Tamburlaine the Great Volume I Part 18

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(Page 10, Second Column, Line 9, This Play: "Where her betrothed lord, Alcidamus,")]

[Footnote 150: Fearing his love] i.e. Fearing with respect to his love.]

[Footnote 151: of] so the 4to.--The 8vo "and."]

[Footnote 152: fury] So the 4to.--The 8vo "furies."]

[Footnote 153: shone] Old eds. "s.h.i.+ne."]

[Footnote 154: send] Old eds. "sent."]

[Footnote 155: menace] So the 8vo.--The 4to "meane."]

[Footnote 156: fetch] So the 8vo.--The 4to "fetcht."]

[Footnote 157: set] So the 8vo.--The 4to "seate."]

[Footnote 158: Terrene] i.e. Mediterranean.]

[Footnote 159: to rest or breathe] So the 8vo.--The 4to "to BREATH AND REST."]

[Footnote 160: bastones] i.e. bastinadoes.]

[Footnote 161: they] So the 8vo.--0mitted in the 4to.]

[Footnote 162: Morocco] Here the old eds. "Moroccus,"--a barbarism which I have not retained, because previously, in the stage-direction at the commencement of this act, p. 19, they agree in reading "Morocco."]

[Footnote 163: t.i.tles] So the 8vo.--The 4to "t.i.tle."]

[Footnote 164: sarell] i.e. seraglio.]

[Footnote 165: I'll] So the 8vo.--The 4to "I will."]

[Footnote 166: the] So the 8vo.--The 4to "this."]

[Footnote 167: hugy] i.e. huge.]

[Footnote 168: renowm'd] See note , p. 11.[i.e. note 52.] So the 8vo.

--The 4to "renowned."]

[Footnote 169: of] So the 8vo.--The 4to "all."]

[Footnote 170: rule] So the 8vo.--The 4to "raigne."]

[Footnote 171: braver] So the 8vo.--The 4to "braue."]

[Footnote 172: pash] i.e. crush to pieces by a stroke.]

[Footnote 173: y-sprung] Here the old eds. "ySp.r.o.nG."--See note ?, p. 14.

i.e. note 81.]

[Footnote 174: them] Old eds. "thee."]

[Footnote 175: the] Has perhaps crept in by a mistake of the transcriber or printer.]

[Footnote 176: And make your strokes to wound the senseless light] The old eds. have,

"And make OUR strokes to wound the sencelesse LURE."

(the last word being, perhaps, in the 8vo "lute.") Here "light"

is a very questionable reading: qy. "air"? (though the third line above ends with that word).)]

[Footnote 177: boss] In the GENT. MAG. for Jan. 1841, J. M. proposed to alter "boss" to "" But Cotgrave, in his DICT., has; "A fat BOSSE. Femme bien et grosse; une coche."]

[Footnote 178: advocate] So the 4to.--The 8vo "aduocates."]

[Footnote 179: That dare, &c.] Something dropt out from this line.]

[Footnote 180: Re-enter Bajazeth, pursued by Tamburlaine] The old eds.


"Bajazeth flies, and he pursues him. The battell short (Qto. is short), and they enter, Bajazeth is ouercome."

This not very intelligible stage-direction means perhaps that, after Bajazeth and Tamburlaine had entered, a short combat was to take place between them.]

[Footnote 181: foil] The old eds. "soil."]

[Footnote 182: gat] So the 8vo.--The 4to "got."]

[Footnote 183: pilling] i.e. plundering.]

[Footnote 184: British] So the 4to.--The 8vo "brightest."]

[Footnote 185: martial] So the 8vo.--The 4to "materiall."]

[Footnote 186: Awake, ye men of Memphis!] These words are put into the mouth of Judas, in Fletcher's BONDUCA, at the commencement of act ii.; and in Fletcher's WIT WITHOUT MONEY, act v. sc. 2. we find "thou man of Memphis."]

[Footnote 187: basilisks] Pieces of ordnance so called. They were of immense size; see Douce's ILl.u.s.t. OF SHAKESPEARE, i. 425.]

[Footnote 188: monstrous] To be read as a trisyllable.]

[Footnote 189: Or ever-drizzling] So the 4to.--The 8vo "Or drisling."]

[Footnote 190: should] So the 4to.--The 8vo "shal."]

[Footnote 191: he devil] So the 8vo.--The 4to "he THE deuill."]

[Footnote 192: Arabian king] Scil. Alcidamus: see p. 10, l. 9, sec. col.

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Tamburlaine the Great Volume I Part 18 summary

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