The Gentleman's Model Letter-writer Part 22

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Being desirous of obtaining a clerks.h.i.+p, and seeing by advertis.e.m.e.nt that your firm is in want of a confidential clerk, I beg to offer myself as a candidate for the situation. I held a similar appointment for some years with Messrs. Turine and Medei of San Paulo. I can write, speak fluently, interpret, and translate French, Spanish, and German.

I enclose copies of my testimonials. Should you be pleased to appoint me, no exertion on my part shall be wanting to give you satisfaction.

I remain,


Your obedient servant,

_A Reply to an Advertis.e.m.e.nt for an Appointment as Secretary to an Inst.i.tution._

London, May 31st, 187--

"_Wanted immediately, a Secretary._"


With reference to the above advertis.e.m.e.nt I beg to enclose copies of testimonials, received within the last few months, by which you will see my capability for management. My friends, you will observe, are gentlemen of position and influence, with whom I am and have been for years on terms of the greatest intimacy. I need not say that, should I obtain the appointment in question, my interest with them and many other very influential friends should be exerted to the utmost of my power to promote in every way the interests of the Inst.i.tution.

I remain,


Yours faithfully,

H. V. Y.

_Applying to a Friend for a Recommendation by a Young Man desirous of obtaining an Appointment._

Chelsea, May 14th, 187--


As you have known me for very many years, and as I am at present endeavouring to obtain an appointment with Messrs. L----g and L----g, may I take the liberty of asking you to give me a recommendation to them? You know that I have always borne an upright and unblemished character, and that while under your superintendence I was always attentive to my duties, and I believe that I obtained your confidence. Trusting you will comply with my request,

I remain,

Dear Sir,

Yours respectfully,

H. P. K.

_An Application for a Situation in the Police._

Sevenoaks, February 12th, 187--


Having served with you for seven years in the --th Foot, during which time I was employed in situations of trust, and hearing now that you have great influence with the Commissioners of the Police Force of the City of London, may I take the liberty of asking you to a.s.sist me in obtaining an appointment in the Force? I am twenty-eight years of age, five feet ten inches in height, strong and healthy, and carried away many prizes at our regimental games.

I remain, Sir,

Yours most respectfully,

H. J. I.,

Late Sergeant 199th Foot.

Colonel ----, Belgrave Square.

_From a Person desirous of Employment as a Manager of a Wholesale or Retail Business._

Shepherd's Bush, April 5th, 187--


I beg to forward a strong recommendation from Messrs. C---- and G---- for the post of manager of your [retail or wholesale] business.

For some years previous to the late war I was employed by Messrs.

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The Gentleman's Model Letter-writer Part 22 summary

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