Planetary Passions - DoubleTrouble Part 9

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She felt all of Cas, saw the intensity of his eyes when he caught her gaze and refused to release it. The raw sounds in his throat only made the hot feel of him between her legs better.

He was feeling it and loving it and wasnat about to stop.

Their joined senses made the pressure in her quim even more powerful. She felt herself pulse around his c.o.c.k, felt the joy of that burning. She screamed with it, wondering how the h.e.l.l he contained himself.

An o.r.g.a.s.m rocked her, the first one shead ever had while penetrated. Casa dark gaze grew even more feral and he reached one finger between their bodies to rub her c.l.i.t.

She got lost in mindless darkness. She had no idea where she was. She only knew she lay on a hard slab of bed and that Cas drove in and out of her so hard she thought shead die.

Shead go with a smile on her face, that was for certain. Fiona McCarty, promising young archaeologist, pa.s.sing away while being f.u.c.ked by a muscular, beautiful man shead rescued from a painting on a jar.

She laughed with joy. Cas growled, pressing her into the bed until she came again.

Still he went on, his c.o.c.k so hard he could have pounded nails with it. She felt the buildup inside him, the pulsing behind his b.a.l.l.s that meant he wanted to come, the incredible will with which he held himself back until the last possible minute.

When he exploded inside her, she thought she saw the ceiling rip away and the stars of the night cascade down on them. She writhed her hips against his, crying with the pure joy of it. Her shouts mingled with his as they came together, their voices twining into the silence of the night.

Chapter Ten.

Fiona lay quietly with Cas for a long time. Her body still hummed with heat and their fierce lovemaking, but she was also content to lie with him as they touched and kissed.

His kisses were so gentle, she couldnat believe he was the same demiG.o.d who had given her s.e.x so raw she wasnat sure she could walk again.

He played with her a little, bringing her to readiness, then entered her again, slow, quiet and strong, his dark gaze locking hers. It went on for a long, long time, slowly building her to a frenzy, taking her down before she climaxed and building her up again.

At last he let her come. She screamed and writhed and he kissed her hard, dragging her cries into his mouth. He slowed after that, then withdrew from her and closed his eyes.

After that he fell into a profound sleep, with Fiona watching him, relaxed and happy but not tired.

She started to feel restless, so she left the bedroom for the darkness of the front room. She ruffled her hair to soak up the cool breeze from the window and glanced back at Cas.

He lay sprawled across the bed, naked and snoring, cradling his head on one arm. Moonlight brushed his skin and glistened on his very black hair and touched the curls at his c.o.c.k, which lay half deflated, but no less large.

Fiona smiled as she closed the door and let him sleep. In her s.e.xual encounters of the past, shead usually collapsed with tiredness and disappointment. This time she felt blissfully happy and energized enough to jog around the block.

She could take a walk, she supposed. As with everywhere else in Greece, people in this village stayed up far into the night, and her walking around would not be unusual.

She pulled a s.h.i.+rt over her nakedness but was in no hurry. She went to the open window and rested her arms on the sill, looking down at the whitewashed village under the stars. The music at the taverna still played, stringed notes vibrating into the night.

After a moment, she realized Pol was down on the street looking up at her. How long head been standing there, she couldnat tell, but there was a knowing smile on his face.

When he caught her gaze, he gave her a slow nod and sauntered to the innas door and came inside.

Fiona remained at the window, absorbing the stars and the breeze and the music, reflecting that for the first time in her life, she was happy. Or as happy as she could be wondering which of a pair of twins she was falling in love with, and whether, because they were demiG.o.ds and pretty much immortal, they could ever possibly love her back.

Then she had to figure out how to make sure Selena didnat trap them again and how to break the spell that bound them to the jar. All in a dayas work for Indiana Jones, but not for plain Fiona McCarty, pottery specialist from the University of Chicago.

She heard Polas footsteps on the narrow staircase and then he opened the door. For some reason, she still did not turn as he shut the door and walked softly to her. She closely her eyes briefly as he stopped behind her and leaned his hands on the windowsill, enclosing her with his warm body.

aHave a good sleep?a He kissed her hair. aOr did my brother manage to keep you awake?a Fiona s.h.i.+vered, remembering her last wild o.r.g.a.s.m and the dual experience of Casa o.r.g.a.s.m as they came together.

aThat good, eh?a Pol kissed her hair again, lips drifting to the skin at her temple. aHe outdid himself.a aIt was the best I ever had,a Fiona said softly.

Pol drew his tongue along the sh.e.l.l of her ear, and even sated as she was, the juices between her thighs began to flow.

aA challenge,a Pol murmured. aAre you up for it?a She really shouldnat. Cas, the man she loved, lay in bed, naked and s.e.xy. She should return and snuggle up with him and tell Pol to find someone else at the taverna.

But then Pol, the other man she loved, was close behind her, dressed and s.e.xy, his warmth swallowing her.

aI think Iam up for it,a she found herself saying.

aGooood.a He drew out the word. She felt fingers ease under her s.h.i.+rt to her b.u.t.tocks. aBare, just how I like you.a She started to turn around, but he nipped her ear. aStay where you are.a The little growl in his voice made her pulse speed. She remembered how head ordered her to strip in the pottery room and how shead so eagerly done it. She wondered if head sent his feelings into her head as Cas had done, making her behave like a tart because he wanted her to.

It didnat really matter, because shead do it again in a heartbeat.

His warm finger dipped between her b.u.t.tocks, ma.s.saging and rubbing. aHave you ever had a man here?a Fiona rocked forward on the windowsill, excitement building inside her until her legs shook. aNo. And not a demiG.o.d, either.a Pol laughed out loud, then softened the laugh. aSo Cas didnat explore yet. I told him Iad let him f.u.c.k you first, but I didnat say where I wanted to f.u.c.k you.a aWhere do you?a aWhere do I what?a Fiona swallowed, feeling his breath on her neck, his black hair sliding on the collar of her s.h.i.+rt, the warmth of his body against hers, and the exciting point of his fingertip finding and stroking her a.n.a.l star.

aWhere do I what?a he repeated, voice stronger. aSay it, sweetheart.a aWhere do you want to f.u.c.k me?a she whispered.

aI could not hear you, love. Say it out loud.a Fiona groaned, excitement mounting as his finger dipped the slightest bit into her a.s.s. aWhere do you want to f.u.c.k me?a aI think you can guess.a He drew his tongue up the side of her neck as he slowly but firmly pressed his finger farther into her. She was so d.a.m.n wet, cream slicking her skin and pooling inside her p.u.s.s.y, wanting him so much.

aI canat take it,a she gasped.

aYes, you can.a Pol slowly eased his body away from her then withdrew his finger from her a.s.s a fraction of an inch at a time.

When he finally released her, Fiona turned around and leaned against the windowsill, hugging her chest. She breathed hard, her throat dry and tight. aI donat know if I can.a Polas eyes were dark as sin, his smile nearly taking her to the point of o.r.g.a.s.m without him even touching her. aYou can. I have the patience to teach you. All you have to do is surrender yourself absolutely to me.a She gave a shaky laugh. aThatas all, is it?a Pol came close to her and brushed a lock of hair from her forehead. aIf you donat surrender yourself, I might hurt you. You have to be relaxed and open to take me, and you can only do that if you let me have full control over you.a aFull control. Oh my.a She thought shead adore being under his full control, doing anything he said and reaping the incredible feelings he would give her. If he made love anything like Cas did, she was in for a rare treat.

Her years of training as a scholar, of not accepting everything at face value and not getting excited until something was verified, made her hesitate a little. Giving up control was something Fiona was very bad at.

But Pol was right. Shead read about what he wanted to do, although shead never done it herself or dreamed any man would offer. If the woman wasnat completely relaxed and trusting, it could be painful.

On the other hand, if the woman surrendered her body to her lover, the results could be astonis.h.i.+ng.

Before her hesitant self could interfere, Fiona said, aIall do it.a He grinned in the dark, folding his arms over his broad chest. aThen turn around and bend yourself across that table.a He nodded toward the bare wooden table to one side of the room, surrounded by gaily painted wooden chairs. Fiona studied it, a simple piece of furniture about to be transformed into an erotic jungle gym.

Slowly she approached it, moved a chair out of the way and leaned over, stretching her torso and arms across the cool, hard surface.

aWill it be too high?a she asked. Her legs and body made a perfect right angle, and she had the idea that her b.u.t.t had to be elevated.

aaTwill be fine.a She heard him approach then felt something at her feet. aStand on this,a he said.

She looked down and saw a painted wooden stepstool, longer than it was wide, resting where Pol had set it. Obediently, she stepped up on it and bent over again.

Pol rested his hands on her hips. aPerfect.a He slid her s.h.i.+rt upward, baring her a.s.s, rubbing her hips and b.u.t.tocks briskly until they warmed. aAre you ready, love?a Fiona gulped, her unfettered b.r.e.a.s.t.s pressing into the table. aWonat Cas wake up?a aCas could sleep through a Baccha.n.a.lia. I know this for a fact, Iave watched him do it. He missed all the fun that night.a He leaned over her, the ridge of his jeans-encased c.o.c.k pressing the length of her crease. aAre you ready?a Fiona gulped. aSure. Why not?a To her complete disappointment, he backed away. She turned her head to watch him move to a shadow on the floor near the door. aI happened to purchase a bottle of fine oil while I was out. Lavender, I think it is.a aYou happened to purchase it?a Fiona asked.

aI wonder why I decided to do that?a His voice was full of smiles. He came back to her and set a gla.s.s bottle next to her where she could see it. Pol worked out the gla.s.s stopper with sinewy fingers and laid it on the table. The sweet scent of lavender floated to her.

Pol lifted the bottle and poured a stream of glistening oil over his fingers. He leaned close to Fiona as he set down the bottle and stoppered it. aNow, Fiona. Give yourself to me.a He rested the hand he hadnat oiled on her head, the weight warm. Fiona drew a breath and slowly let it out, willing her body to relax.

A warmth shot through her, followed by the sensation of fire. She gasped and tensed, then let out her breath again as she realized that Pol had connected with her, just as Cas had done.

She could feel her hair against Polas palm, could feel the sleek oil that coated his fingers with the same intensity that she felt the table beneath her and her bare feet on the stool. The hammering of her heart matched his.

When he parted her b.u.t.tocks again, she felt his fingers on her as well as the firm tightness of her a.n.a.l star. She groaned as he slid one slick finger inside her.

It was as though she pleasured herself at the same time he pleasured her. She felt every inch of herself around his finger, every flex of his finger inside her. She squeezed and relaxed, not even aware she did it.

aThat is good,a Pol said softly. aExactly like that. Do it again.a She tried to get her body to obey, but only when she let go of the control did she squeeze hard and release, opening more each time.

aPerfect.a Polas voice soothed her. aYou need to be ready for me. Iam big, sweetheart.a Fiona knew that already. Shead held his lovely c.o.c.k in her hand and taken it in her mouth, and the thought that shead soon have it in her a.s.s sent her spiraling toward climax.

Pol laughed, feeling her excitement. aYouare moving too fast. Wait for me.a Fiona opened her mouth to laugh with him, then she let out a tiny scream as a second finger joined his first. aOh G.o.ds.a aHow do you feel, love?a He leaned over, careful not to move his fingers too fast, and brushed a kiss to her cheek.

aFull,a she said. aFull and tightaand open.a aGood. Thatas how I want you to feel. Keep taking me, love.a He moved his fingers in and out, slowly, in perfect rhythm. Fiona felt herself relax, wanting his fingers deeper with every push, wanted to open and accept more of him.

aOh, sweetheart, you are good at this.a Polas approval made her s.h.i.+ver in delight. She felt so wanton and so excited at the same time, bent over the table, the cool wood against her cheek, with her a.s.s in the air and a gorgeous manas fingers sliding in and out of her. She was wicked and s.e.xy, and she loved it.

Pol withdrew and replenished the oil on his fingers. The bottle clunked back to the table, then she squealed in delight when he slid three fingers into her.

aOoohhhh,a she moaned, moving quickly toward incoherence. Her hips moved of their own accord, she babbled meaningless sounds, and above all she loved what he did to her.

The beautiful thing was, if he liked it, she could do the same to him, give him this same pleasure she was enjoying the heck out of.

But there was one pleasure she couldnat give him. After a nice ten minutes of him playing with her with his three fingers he withdrew his hand and reached for the bottle of oil.

Then at her opening she felt the firm bluntness of his c.o.c.k, slick with oil.

aOh, Pol,a she begged. aPlease.a He positioned himself at her a.n.a.l star, which had relaxed and widened until Fiona was weak in the knees. Only the table kept her from falling over completely, and her hips rose in antic.i.p.ation.

aSlowly. Iall do it slowly. I donat want to hurt you.a aPlease, Pol, make it hurt good.a He chuckled. aDarling, you are a demiG.o.das dream come true.a Carefully, almost unbearably so, Pol pushed the tip of his c.o.c.k inside her.

aItas good,a she panted. aItas good, itas so good.a aIt is.a Polas voice was a groan. aFiona, you are so f.u.c.king tight.a aMore. I want more.a aWhen youare ready, sweetheart. Oh G.o.ds.a His voice broke as more of his oiled c.o.c.k slipped inside her. He gripped the edges of the tablea"she sensed his hands biting into the wood as the feeling of her squeezing him rampaged him.

Slowly, just as slowly as Cas had pushed himself into her p.u.s.s.y, Pol slid himself into her a.s.s.

He took his time. She felt the pulse that raced through his c.o.c.k against her walls, spreading her, relaxing her, transferring his excitement to her.

Shead never felt anything like it in her life. It burned and hurt and at the same time she was so open and accepting.

She groaned into the tabletop, her voice echoing from the wood. Pol pressed himself deep inside, the feral sounds he made exciting her.

aI know why my brother loves you,a he whispered, voice ragged. aI know why he thinks youare sweet.a aI love him,a she moaned.

aI know, baby. I know. You feel so good.a His c.o.c.k moved. He began to slowly withdraw then he pressed back in, his hands hard on the tabletop.

As with Cas, she felt what he felt, the silken ends of his own hair brus.h.i.+ng his shoulders as he threw back his head, the firm press of her on the length of his c.o.c.k, the buildup inside him.

Her first o.r.g.a.s.m hit her swiftly, before she even knew it was coming. She writhed against the table, the edge rubbing her p.u.s.s.y in a satisfying way. af.u.c.k me,a she cried.

aMost definitely.a Pol moved smoothly in and out, holding himself hard to keep the pain at bay, to make sure she felt only pleasure.

Fionaas heart pumped with joy and grat.i.tude. Pol was a demiG.o.d. He could play with her and hurt her and discard hera"mythology was filled with G.o.ds, demiG.o.ds and heroes who werenat exactly kind to the women they seduced.

But like Cas, he was taking it slow when he didnat have to, giving her pleasure when he didnat have to.

He could take what he wanted and not care what she felt. He was far more powerful than she and he knew it.

But she trusted him. If he had been Dionysus, the G.o.d whose terrible power shead glimpsed earlier that day, shead be terrified. But this was Pol of the wicked smiles and dark eyes and hands that caressed and soothed her.

Both Pol and Cas had made sure she was ready to take a demiG.o.d.

She felt more than ready. aPlease, Pol,a she gasped. aMore, please.a Pol laughed, his voice hoa.r.s.e. aIf you insist.a The moment her o.r.g.a.s.m died off, another swelled in its place. She felt his impending o.r.g.a.s.m at the same time, his excitement at being pushed into her as far as he could go.

aThank you,a he groaned. aFiona, youare so f.u.c.king good.a aI canat stand it.a aYes you can, baby. Just a little longer.a She squealed and moaned against the table, the wood cool on her face. Her entire body was hot, her limbs heavy, but at the same time she was wound tight with excitement.

How many times could she o.r.g.a.s.m tonight? The way Pol laughed behind her he intended her to do it several times more.

And thena"aNo,a he gasped. aNot yet.a Fiona wriggled against him, wanting him to come as much as she wanted this incredible feeling to go on forever.

His seed shot inside her as he crushed her hips against him. The spinning darkness in his mind crashed over her along with her own emotions, a double"filling them both.

They both breathed hard and raw as Pol slid out of her and leaned over her on the table. She felt every inch of his hard-muscled body melding into her back and thighs, his limbs heavy with release.

A surge of satisfaction welled through her. Head stretched her so wide, and yet she could do it, she could take him.

They stayed like that for a long time, both knowing they needed to wind down, neither wanting to.

Pol pressed kisses to her hair, nuzzling her. aYou are good at that, sweetheart. Youave never done it before?a aNo. Iam sure Iad remember that.a aThank you for letting me be the first.a She grinned against the tabletop. aMy pleasure.a Pol straightened, taking away his warm weight. Fionaas heart squeezed in disappointment. She wanted him, like Cas, to take her into his arms and touch her a little longer.

Pol patted her backside. She heard him slip on his jeans and zip them up then slide the sandals back on his feet.

aI think I need a walk after that. Come with me to the taverna?a Fiona groaned. If she went to a taverna and drank wine right now, shead slither right under the table. Pol would have to carry her home over his shoulder, and then they might get up to more fun.

She groaned again. aNo, I need to sleep.a He laughed softly as though knowing exactly why she couldnat move. aGo and snuggle with Cas. Heall like that.a He gave her a.s.s another pat then walked out the door.

She stayed bent over the table, unable to make her limbs move as she heard him move down the stairs and back to the street. She could fall asleep here, her b.u.t.t in the air, her cheek pressed against the cool wood. Wouldnat that look ridiculous when the maid came in tomorrow?

But it was a nice table, very comfortable. Her legs were nearly numb, but that was fine. If she fell she doubted shead feel a thing.

Who knew she could stand so much s.e.x, and who knew shead love it like this? Shead never realized there was a wild, wicked, fun Fiona inside her who thought nothing of having missionary-position s.e.x with one man and then having a.n.a.l s.e.x with his brother in the next room.

And the missionary-position s.e.xa"the usual way a man and woman made love in the darka"had been nothing short of mind-blowing. Shead have plain old s.e.x like that any day of the week. And on weekends and holidays too.

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Planetary Passions - DoubleTrouble Part 9 summary

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