Planetary Passions - DoubleTrouble Part 12

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aYou like that, sweetheart?a Pol asked.

She gave an incoherent reply. Cas pumped gently, needing to ease her open, while Pol began to ma.s.sage and soothe her for what was to come.

The original ritual had been fast and harsh. Selena had laughed and gloated in her power, while Cas had felt nothing but disgust. What shead done had been no less than rape.

With Fiona the excitement was nearly unbearable. Cas needed to go slowly, to ready her and not come until it was time. But she was so d.a.m.n tight and felt so good that he began to pulse quickly, ready to spill his seed.

He forced himself to take deep breaths, to hold himself back. Pol still needed to loosen her, though she was already relaxing, her body wanting it.

She was so beautiful when caught in s.e.xual pleasure. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were swollen, areolas dark and tight. Her skin thrummed with warmth, her pulse speeding, her eyes half-closed. Her red hair spilled over her shoulders and fanned over Polas brown skin.

aFiona,a Pol breathed, his body tight and ready.

aItas good, she feels so good.a Pol smiled, knowing full well what Cas was experiencing. aAre you ready, Fiona?a Fiona hesitated, looking back at him, her face flushed. aI donat know.a aYouare nice and wide for me,a Pol rea.s.sured her. aDo you remember how we did it at the inn?a aYes.a aThis will be much the same.a Cas hugged her to him, still buried inside her. Pol moved behind her, stroking her back, soothing her. Her legs were already around Casa hips, holding him tight.

Pol parted her b.u.t.tocks with his hands, rubbing and ma.s.saging, opening her wider. Cas felt what Fiona felt, the hard firmness of Polas tip slowly working its way inside.

He felt the burning fire, the slight pain, then the relaxation and the wonderful sensation of being filled. Pol pressed in, and in, and in. Fionaas mind clouded with the double feeling of Cas in her quim, Pol in her a.s.s. They stretched and widened her, but she remained still, not fighting it.

aThatas it, love,a Cas murmured. aYouare taking both of us.a aYouare doing it beautifully,a Pol added.

Fiona could not answer. Cas felt her mind swirl with dark pleasure, the feelings unimaginable. He felt Polas growing excitement as she squeezed him hard, like a mirror of what she was doing to Casa c.o.c.k.

af.u.c.k,a Pol groaned.

aYes,a Cas responded.

The twins felt her as one. Cas felt both her quim and her a.s.s around his c.o.c.k and Polas. Her oiled b.r.e.a.s.t.s rubbed his chest and he felt her leaning back against Pol. He tasted her lips on his, and he tasted her hair as Pol licked and nibbled her neck.

He could no longer tell where his sensations left off and Polas began. They were one now, no longer separate.

Cas also experienced Fionaas pleasure. The two were buried deep, rubbing each other through the walls of her. Her p.u.s.s.y pulsed around his c.o.c.k, and she screamed her pleasure.

She raised her bound hands overhead, just like in the painting of them and Selena, opening herself to being f.u.c.ked fully and deeply by both of them.

The walls of the plain room whirled around and dissolved into nothing. Darkness took its place, with thousands of stars overhead. Cas had no idea where they were. Mount Olympus? In the heavens?

Polas eyes were tightly closed, his hands firmly gripping Fionaas hips. They floated in mid-air, the three of them joined forever. This is what Selena had wanted, the endless, mindless joy of the twins sealed together, feeling everything as one. But it hadnat worked.

Fiona writhed and pulsed between them, her beginning. aYouare both so deep,a she moaned. aG.o.ds, youall tear me apart.a aNo,a Cas said, kissing her face. aNever.a aYouare tearing me apart, sweetheart,a Pol said, his face s.h.i.+ning with sweat. aSheas so sweet. Iam going to come.a aWith me,a Cas urged. aWith me.a aHurry.a aAlmost.a Cas was going crazy. Fionaas blotted out her thoughts, leaving nothing but sensation. Head never felt pleasure like this in his existence, and head existed a very long time.

Pol opened his eyes. Cas saw him notice the darkness and the stars stretching to eternity. aWhat the f.u.c.k?a aNow,a Cas said. He gripped Polas shoulders and counted down. aThree, two, one.a His o.r.g.a.s.m slammed into him like a powerful fist. He threw back his head as hot darkness took him and squeezed him hard. No, that was Fiona, taking his come. She screamed, and he felt the hot seed streaming into her both from himself and Pol.

He couldnat take it, it was killing hima"it was the best thing that ever happened to him.

Cas pumped until he could pump no more. He gathered her close, his arms half around her, half around Polas hard body. Pol moaned and pressed straight up inside her, his eyes shut tight.

Fionaas screaming wound down to wordless sounds, and she collapsed against his chest, her warm hair streaming over him.

The black of s.p.a.ce and bright stars spun again and suddenly they were back in Fionaas bedroom, standing on the cool board floor where they had started.

Pol gently backed out of Fiona, his c.o.c.k still partly stiff, and held her. From the jumble of hands and arms and bodies, he raised his head and looked at Cas, brown eyes full. aThank you,a he said.

Cas didnat answer and knew he didnat need to.

Fiona opened her eyes and looked up sleepily. aThat wasaa She let out her breath in a happy sigh. aNow what happens?a Cas smoothed her hair. aNow we rest.a aMmm, that sounds nice.a Pol laughed. aAnd then we do it again.a * * * * *

Three more times that day, Cas and Pol made love to Fiona. She was surprised she could stand so much, but she wasnat arguing.

The second time, Cas held her and penetrated her while Pol did nothing but touch her, then Pol took her while Cas held her and stroked her.

They did a threesome again, this time on the bed, Cas on one side, Pol on the other. In that position, they fell asleep and woke again when it was dark. They shared some food and a bottle of wine Cas had saved, departed to the separate bathrooms to shower, then returned, refreshed, and performed the ritual standing again.

The feeling of the three of them together amazed Fiona. Shead always wondered what men felt when they made love to a woman. Shead been unprepared for the sharp stab of excitement, the surging buildup to one incredible climax.

Shead screamed when they had, felt what they felt, over and around her own exquisite climax.

When they fell asleep after the third time, shead barely had enough energy to kiss them good night. Shead have to take the day off and sleep to recover.

In the morning, however, the resilient twins had gone, and Fiona dragged herself, bleary eyed, to the showers. She should really put some time in at the dig, regardless of her need to help the twins and avoid Selena.

Why the cat had thought the ritual would help, she had no idea, but she admitted the wonderful love and s.e.x that had surrounded her all night had been worth it.

Only one woman was in the showers this morning, behind a dangling curtain, probably Joan.

aGood morning,a Fiona murmured, then brushed her teeth, stripped off her nights.h.i.+rt, and stepped under the welcoming hot water.

The woman in the next shower zipped back her curtain and came charging into Fionaas stall.

It was Selena. She was naked and wet from the shower, her black hair sleek against her head. Her long, clawed fingers closed around Fionaas neck and pinned her to the wall.

aYou should have stayed in bed,a Selena hissed, and then the shower room disappeared.

Chapter Thirteen.

Fiona quickly learned the difference between having her wrists tied by a soft scarf for a round of pleasurable s.e.x and having them tied in cruelty.

Leather bonds bit into her skin, her arms twisted behind her in at a painful angle. She lay on her side on a cold stone slab, exposed to a leaden sky. She had no idea where she was, but it looked like a ruined site of some ancient Greek temple.

Most sites today had tourists poring over them or archaeologists and historians picking over them bit by bit. Few lay deserted and empty, but this one did.

Selena leaned over her, whip in hand, black hair falling like a s.h.i.+mmering curtain. She dragged her fingers over Fionaas smooth hip. aI understand why they like you, Fiona. Youare beautiful.a Selena had run her hands all over Fionaas naked body, dipping into intimate places while Fiona struggled against her bonds. Selenaas palm moved now on her hip and Fiona bit back nausea.

aStop touching me,a she growled.

Selena smirked. aOnly like demiG.o.ds, do you?a She gave Fionaas backside a tiny slap with the whip. aWe need to do something to keep us busy until they get here.a Anger welled up inside Fiona, hot and intense. aI said, stop touching me.a A fiery spark jumped from Fionaas body to Selena, knocking the demiG.o.ddess a few feet back. Selena scrambled to her feet, blinking, surprised.

Then a slow smile curved on her face. aThey gave you some of their powers, did they? How sweet.a Fiona tried to catch her breath. aWhat are you talking about?a The surge of power had been unexpected and frightening, but at the same time she tasted triumph. She was not the helpless ninny Selena thought her.

aWhen they shared you. When the three of you became one, you absorbed some of their power.a Fiona lay still, not wanting the demiG.o.ddess to know the extent of her bewilderment. Was that why the cat, whoever she was, told Fiona to perform the ritual? So she would acquire some of the twinsa power?

That didnat feel right. The twins were magical, but subtly so. They simply wanted people to do things for them and people did. Their power was the extension of their charm.

This power felt raw and sparkling. Was it the twins who had given it to her or the ritual itself?

aIt will be fun to test how strong you are,a Selena said, folding her arms over her ample bosom. aIt will pa.s.s the time until they get here.a aHow do you know Cas and Pol will do what you want?a Selena smirked. aOh please. I sent them a message theyall understand. They bring me the jar or I kill you. Simple.a aThey will never give you back the means to hold them prisoner.a aYes, they will. Iave been watching them, Fiona. They like you. In fact theyave gotten all sappy and sentimental over you. Theyall bring the jar.a Selena sat down cross-legged next to Fiona and raised her whip. aIn the meantime, letas see what makes Fiona spark.a * * * * *

aIf we give her the jar, itas back to oblivion for us,a Pol said.

Cas held the terracotta pot in his hands, rescued from where theyad hidden it in Hansa stoa in the Agora. Theyad concealed it among other pottery reserved for Fiona and made the others simply not notice it.

He studied the black painted picture of himself and Pol, their arms folded, facing away from each other. He said quietly, aIf we donat take it to her, Fiona will die.a aI know.a The two men stared at one another. Cas saw in Polas eyes that theyad already made their choice. They could not let anything happen to Fiona.

aI will miss her,a Cas said.

aYou think I wonat?a Cas wrapped the jar carefully in the sheets Fiona had used to cus.h.i.+on it. He placed it in the carryall on Hansa motorcycle then lifted his helmet over his head. aI do not suggest we go tamely back to Selena. We fight her.a aIam not doing twenty-five hundred years in the dark with you again.a Cas grinned tightly. Pol would fight to the death.

They mounted the bike, Cas cranked it to life and they shot out into Athenian traffic.

Somehow he knew exactly where to go. He headed through the crowded streets, Pol clutching him and starting to curse again, and bore north, toward Delphi.

He and Pol had left the Agora that morning and returned to wake up Fiona. Theyad enjoyed themselves discussing ways they could rouse her from sleep as they walked, each idea more c.o.c.k-hardening than the last.

When they reached her corridor of the dorm, theyad found a gray cat with orange eyes pacing in an agitated manner outside the bathroom.

Sheas taken her, a womanas voice had projected into their minds. She got past me, and I discovered her too late. Iam sorry.

Cas stared at the cat, feeling its terrible anger and distress.

aWho the h.e.l.l are you?a Pol asked.

I canat reveal myself until itas all over. I promised, d.a.m.n Dionysus anyway. But if she kills Fiona, it will be all over for you, my friends. And I wonat be able to stop it.

Casa own anger built into a murderous rage. Selena would not last the day. If she harmed Fiona he would risk Poseidonas wrath and kill her. Slowly.

Theyad left the cat behind and gone down to the Agora to fetch the jar. Now Cas sped into the countryside of Greece, overtaking busses and cars speeding along toward the tourist Mecca of Delphi.

Selena would not have gone to Delphi itself, Cas reasoned, because she would not risk facing Apollo. The entire area was dedicated to the wors.h.i.+p of Apollo, and Cas knew that twenty-five hundred years would not have diminished the G.o.das fierce possessiveness. Any mortal or half-mortal who challenged Apollo had always come to a nasty end, and Cas doubted the G.o.d had changed.

He instinctively knew to turn west before they reached Delphi. Selena had taken Fiona deep into the mountains where most travelers did not go. He left the main roads and drove the motorcycle across dirt tracks and through rutted gullies, the air growing ever cooler as they climbed.

Pol nudged him from behind and pointed a long arm toward a bowl-like depression just north of them. Cas couldnat hear him over the roar of the bike but he understood.

They left the narrow track head been using and shot off across the fields, scaring a handful of goats and earning the glare of an elderly goatherd. Pol clung harder as the motorcycle slipped and slid down the incline and through a stand of trees.

The bike slid out from under him when it hit a hidden slab of stone. Cas had been going fairly slow over the slippery terrain, so he and Pol didnat fall very hard. They rolled away from the bike, greenery tearing as they slid to reveal an ancient marble floor.

The motorcycle sputtered and died. Cas yanked off his helmet but heard nothing but the empty silence of the ruin. A few stones stood on the periphery of the marble floor and that was all.

aA temple.a Pol wiped gravel from his hair and tossed his helmet aside. aRecognize it?a aNo.a Cas scanned the area, but this Greece was different from the one head roamed thousands of years ago, bent on mischief and fun. Now the beautiful marble and stone buildings lay ruined and abandoned, and metal and the new substance called plastic ruled the day.

He made his way back to the motorcycle and lifted the jar out of the metal saddle bag. The jar was unhurt, as he a.s.sumed, since he and Pol were still intact.

aSheas here,a Pol stated. aI can feel it.a aYes.a Cas c.o.c.ked his head, trying to listen, trying to sense Fionaas whereabouts. He was connected with her as head been connected with no other woman, human or G.o.ddess, in his long life.

But he heard nothing. The silence of the place, forgotten and neglected, bore down on him. The call of birds sounded faintly among the trees, drowned out by the wind moaning across the ruin.

Then, faintly behind the wind, came a sharp scream.

As one Pol and Cas sprinted across the slippery ivy-covered marble toward the corner of the ruin. They heard a second scream, followed by a high-pitched laugh. Then the laugh ended in a yelp.

aOh, that was a good one,a Selenaas amused voice said.

At the end of the slab of marble was a square hole and a staircase leading down. The staircase was deep and narrow and worn smooth by time. Pol descended first, Cas coming behind, carefully carrying the jar.

The staircase opened into a high-ceilinged stone room, now buried, but once it must have been aboveground. Marble pillars marched along each wall, just holding back crumbling rock and dirt.

A gray light filled the room and showed carvings on the marble ceiling, scenes of s.e.xual excess, grotesque renditions of what should be pleasurable. Bondage here meant cruelty, not the joy of surrender.

Fiona floated high on one pillar, her hands pinned behind her, her naked body surrounded by a greenish glow. Selena stood beneath her, her hands splayed, holding Fiona about twenty feet above the floor with her power.

Selena spoke to the twins without turning. aArenat you going to say let her go?a aWe have the jar,a Cas answered.

Selena laughed. She moved her hand and Fiona shot higher, her red head stopping just shy of the ceiling.

As Cas balled his fists a bright gold spark jumped from Fionaas body and arced down to strike Selena.

Selena screamed, and Fiona began to drop. Pol sprinted forward, but before Fiona hit the floor the nimbus caught her, and she floated upward again.

Pol got his hands around Selenaas neck. Selena recovered from the jolt and lashed out with power, sending Pol hurtling backward across the room.

Cas set the jar carefully in a corner and helped Pol to his feet. aIf we go at her together, we can do this.a Polas dark eyes blazed fury. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and gave his brother a nod.

Selena put her hands on her hips. aGive me the jar, or she dies.a aDonat do it,a Fiona shouted.

Cas heard rage in her voice rather than fear. Brave lady.

aYour choices really are all bad,a Selena said. aIf you succeed in killing me youall be bound to the jar forever. Who knows what that means? Will you become mortal and die? Or will you go back into the painting, trapped forever on a piece of clay? And if you destroy the jaraa She made a slitting motion across her throat. aBack to oblivion for you.a aOh, just kill her.a Fiona glared down at the demon demiG.o.ddess. aSheas too full of herself.a Pol laughed out loud. Together he and Cas rushed her, closing in on either side of her. Selena screamed as they bore her backward, and fought them like a cat.

Cas sensed the surges of power in Fiona but knew she didnat know how to control them. Another spark arced out from her body, but it caught Pol on its way to Selena.

Pol rolled away, and Selena cried out, but she did not receive enough of a jolt to slow her down.

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Planetary Passions - DoubleTrouble Part 12 summary

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