Planetary Passions - DoubleTrouble Part 10

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She heard Pol walk by outside, his step light, whistling. How he could be so energetic after f.u.c.king her like that, she didnat know. She thought shead sleep for a week.

Speaking of which, she really couldnat fall asleep on the table. Her body thought about the soft nest in the bedroom with Cas already in it and wanted to go there.

She finally straightened up, moving gingerly, and stepped off the stool. She yawned and stretched then turned to the bedroom door.

She froze, heart in her throat. Cas was leaning on the doorframe of the open door to the bedroom, his arms folded across his bare chest, his brows drawn into a fearsome scowl.

Chapter Eleven.

He wore nothing but his jeans, the waistband riding low on his hips, moonlight playing on his bare torso. His intense gaze held hers, eyes glittering in the dark.

Fiona gulped. aCas.a He remained fixed, his body shadowed. He was the beautifully wrought statue of a demiG.o.d, only his hair stirring in the faint breeze from the window.

Fionaas s.h.i.+rt had slid down to cover her bare a.s.s, but she felt more exposed than she ever had in her life. aYou saw,a she whispered.

Cas didnat answer. He watched her, his face set, his body utterly still.

Fionaas heart raced. She loved Cas. She wanted him to love her, and the thought of hurting him broke her heart. And yet Pola aGet on the table,a Cas said. aOn your back.a She blinked at him. aWhat?a aNow.a The word was harsh and didnat want to take no for an answer. Fiona retreated to the table, and under his unwavering gaze, stepped up on the stepstool and sat her b.u.t.t on the edge of the table.

aLie down,a he commanded.

Fiona slowly lay back, the tabletop hard against her spine. She breathed rapidly and wondered how much more of Cas and Pol she could take tonight.

Cas remained by the door. aPull up your s.h.i.+rt. Show me your p.u.s.s.y.a Well, maybe she could take a little more. She lifted the hem of the long s.h.i.+rt and spread her thighs a little.

aShow it to me,a Cas said. He pushed himself from the doorframe and moved toward her slowly, like a panther stalking its prey. aShow me how wet it is.a Fiona tentatively moved her fingers through her folds, drawing a fingertip across the opening of her quim. Cream obligingly flowed out to cover her fingers.

Cas made a noise in his throat. He stopped at the end of the table, standing as motionlessly as a big cat, his eyes as glittering as a predatoras. He slid the stool out of the way and stood between Fionaas legs, his dark gaze taking in her rumpled s.h.i.+rt, her body spread before him, her fingers playing in her quim.

He watched for a moment longer, then swiftly unzipped his jeans and let them rest on his thighs, not bothering to kick them off. He grasped her ankles with firm hands and jerked them to his shoulders, lifting her hips from the table.

His face set, he positioned his c.o.c.k on her opening and shoved it inside.

There was no waiting until she got used to him or until their feelings melded. He began to take her with hard thrusts, one, two, threea Moving faster and faster. Her back banged against the table, which rocked and creaked under the onslaught.

He held her legs firmly and f.u.c.ked her hard as the table legs groaned against the floor. f.u.c.king was the right word. This was no lovemaking. Head seen what Pol had done to her and he was punis.h.i.+ng her.

Punis.h.i.+ng her by driving his c.o.c.k into her. She lifted her hips, meeting his thrusts, squirming and eager. She felt him and herself at the same time, smelled the scent of her cream and his c.o.c.k and Polas come, a fine c.o.c.ktail for her nose.

He pounded into her, hips cras.h.i.+ng against hers. He made no noise save for a few soft grunts.

af.u.c.k,a Fiona groaned. af.u.c.k me, Cas. d.a.m.n, I love you so much.a He growled something unintelligible, then he closed his eyes and came. His sleek hair tickled her feet as he moved his head from side to side, hips pulsing with his climax. She rode it with him, her climax squeezing her entire body until she heard someone screaming.

The screams must have come from her, because her throat went raw and the noises became hoa.r.s.e and broken.

Cas slammed into her one more time, holding himself against her hard while she squeezed him. Then he withdrew in a swift move and lifted her against him.

His arms crushed the breath out of her. He was shaking all over, his body s.h.i.+ning with sweat, his hair damp with it. His c.o.c.k lay heavy against her thigh, half rigid, indicating it could flare to life in no time at all.

Fiona twined her arms softly around his shoulders and kissed his cheek. aCas? Are you all right? Iam sorry about Pol. I couldnat help myself. Iave never done that before.a Cas hauled her upright, their faces even.

aI loved it,a he said fiercely. aI loved watching him f.u.c.k you. I loved watching him make you scream.a Her eyes widened and hope flared in her heart. aYou did?a aI loved every second of it. I came, watching you. G.o.ds, when the three of us f.u.c.k together, weall move the world.a Polas voice came from the doorway. aGood.a He stood there with his arms folded, his stance similar to what Casa had been, except he was fully dressed and smelled of a smoky taverna. aIam glad to hear thatas all settled. Can we go to bed now?a * * * * *

They didnat actually have s.e.x in the bedroom. By tacit agreement, Cas and Pol lay on either side of Fiona, as they had the first night theyad seen her, enclosing her with their protective bodies, and let her sleep.

Cas inhaled her scent as he ran his hand over her bare hip. This had been the best night of his demiG.o.d lifea"taking Fiona completely on the bed, watching Pol play with her and f.u.c.k her a.s.s while he stood noiselessly in the bedroom doorway, and then f.u.c.king her hard and fast on the table, his need primal.

Pol lay on Fionaas other side, eyes closed, a happy smile on his face. Cas wondered if Pol had the same depth of feeling for Fiona that he had, or whether his brother was simply enjoying himself.

He hoped Pol loved Fiona as much as he did. Their life in this new world would be so much better if they were all together, a threesome bound by love.

Not to mention excellent s.e.x.

Cas wanted to have Fiona in every way possible, and he wanted Pol to try things with her while he watched. Endless possibilities danced through his mind.

Fiona was a mortal woman, however, and they needed to go carefully. She was tired and needed her rest.

Head realized after making love to her that she was not a G.o.ddess or demiG.o.ddess as head a.s.sumed, but a human woman fortified only with the magic of her archaeology. He had little doubt shead come up with a way to free them of Selena and her spells completely, and then theyad have some fun.

Pol was already asleep, softly snoring, and Fiona had slid into sleep as soon as Cas pulled the sheet over her. Cas lay awake for a long time, touching Fiona and breathing in her scent, enjoying her warmth and his new feelings of love.

In the morning, Fiona announced that they needed to return to the dig. Shead taken the jar without permission, Dionysusa gift of an extra night was over and they would be safer back at the site.

Cas knew Fiona didnat really believe theyad be safer. She wore a worried pucker between her brows as she dressed, packed her toothbrush and made ready to leave.

Fiona drove her car with the jar on the seat next to her, and Cas and Pol followed on the bike. Fiona drove more slowly than Cas liked, but he did not want to venture too far ahead and leave her unprotected.

They took seven hours to reach Athens, stopping along the way to see the friends Cas and Pol had made on the way to the mountain. The families welcomed Fiona with enthusiasm and plied her with food and drink.

When they reached the site later that evening, Dr. Wheelan emerged and climbed toward them on the path.

He waved cheerfully as though theyad only been gone a few minutes instead of two entire days. aIs that the jar, Fiona? Good, I was looking for it. I have a woman here from the Greek antiquities department who wants to take it for their collection.a * * * * *

aHere?a Fiona had the sudden urge to clasp the jar to her chest and not let anyone see it. aWho is she?a Dr. Wheelan shrugged. aA Selena something-or-other. She seems to know what sheas talking about. Sheas waiting in the pottery room now.a Cold fear touched her. She glanced nervously at the path to the pottery room and then at the twins, whoad moved off to find Hans.

Even Dr. Wheelan would not believe that a woman dressed in black leather carrying a whip was from the antiquities department, would he? Not that Dr. Wheelan was good at noticing anything dated more recently than Roman times.

aWhat does she look like?a aI donat remember. Greek. Why donat you go chat with her, Fiona, I have someaa Dr. Wheelanas words trailed off as he wandered away, his mind firmly on his next problem.

Fiona hugged the jar wrapped in its protective sheet, wanting to hide it in her room and at the same time not let it out of her sight. If she stashed it in her bedroom, what would keep Selena from sneaking in and taking it?

But then, Fiona couldnat carry it around for the rest of her life.

Exasperated, Fiona went after the twins. When she caught up to them Cas was complimenting Hans on his motorcycle and talking about how it handled. He and Hans and Pol started in on ways to ride it to make it run better, adding hand gestures to ill.u.s.trate.

Men. Fiona rolled her eyes and waited until Cas looked over and saw her.

aFiona. Love.a He slid his arm around her waist and suddenly all her problems went away. At least, she wished they would. She could spend days alone in bed with this man.

Behind him Pol sent her a wink. She could spend days in bed with him as well. Or perhaps a week with both of them?

Iam in a threesome, she thought, wanting to laugh hysterically. The woman who never believed any man would ever want her is in a threesome with two hot demiG.o.ds.

Hans, like Dr. Wheelan, didnat seem to notice the sudden rise in pheromones around him.

aAh, Fiona,a he said. aWe are uncovering some interesting pottery fragments. Something nice for you, I think?a aTerrific,a she answered, trying to sound enthusiastic.

Fiona would normally be ecstatic at the thought of poring over totally new pottery fragments from who-knew-when. She lived for pottery. Today, however, she could barely nod and ask Hans to let her know when he had pieces ready.

As soon as they left Hans to his stoa Cas and Pol closed in on either side of her.

aI think Fiona should rest,a Pol suggested, surrept.i.tiously moving his fingers to her backside.

aA good idea,a Cas agreed. He sent Fiona a smile that heated her blood.

aI have the feeling that if I lie down with you two I wonat get much rest.a aWe might let you,a Pol said. aBut not at first.a Her excitement grew, distracting her from the problem of Selena as she visualized what they might do. Pol would be naked on one side of her, Cas on the other, while they touched her and licked her and told her what they would do to her.

She blew out her breath, her hold nearly slipping on the jar. aSelena is here,a she announced.

Both men stopped, their smiles disappearing.

aHere?a Casa voice went hard.

aI think so. Dr. Wheelan said someone named Selena was in the pottery room.a Cas and Pol exchanged a long glance. As one, they turned and started off in the direction of the pottery room. Fiona scuttled along behind them. aWait! If it is her, you shouldnat just run in. Letas come up with a plan for dealing with her.a aI have a plan,a Pol said over his shoulder.

aWhat, throttle her?a aPeel her skin from her inch by inch. Then throttle her.a Fiona ground her teeth. aSheas very strong. I felt her power. She put the spell on you in the first place, didnat she?a Cas faced her. aShe tricked us. She used a hydra to capture Pol and threatened to murder him. She knew d.a.m.n well I would not stand by and watch my brother be killed.a aYou should have,a Pol said.

Cas glared at him as though this was an old argument. aShe said if I f.u.c.ked her shead let Pol go. I loathed her, but it seemed an easy price. I could hold my nose and do it. What I didnat know is that she could trap a manas c.o.c.k in her quim.a aShe paralyzed Cas,a Pol filled in. aAnd then gave me the same choice. If I f.u.c.ked her, completing the threesome, shead let him go. But it was a ritual performed to trap us both forever.a Fiona looked from one to the other, her anger boiling up to take over reason. aPol is right. You should throttle her.a ad.a.m.n straight,a Pol answered.

They turned and strode for the pottery room.

aCarefully!a Fiona shouted after them.

She ran to catch up, heart in her throat, just as they pa.s.sed into the building and crossed the threshold of the pottery room.

No one was in it. The shelves and shelves of pottery pieces were undisturbed, and they found no demon demiG.o.ddess hiding behind the door or in the shadows. If Selena had been there, she was long gone.

aIt was her,a Cas growled. aI can smell her.a Pol nodded, his expression grim.

Fiona loosened her hold on the jar and gently rested it on the table. aGood thing I brought this with me.a The gray tabby jumped up to the table, orange eyes bright. It sat down and yawned, its gums drawing back to reveal long, sharp teeth. Then it twined itself around the jar, b.u.t.ting it and purring softly.

Fiona reached her hand out to pet it.

Cas and Pol did not seem to notice. aBring the jar, Fiona,a Cas said in his quiet voice. aWe will return with it to your bedchamber.a Fiona looked at the cat, who returned the look steadily. Then to her astonishment, the cat winked.

aI think I can leave it here. It will be safe for now.a Cas and Pol looked dubious. They exchanged a glance but didnat argue. The cat curled its body around the jar and proceeded to fall asleep.

Cas knew it would be useless to argue with Fiona about the jar. He also knew that he and Pol would take care of it later. For now, Fiona truly needed to rest. Shead driven the little vehicle for a long time, and shead cursed at it a lot. Sleep would do her good.

He knew, however, when they reached her small bedroom, that Fiona would not sleep, at least not right away. Pheromones poured from her, he could taste them.

Still, she calmly laid herself on the bed, promising to get some rest. Cas and Pol meant to leave but both of them stood at the foot of the bed, looking down at their lovely lady.

Perhaps he should tease her, Cas thought, driving her antic.i.p.ation to the breaking point before he let her sleep. He and Pol could ma.s.sage her or simply touch her and then when she was ready to be brought to climax, leave her. They could make her beg for them to return and give her release.

Of course, by then it might be himself begging for release.

He drew his hand across the soft skin of her ankle. aWhich of us do you want first?a She lifted her head, eyes widening, pupils spreading to swallow the brown. aFirst?a aYour choice, love. Would you want me to make love to you slowly or do you want Pol to tie you to the bed and f.u.c.k your a.s.s?a Her eyes grew enormous. aI donat think I can make a choice like that,a she said breathlessly.

Pol stood with his hands on his hips, his c.o.c.k already pressing out the seam of his jeans. aWhy donat we blindfold her and make her take the first one of us she finds?a Casa already hard c.o.c.k lifted another inch. aI think that is a good idea.a aSheall strip first, of course.a Cas could see the pulse pounding in Fionaas throat, beckoning his tongue. aWhat about Selena? She might still be lurking.a Pol shook his head. aWe could sense her if she was. And smell her foul scent. She was here, but she has gone. Something frightened her off, but I donat know what.a aThe cat.a Cas frowned. Fiona looked at a point in mid-air, like she saw something he couldnat. aCat?a aThe cat drove her away, like in the library.a Cas exchanged a glance with his brother. Fiona must be more tired than they thought.

aWhat cat?a Pol asked.

She looked surprised. aIn the pottery room. The gray one.a He and Pol looked at each other again. aWe saw no cat.a Fiona gaped at them then her look became thoughtful. aOh.a aIt was a long drive,a Pol said, his smile returning. aShe should take off her clothes now and put on the blindfold.a aLock the door,a Fiona said hastily. aIad just die if anyone came in.a * * * * *

Cas thought head seen nothing s.e.xier in the world than Fiona, completely bare, her toes splayed on the board floor, her arms outstretched while she tried to find the elusive twins. A white cloth bound her eyes and lifted her red hair, and she smiled as she groped her way around the room.

Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were round and taut and moisture glistened on the twist of red hair at her quim. Her hips were shapely, and he remembered the smoothness of her skin there. d.a.m.n, this would take too long.

The twins had decided that not only did she have to find one of them, she had to identify him without removing the blindfold. Cas had pulled off his clothes, skin tingling in antic.i.p.ation of being touched by her sweet, questing hands.

Now she reached toward him as though feeling his warmth and he sidestepped, suppressing his laughter so she wouldnat hear him.

Pol circled her from behind. Every so often, head dart in close, slap her on her backside and retreat before she could swing around and touch him.

aOh, come on, thatas not fair,a she said when he did it again. aAt least make some noise so I have some chance.a Pol let out a snicker. Fiona lunged at him, coming up with her hands against his torso. He stood there silently grinning while Fiona roved her fingers all over his body. Cas saw her brows furrow under the blindfold while she tried to decide which twin shead caught.

His c.o.c.k lifted high as she skimmed her hands down Polas waist and hips and moved over his erection. She deliberately tested out its size and shape while Pol closed his eyes and suppressed a groan.

Cas slid his fingers over his own c.o.c.k, pressing it in sympathy. He needed that bottle of oil Pol had obtained in Litohoro, the kind that smelled like lavender and complimented Fionaas own scent.

He bit back a raw sound as Fiona sank to her knees, her hands on Polas hips, and drew Polas c.o.c.k into her mouth.

Cas watched her red lips stretch over it, watched Pol snake his hand through her hair, still holding himself back.

Fiona withdrew and licked Polas c.o.c.k all over, pausing now and then as though a.s.sessing his taste.

aPol,a she announced.

aYou have it.a Pol lifted the blindfold and guided his c.o.c.k back in her mouth. Cas stroked his own in the same rhythm.

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Planetary Passions - DoubleTrouble Part 10 summary

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