The Gentleman's Model Letter-writer Part 23

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---- and ----, and was selected by their French correspondents to manage a branch establishment at B----, which is now progressing most satisfactorily. I am a good correspondent in French and Italian and German, and understand the business well in all its branches.

Trusting that you will favourably consider my friend's recommendation,

I remain, Gentlemen,

Yours faithfully,

_Reply to an Application relating to an Advertis.e.m.e.nt._

420, Princes Street, London.


In reply to yours respecting the advertis.e.m.e.nt in yesterday's _Times_, the appointment referred to was to fill up a vacancy in the Board of an established Brewery Company, "limited," and one which has the prospect of more than ordinary success. All the parties connected with it are of the highest respectability. ---- pounds are required to be invested in paid-up shares, and the remuneration of a director would probably be ---- per annum. There is one appointment also connected with this, worth ---- per annum; but the individual who takes this is expected to introduce ---- on share or loan capital. Should this be likely to suit you, please make an appointment for an early interview.

Yours faithfully,

_A Book-keeper and Accountant applying for Employment._

Hampton, February 1st, 187--


My late employer, Mr. ----, having relinquished business, and hearing that you required a book-keeper, I venture to apply for the situation. For many years I have had great business experience, having been entrusted with matters of great responsibility. I am a good accountant, and can speak and write German, French, and Italian fluently. Soliciting the favour of a reply,

I remain, Sir,

Yours faithfully,

_Application for Employment in an Auctioneer's and Estate Agent's Office._

Swansea, July 1st, 187--


Having lately been engaged in the office of S---- and Co., auctioneers and surveyors in B----, and wis.h.i.+ng to remove to London, where I have some very influential friends, I write to ascertain if you have a vacancy in your office. The whole control of the business here was left in my hands. I am an experienced surveyor, and can prepare particulars of sale, plans, reports, catalogues, advertis.e.m.e.nts, &c.; and am able to conduct the routine of business, both in and out of doors. I can refer you to persons in the City should you favour me with a reply.

I remain, Sir,

Yours respectfully,

_A Person desirous of entering into Partners.h.i.+p in a Lucrative Profession._

Ladbroke Terrace, May 1st, 187--


Having seen that Mr. B---- has retired from your firm, I beg to introduce to your notice a friend of mine, who wishes to invest about 2000_l._ in a lucrative business. I have pointed out to him what a well established house yours is, and how the business could be readily increased by the a.s.sistance of an energetic partner. He is a man of education, has a great turn for business, and has travelled abroad. He is about thirty years of age, and can give you the most unexceptionable references. If you can call on me I will introduce him to you.

Yours truly,

_An Estate Agent, relative to a House of which his Client is anxious to Dispose._

Salisbury, February 14th, 187--

_Re Woodside._


We have been expecting to hear from you _re_ the above, giving us instructions as to whether we shall put it up in the Mart this spring or not. If it is still your intention to do so, may we ask that you will kindly let us know at once, as we will then immediately get our bills out, and have them posted about, as this is generally requisite a month or two before the sale, so as to have it well advertised.

If you would kindly favour us with a call, we shall be glad to confer with you upon the subject.

We may mention we are expecting to have several other estates for sale by auction in the spring.

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The Gentleman's Model Letter-writer Part 23 summary

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