Magi Craft Meister Chapter 672

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Chapter 672: Completion

The next day, during the morning meeting, when Rodrigo raised the issue of lifeboats, the atmosphere did indeed take a negative turn.

Until now, there hadn’t been any large s.h.i.+ps requiring lifeboats, and they hadn’t ventured into the open sea.  As a result, their awareness for such emergency situations was quite low.

“However, if we venture into the open sea, we can’t predict what might happen. I believe it’s worth considering.”

Rodrigo remarked.

“Above all else, we must prioritize the well-being of human lives. We cannot turn a blind eye to such possibilities.”

Reinhardt and Elsa emphasized, providing their support from behind.

With these statements, others also appeared to take the matter more seriously.

“I think it would be advisable for all crew members to wear life jackets. Additionally, equipping them with floating rings would be a good idea.”

Reinhardt suggested.

Following that, came JIn’s remark.

“Life jacket?”

“Floating ring?”

At this point, Jin explained both items.

“A life jacket is a garment that, when worn, allows you to float in water without any effort. It’s designed like a vest. As for the floating ring, as the name suggests, it’s a ring made to float, and slipping into it ensures you won’t sink.”

Once again, Jin utilized magical resin to craft a doll and a floating ring, providing a demonstration.

“Like this… You lean on the floating ring on both sides while waiting for rescue, it looks something like that.”

Regarding the floating ring, everyone seemed convinced after seeing the model.

“I see! It’s a good idea to make them out of wood!”

“It’s easy, doesn’t take up much s.p.a.ce, and isn’t heavy. It’s perfect for emergencies!”

Even those who initially had reservations about lifeboats readily agreed to the idea of floating rings.

“I think we shouldn’t only consider them as lifeboats. In places where ports aren’t developed or when stopping at shallow, it’s essential to have shallow-draft small boats for landing.”

Everyone appeared to grasp the importance of this proposal.


“Indeed! There are always beaches where large s.h.i.+ps can’t stop. It’s undeniable that there might be a need to land in such places for water and food needs.”

Thus, the idea of equipping small boats that could also serve as lifeboats was embraced.

Negotiations with the Klein Kingdom would likely secure rubber floating rings.

While the finis.h.i.+ng touches were being applied to the newly constructed s.h.i.+p, the production of small boats began on the side.

Rodrigo and Kubalt were in charge.

Two boats of approximately 3 meters and two of 5 meters were prepared for this occasion.

“Now, we just need to figure out how to load and unload.”

Considering the size, manually handling the loading and unloading of cargo would be highly inefficient and could disrupt the balance of the s.h.i.+p.

“I’m thinking of making a large golem for that.”

Christoph suggested.

It appeared Christoph had already been considering this.

A large golem serving as a subst.i.tute for a crane. For the time being, Gorias would act as a makes.h.i.+ft solution, and once its usability was a.s.sessed, they would consider adding  a dedicated one, according to Christoph.

Inside the s.h.i.+p, a versatile golem designed for labor tasks was a.s.signed for night patrols and physical duties.

Jin didn’t make any specific comments on this matter.

* * *

And finally, in the evening of the same day, the newly constructed s.h.i.+p was completed.

The surface was coated with “Soft Magic Resin.” This material, also used as the core of intermediate golems, was essentially magic-infused pine resin.

In other words, small scratches or holes could be quickly sealed using “Transformation Forming.” However, it required the presence of a Magi Engineer. Jin was genuinely impressed by this concept.

Now, right before Jin and the others, the newly built s.h.i.+p stood tall, emanating the amber glow of soft magic resin.

“It’s done!”

“Yeah, we did it!”

“I have no words…”

“I’m so happy.”

Everyone, with their own emotions, looked up at the s.h.i.+p.

“I plan to hang a plate at the stern with the names of everyone involved in the construction of this s.h.i.+p.”

Declared Cristoph, prompting cheers.

“Let’s have a lively celebration tonight!”

Excitement surged even higher at Christoph’s words. The hotel staff appeared ready to serve delightful dishes for the celebration.

Now that the newly constructed s.h.i.+p was a success, using the hotel the staff were staying at, would make for an excellent promotional opportunity.

* * *


“Cheers!” clinked in response to Christoph’s voice, making a faint sound.

The next moment, lively conversations began.

“Well, Lord Jin, it was an honor to work with you!”

Sipping wine beside Jin was Kubalt.

“As a s.h.i.+pwright, I felt inexperienced. In that sense, I’ve learned a lot from Mr. Rodrigo too.”

Kubalt mentioned.

Rodrigo, on the other hand, shared his thoughts.

“This job has been a valuable learning experience. Lord Jin, Lord Reinhardt, Lady Elsa, I appreciate your guidance.”

He continued, addressing Reinhardt and Elsa.

“Mr. Rodrigo, how is your health?”

After the toast, Elsa noticed Rodrigo, who hadn’t touched the wine but was sipping juice. She voiced her concern.

“It’s alright, no need to worry. I won’t collapse tomorrow or anything.”

Rodrigo rea.s.sured with a smile, though his complexion didn’t look well.

“… [Behandlung].”


Unable to bear seeing Rodrigo like this, Elsa cast a healing spell on him. It was basic magic that served for both internal and external healing. Despite its simplicity, the dual-purpose aspect made it effective even in cases of internal bleeding.

“I feel much better.”

Rodrigo said, visibly regaining color.

“You mentioned drinking too much alcohol, and I thought maybe your stomach wasn’t in good condition.”

Elsa explained her judgment. It was somewhat speculative, given she hadn’t conducted a proper examination, but healing magic was not harmful.

It turned out to be a good call.

For stomach ulcers caused by excessive eating and drinking, internal healing magic alone might not be very effective. When the stomach lining is torn, and there’s bleeding, a combination of internal and external healing magic is advisable.

However, healers capable of making such judgments were rare. Apart from Elsa, only Sally Milleshan in Kaina village might be able to do so.

Moreover, Rodrigo had encountered healers in the past, all of whom seemed to lack skill, and none had attempted to use surgical healing magic on him.

Additionally, Rodrigo had only consulted healers who were inexpensive, meaning they were not as widely experienced.

“I haven’t completely healed you, so please let me examine you properly later.”

Elsa said.

“…Elsa, you’re…”

Rodrigo’s eyes began to well up.

“I always thought that healers, despite their demanding high fees, never really cured anything properly.”


Having heard from Sally that there were indeed many healers like that, Elsa couldn’t say anything.

“…Now, I might be able to apologize to my family someday.”

“Your family?”

Unlike Jin and Reinhardt, Elsa hadn’t heard Rodrigo’s life story during their bath sessions.

“Yes. They should be in the city of Potlock in the Elias Kingdom.”


It was a familiar name. The town where Jin and Rodrigo first met. That village was Potlock in the city of Potlock.

“Oh, have you heard about it?”

“Yes. I visited there at the beginning of this year on a trip.”

“I see…”

Rodrigo looked nostalgic, thinking about his hometown.

“That’s why I keep emphasizing, safety should always be the top priority when it comes to s.h.i.+ps!”

“No, s.h.i.+ps, as well as tools, must consider safety while also thinking about other functions!”

“Since people ride on them and use them, safety should be the top priority!”

“Otherwise, we can’t expect significant progress. Sometimes, technology requires taking risks!”

Loud voices arguing with each other could be heard, and it turned out to be Clea and Generos. It seemed these two never quite got along until the end.

As they engaged in what appeared to be a friendly argument, n.o.body felt the need to intervene.

“That conversation is intriguing.”

Jin remarked, listening to the debate nearby.

“What’s your take on it, Jin?”

Elsa, standing beside him, overheard and asked promptly.

“No technology is 100% certain. But that’s precisely why engineers strive for perfection.”


Reinhardt chimed in.

“Exactly. In our situation, if something seems a bit risky, we can always employ golems to handle that part, and that works out well.”


As he responded, Jin glanced briefly at Reiko standing behind him. His beloved daughter who consistently took the lead in testing new technologies.

Whether Jin’s feelings reached her or not, Reiko looked at him and offered a sweet smile.

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Magi Craft Meister Chapter 672 summary

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