Planetary Passions - DoubleTrouble Part 11

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aHow did you know?a Cas asked, walking toward them, hand still on his c.o.c.k.

Fiona sent him a triumphant smile. aYou taste different.a aDo we?a She nodded. aYouare smooth, like wine,a she told Cas. aPol is more likea"schnapps.a Cas blinked. aWhat is schnapps?a aLiquor with a bite, best drunk chilled.a Pol pretended to look horrified. aI hope you donat plan to chill me.a aNo.a She slanted him a wicked smile. aI like you warm.a Their shy Fiona was learning how s.e.xy she was.

Cas moved to Polas side. aDrink both of us,a he suggested.

Fiona gazed up at him, lips parted, as though head just offered her the chalice of ambrosia from Zeusa table. aCan I?a aI donat know, can you?a Pol grinned.

He moved closer to Cas, resting his arm on Casa shoulder. Double trouble, thatas what the G.o.ds of the Pantheon called them. Humans spun stories of Casa and Polas loyalty to each other, but the G.o.ds knew the truth.

h.e.l.l on wheels, Fiona had called them when shead scolded them for riding Hansa bike too fast. Cas should explain to her that they had nothing to do with h.e.l.l or even Hades. They were demiG.o.ds of the heavens, of the paradise of Olympus.

Fiona was smiling as though shead found paradise. She closed her mouth over Polas c.o.c.k, a look of rapture on her face. Then she backed away from him, turned her head, and took Casa.

Casa head rocked back. Oh yes, this was heaven. His fingers tightened on Polas arm, and Pol held him upright, laughing softly.

aSheas good, isnat she?a aShe is perfection,a Cas corrected him.

Fiona went back and fortha"Pol and Cas, Cas and Pol. Her mouth was hot and wet and made Cas crazy. Every time she drew away, he wanted to grab her and drag her back, and he knew Pol wanted the same. He wanted to haul her to the bed and f.u.c.k her, him alone, to tell her who she belonged to first.

At the same time, he wanted Pol to enjoy himself as well. His brother did, grunting as she slid her mouth over him, moving his hips to f.u.c.k her mouth.

Cas felt the buildup behind his b.a.l.l.s that meant he was going to come. Fiona turned her mouth to him but he stepped out of the way.

Pol looked at him like head gone crazy. Cas shook his head. aNot yet. I want to do something else. Pol, let her drink from you on the bed.a Pol grinned slowly, knowing what Cas had in mind, and moved away from Fionaas questing mouth. She looked disappointed but then interested as Pol seated himself on the narrow bed and spread his legs, his feet dangling on either side of it.

Fiona brightened. She enjoyed gazing at Pol spread out like a feast, if the look on her face was anything to go by. When Pol beckoned to her with both hands, she went readily, smiling.

aOn your hands and knees,a Cas said. aTake him with your mouth.a Fiona obeyed. She crawled onto the bed and lowered her lips to cover Polas c.o.c.k, her a.s.s raised.

Thatas what he wanted. Cas found the bottle of oil, smoothed it over his ready and hot c.o.c.k, then climbed behind her.

He wouldnat take her a.s.s, that was for Pol. Fionaas p.u.s.s.y, on the other hand, had been made for Cas.

Cas placed his hands on her hips, positioned himself at her opening and slid himself inside in one firm stroke.

G.o.ds, yes. As before, their senses connected. He experienced her wonder and heart-pounding excitement to feel his c.o.c.k in her, and he experienced his own excitement of her squeezing down on him.

At the same time, through her, he connected with what she was doing with Pol. He felt Polas building urgency and the heat of her tongue as it brushed over Polas f.l.a.n.g.e. It was like f.u.c.king her and being sucked on at the same time.

He knew three would be better than one-on-one. He knew Pol felt what he did, the intense stimulation of her mouth on him and the feel of being inside her p.u.s.s.y.

And Fiona felt all of it. She began to writhe and squeal, trying to keep sucking on Pol while wanting to scream her ecstasy at what Cas was doing to her.

aThatas it, baby,a Pol said, swirling his hand through her fire-red hair. aKeep on it. Make me come.a She wriggled and moaned in her throat. Cas heard deeper moans and realized they came from him.

G.o.ds, having her was better than anything ever had been in his entire existence. Sweet Fiona, you were made for loving.

She loved being f.u.c.ked by them, plus she worried about them and tried to protect them. She was their champion, the woman who rescued them and faced down Selena for them.

Love you, baby. Love you.

He groaned and came. Pol came at the same time, and so did Fiona. The three of them spiraled to excitement together, Casa blood pounding with it.

He felt her p.u.s.s.y squeeze him hard, felt her tongue all over Polas c.o.c.k, felt her ecstasy pumping through her body. Head never had this connection before with any woman, and he knew that this meant she had been made for him.

And Pol.

Maybe Dionysus was looking out for them after all.

They slept after that, the three laid out on Fionaas bed, Cas holding her back against him while Pol snored on her other side. He breathed her fragrance as he slid into sleep, then he dreamed of making love to her.

They were on an island of golden sand while the blue, blue Mediterranean spread out before them, and he made love to Fiona on a beach. Pol lounged nearby, watching them while he sunned his naked body, his feet washed by the mild sea.

He seemed to hear the voice of his half sister, Artemis, daughter of Zeus and twin of Apollo. aFinally got it right, did you, Cas?a The voice was so clear that he awoke. Nothing stirred in the room, save for the faint breeze at the window.

Cas softly kissed Fionaas cheek, and her eyelids fluttered. aAh, you are awake,a he whispered.

She smiled and turned her head for a kiss.

Cas made love to her then and there, entering from behind her, barely moving on the bed. It was slow, warm s.e.x rather than the frantic frenzy theyad shared before.

On her other side, Pol awoke, smiled when he saw what they were doing, and joined in, playing with Fionaas b.r.e.a.s.t.s and quim until she was moaning and squirming between them.

Once Cas had climaxed, she took Pol in her mouth and finished him, all without them moving from the bed.

The full moon, Artemisa symbol, poured over the bed as they drifted to sleep again, and Cas swore he heard his half sister laugh.

When Fiona walked onto the site the next morning, everything seemed to be as normal. Archaeologists rose early because morning shadows were best for finding artifacts, and as usual, the dig was teeming at sunrise.

The smell of hot coffee beckoned her to an urn and she poured herself a cup. Hans was already hovering over his new stoa with Dr. Wheelan looking over his shoulder. Joan and Bob Whittington stood over a drawing spread across a bench, arguing with each other. All was normal.

When anyone glanced up and saw her in her work shorts and t-s.h.i.+rt, they either nodded good morning or waved, but other than that ignored her. Again, all as usual. Everyone was buried in their own tasks.

If they knew that Fiona had spent the night alternatively making love to two men and having Casa c.o.c.k in her while she sucked on Pol spread before her, they made no sign. Digs were such fonts of gossipa"archaeology was a small world in many waysa"that she was amazed no one seemed to know anything.

When the gray cat rubbed her ankles, she suddenly understood. Or thought she did. Had the cat stood guard outside the door and made sure none disturbed them all night?

Fiona still didnat know who the gray cat really was and if the creature was truly on their side. But she was keeping Selena away from them, and for that Fiona found the cat a strip of bacon and fed it to her.

Fiona had left Pol and Cas sleeping, one face up and one facedown, looking d.a.m.n enticing with the sheet tangled around their brown legs, torsos bare to the morning sun. Shead studied them a moment before she left, Polas black hair falling over his outstretched arm, Casa lips curved as he smiled in his sleep.

Fiona tried to banish the smile from her own lips as she walked across the dig to Hans and Dr. Wheelan.

aFiona.a Dr. Wheelan gestured to her absently. aAnother representative of the Greek antiquities department came about the jar. They want to see it. I offered them coffee.a He peered at the site, which was empty of any official-looking Athenian. aI suppose theyare about somewhere. Are you all right, my dear? You look pale.a aJust need my coffee,a Fiona said breathlessly. She turned away, scooped up the gray cat and headed for the pottery room. The cat didnat seem to mind. It relaxed against Fionaas shoulder and purred.

Fiona reached the pottery room and tentatively pushed open the door. She wasnat certain what she was going to do if Selena was therea"throw the cat at her?

She opened the door. A middle-aged man in a brown suit straightened up from studying a row of shards. ah.e.l.lo,a he said.

ah.e.l.lo.a Fiona clutched the cat, wondering if the man would suddenly morph into a black-leather clad Selena.

He didnat look as though he meant to. aI have been hearing about this vessel you have put together from the time of Pericles,a he said in accented English. aI hear that it has a marvelously clear, intact painting. May I see it?a He seemed genuine enougha"in fact, she thought she recognized him from one of the many functions shead gone to at the university when theyad first arrived.

Fiona held the cat a little more firmly and pointed toward the table. aSure. Itas over there.a Her hand froze, finger rigid. The gentleman looked in the direction she indicated and waited, puzzled. aWhere?a Words died on Fionaas lips. The table was empty, the jar gone. She glared accusingly at the cat, who looked back at her with unblinking orange eyes and kept on purring.

Chapter Twelve.

aThis is a complete disaster! Why arenat you worried?a Fiona stood with hands on hips and glared down at the twins who still lounged in her bed. They certainly looked like G.o.ds now, reclining half covered with her sheet, regarding her with lazy eyes.

aThere is nothing to worry about, Fiona,a Cas began.

aYes, there is. Someone stole the jar! Selena most likely.a She pointed an accusing finger at the cat, whoad followed her in. aYou were supposed to guard it.a Pol pushed hair out of his eyes and looked around sleepily. aWho are you talking to?a aThe cat. Donat you see it? Itas right there.a Fiona kept her finger trained on the cat who watched her without expression. Cas lifted his brows. aNo. But if you say there is a cat, we believe you.a He and Pol exchanged a glance that maddened her.

aI know you think Iam crazy and thatas just fine.a She said it in a tone that let them know it was not fine. aThere is a cat I can see and you canat, Iam having a mnage a trois with two demiG.o.ds, and a magic jar has just been stolen by a demon demiG.o.ddess in dominatrix attire. Why should anyone think Iam crazy?a aFiona,a Cas began.

aDonat start with me. The pair of you seducing me and making me play Blind Manas Bluff in the buff and then making me feel like thata"and then you lay there calmly when all h.e.l.l has broken loose. If she breaks that jar, youare dead. And Iall lose you.a She said the last with tears in her eyes. She loved them. Both of them. She loved them fiercely and if she lost them, the grief would hurt like n.o.bodyas business.

aFiona,a Cas said. aHush, sweetheart. Selena didnat steal the jar.a Fiona transferred her glare to him. aHow the h.e.l.l do can you be so sure?a Pol propped himself on his elbows and the sheet slid from his body, revealing his brown bare limbs and flat pelvis. aBecause we stole it.a Fiona had dragged in a long breath to shout some more, and she choked. aWhat?a Cas said, aSelena is tricky, but we are trickier. We put it in a place sheall never find it.a aNo one will ever find it,a Pol added.

They looked so smug and so hot lying there with the sheet exposing their bodies, dark eyes gleaming, smiles sinful.

Fiona moaned, sank to the foot of the bed and buried her face in her hands.

aLove?a Cas sat up put his arm around her. aWe thought youad be happy. You donat have to worry about it now. Weall take care of it and Selena.a Pol remained on his back and brushed the base of her spine with his toes. aYou go back to digging up the Agora and finding your bits of pots. We can even tell you what they are.a Cas rubbed her shoulders as though trying to soothe her. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

aYou canat steal an artifact,a Fiona moaned. aItas illegal. People are very touchy about artifacts disappearing from the country in which it was founda"and with good reason.a aBut there are so many pots,a Pol argued. aWeall find you another one.a aThat isnat the point. Greece and England have been arguing about the return of the Elgin Marbles for two hundred years. If even a fragment of an artifact goes missing, itas a crime. Iall be arrested.a Cas actually chuckled. aYou will not, Fiona, we will see to it.a aThis isnat funny. I know you donat understand a lot of things because this isnat your century, but I know you saw prisons for people who broke the law. Theyall keep me in jail here as an example of what happens to artifact stealers, and Iall never see the light of day again. Even if they do let me go, it will destroy my career.a aBaby.a Pol sat up behind her and smoothed his fingers through her hair. aThey wonat arrest you.a aIt was such a good career. Doing what I loved with people I like and respectaa aWe do have some powers, Fiona,a Cas said. He cradled her against his chest. aWeare demiG.o.ds. We can make it so that no one but us notices the jar is gone at all. They will see what they want to see, hear what they want to hear.a Fiona looked up at him. His handsome face was dark with unshaved whiskers, his brown eyes liquid. She suddenly wanted to do nothing more than sit on this bed and kiss him, d.a.m.n the jar, d.a.m.n her career.

aWe canat hide it forever,a she said weakly.

aBut long enough to deal with Selena,a Pol rumbled. aThen you can have your pot back.a aHow do you plan to deal with Selena?a aFind her and kill her,a Pol answered. aShe is powerful, but so are we.a Fiona bit her lip. aI have the feeling it wonat be that easy.a aYou leave it to us.a Her anger rose. aDonat worry my pretty little head about it, you mean? I have to worrya"you two are involved.a She made an exasperated noise. aBesides, she put a binding spell on you. If you kill her, will that release the spell? Or just enforce it? I have the feeling sheas put a lot of traps on it.a Casa brows skimmed upward. traps?a aTricks and things so that if you try to release it or hurt her or whatever, the spell backfires and traps you even farther. Like if the pot breaks, you die or return to oblivion.a Pol traced her cheek. aYouare sweet to be worried for us.a aIam not sweet. I love you.a They stared at her.

aWhich one of us did you say that to?a Cas asked, his voice quiet.

aBoth of you.a Fiona put her hands to her face. aI donat know why I said that. I have no idea whatas wrong with me.a Cas rose from the bed, discarding the sheet. He was always so casual in his nakedness, as though clothes didnat matter. She supposed they didnat, not to a demiG.o.d.

aYou love both of us?a He rested his hands on her shoulders and looked down at her. aIn the same way?a aI love you for different reasons. You, Cas, because youare feel things deeply and you soothe me and are so d.a.m.n strong. Pol, because you are wild and wicked and make me do things Iad never dream of. But both of you just as intimately.a She broke off. aI never thought Iad be saying this.a aHey.a Pol stepped behind her, also minus his sheet, his hands on her hips. aWeare double trouble, sweetheart, opposite but equal. The twins of Gemini watch over those who are torn between opposites, the creative and the practical. We are completely different from one another, yet exactly the same.a aI know,a Fiona said. aIt drives me crazy.a aSo take both of us,a Cas breathed as he kissed her. aWe like to share.a He licked the side of her neck, and at the same time, Pol leaned down and drew his tongue up the other side.

aYou are trying to distract me.a aIs it working?a Pol asked.

It was. She felt her juices pool in her p.u.s.s.y and longed to throw one of them on the bed and impale herself on him.

That was the only thing that would satisfy her right now, one of their c.o.c.ks deep inside her.

Perform the ritual.

Fiona jumped. The voice had been female and had sounded loud and clear in the room. Cas and Pol seemed not to have heard. They continued to kiss her neck, one on either side, satin hair brus.h.i.+ng her, Pol reaching around and cupping her breast.

No one was in the room but them. Anda Fiona looked down and saw the cat at her feet. It sat on its haunches and stared up at her with unblinking eyes.

aWhat?a Cas drew away, frowning slightly. Pol paid no attention.

Perform the ritual, the womanas voice came again.

Why donat you talk out loud? Fiona demanded mentally. They think Iam nuts.

I am a cat. I can only meow in my present form and make various kinds of rumbling noises. Would you prefer me yowling and you pretending you understood?

Who are you? Fiona asked, frustrated.

No one important right now. You are the important woman in this room, Fiona McCarty. You can save them if you perform the ritual.

What ritual? Fiona began, but suddenly she knew. aThe ritual on the jar?a she asked out loud.


aWhy will that save them?a Cats could not smile, but Fiona swore this one did. Trust me, she said and then vanished.

aFiona.a Pol was regarding her with a patient expression. aWho are you talking to this time?a aNo one at all,a Fiona said. She took Polas hand and placed it where it had been on her breast, then took Casa in hers, and while he slanted her a wicked smile, placed it between her legs.

Cas thought paradise could not be better than this. Fiona stood naked in front of them while he and Pol rubbed her down with oil. Polas c.o.c.k stood out achingly hard and Cas felt the same ache from his own.

She seemed adamant to perform the ritual he and Pol had done with Selena all those thousands of years ago. The difference between then and now was that neither Cas nor Pol had wanted to touch Selena, but they leapt at the chance to share this intimacy with Fiona.

Her shyness remained, but she had also learned her power. She stood still, her feet a little apart, a dreamy smile on her face as Pol oiled her thighs and Cas rubbed fragrant oil all over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, pausing to pinch her nipples into pointed, tight nubs.

When they were all together, three as one, she would feel them feeling her, and Cas would feel what she and Pol felt. The joining would be nothing like head ever experienced, because this was Fiona, a woman he deeply loved.

Because he loved her, he had no trouble sharing her with Pol. Pol made her feel good in a different way from Cas, and Cas would never deprive Fiona of the pleasure his brother could give her.

No other man would touch her, but Pol was his twin, like an extension of himself. He grinned as he thought this, knowing that Pol would loudly refute the description.

They tied Fionaas wrists in front of her with a scarf. Pol lifted her, his arms around her waist, and Cas hooked his hands under her knees and parted her thighs. Standing against the cool wall, he eased Fiona onto him.

She moaned softly as he penetrated her. She leaned back and Pol held her, allowing Cas to enter her deeply.

She was hot and tight and welcoming. He felt love and excitement pouring from her, felt her walls closing on him, and sensed her own feelings of being penetrated. She writhed, loving it, and she loved it even better when Pol slid his hand around her and stroked her c.l.i.t.

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Planetary Passions - DoubleTrouble Part 11 summary

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