85--Oct.--1
--(76) {V}ictoria--{Q}ueen {r}eally e{n}ters a {m}onastery = (18)87--April--23
--(77) {V}ictorian {c}ongratulations {sh}ow e{n}lightened {s}ubjects = (18)87--June--20
--(78) A {F}act {f}inder {d}rinks {t}oasts = (18)88--January--1
--(79) {F}emale {v}ictims o{f} u{n}natural {b}utchery = (18)88--August--29
--(80) {V}ictoria a{p}plauds I{r}ving's {n}umerous {ch}armers = (18)89--April--26
--(81) A {f}amous {B}oard {b}rought a{l}leviation = (18)89--Sept.--5
--(82) {F}urnis.h.i.+ng {b}uildings {d}i{d} {d}elight {p}aupers = (18)89--Nov.--19
--(83) A {b}ig {s}peech {f}or e{d}ucation = (18)90--Aug.--1
--(84) A {p}riest {s}urrenders a{f}ter {th}eological {t}oil = (18)90--Aug.--11
--(85) {B}radlaugh {d}ies i{n} {m}ockery or {B}radlaugh's {d}eath {n}ow {m}ourned = (18)91--Feb.--3
--(86) {P}eris.h.i.+ng "U{t}opia" {m}eans a wa{t}ery {g}rave = (18)91--March--17
--(87) {P}ostal {d}elegates wi{l}l i{n}augurate {m}ethods = (18)91--May--23
--(88) {B}ritish {d}omination {g}enerates {t}rue {p}atriotism = (18)91--June--19
--(89) {P}rimrose {d}emonstration {g}ave Ha{t}field {f}lattery = (18)91--July--18
--(90) {P}us.h.i.+ng e{d}ucation {f}or {ch}ildren = (18)91--Aug.--6
--(91) {P}ublic {t}itles {p}ublicly {th}rown {d}own = (18)91--Sept.--11
--(92) {B}aring's {d}ues {p}aid {th}e {c}reditors = (18)91--Sept.--17
--(93) {P}ublis.h.i.+ng {t}uberculosis {d}oes i{n}vite i{n}vestigation = (18)91--Oct.--22
--(94) {B}ooming {t}unes {th}e{n} {l}uxuriated = (18)91--Dec.--5
--(95) O{p}ening {d}ays {th}i{n} I{n}dian {C}ongress = (18)91--Dec.--27
--(96) A {B}ritish {m}inistry {d}etermine {th}e {K}hedive = (18)93--January--17
--(97) {B}ank {m}ismanagement {r}uins {n}umerous {s}ubscribers = (18)93--April--20
--(98) A {B}ill {m}ade {P}eers a{f}raid = (18)93--Sept.--8
--(99) A {P}rofessor's "{M}rs." {th}e{n} e{r}red = (18)93--Dec.--4--, or giving the year alone we say: {T}yndall's Wi{f}e {b}ecame a {m}ind-wanderer or {T}yndall's Wi{f}e {p}oisoned hi{m} = 1893
--(100) {D}arwinianism {f}avors {b}iological {r}idicule = 1894--, or {B}iological {r}esearches {f}avors {f}ault-finding = (18)94--August--8.
If the pupil has painstakingly reviewed this entire work, let him for the next three months, whenever he wishes to fix anything in mind, not apply the methods of the system to it, but concentrate his thoughts upon it with the utmost intensity so that his improved power of a.s.similation will seize upon it with an unreleasing grasp, and, then, when the three months period has pa.s.sed, he will find that he has consolidated the Habit of Attention and Memory.