Tamburlaine the Great Volume I Part 20

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[Footnote 227: it from] So the 8vo.--The 4to "it VP from."]

[Footnote 228: slice] So the 8vo.--The 4to "fleece."]

[Footnote 229: will fall] So the 8vo.--The 4to "will NOT fall."]

[Footnote 230: let] i.e. hinder.]

[Footnote 231: while] i.e. until.]

[Footnote 232: consort] i.e. band.]

[Footnote 233: pen] i.e. his sword.]

[Footnote 234: hastening] So the 4to.--The 8vo "hasting."]

[Footnote 235: 'specially] So the 8vo.--The 4to "especially."]

[Footnote 236: Morocco] Here and in the next speech the old eds. have "Morocus" and "Moroccus:" but see note ?, p. 22.(i.e. note 162.)]

[Footnote 237: plage] i.e. region.--Old eds. "place."]

[Footnote 238: valour] Old eds. "value."]

[Footnote 239: again] So the 8vo.--Omitted in the 4to.]

[Footnote 240: renowm'd] See note . p. 11.[i.e. note 52.] So the 8vo.

--The 4to "renown'd."]

[Footnote 241: Damascus] Both the old eds. here "Damasco:" but in many other places they agree in reading "Damascus."]

[Footnote 242: remorse] i.e. pity.]

[Footnote 243: sakes] So the 8vo.--The 4to. "sake."]

[Footnote 244: blubber'd] That this word formerly conveyed no ludicrous idea, appears from many pa.s.sages of our early writers.]

[Footnote 245: And use us like a loving conqueror] "i.e. And that he will use us like, &c." Ed. 1826.]

[Footnote 246: care] So the 4to.--The 8vo "cares."]

[Footnote 247: helps] So the 8vo.--The 4to "help."]

[Footnote 248: or] So the 8vo.--The 4to "for."]

[Footnote 249: power] So the 8vo.--The 4to "powers."]

[Footnote 250: knew] So the 8vo.--The 4to "know."]

[Footnote 251: Reflexed] Old eds. "Reflexing."]

[Footnote 252: their] Old eds. "your."]

[Footnote 253: As] So the 8vo.--The 4to "And."]

[Footnote 254: tents] So the 8vo.--The 4to "tent."]

[Footnote 255: submission] Old eds. "submissions."]

[Footnote 256: of ruth and] So the 8vo.--The 4to "AND ruth OF."]

[Footnote 257: conceit] i.e. fancy, imagination.]

[Footnote 258: Hath] So the 4to.--The 8vo "Haue."]

[Footnote 259: nourish'd] So the 8vo.--The 4to "nourish."]

[Footnote 260: wish'd] So the 8vo.--The 4to "wish."]

[Footnote 261: imperious] So the 8vo.--The 4to "imprecious."]

[Footnote 262: pa.s.sion] i.e. sorrow.]

[Footnote 263: resolved] i.e. dissolved.]

[Footnote 264: Eyes, when that Ebena steps to heaven, &c.] Either the transcriber or the printer has made sad work with this pa.s.sage; nor am I able to suggest any probable emendation.]

[Footnote 265: fight] So the 8vo.--The 4to "fights."]

[Footnote 266: Persia's] Old eds. "Perseans," and "Persians."]

[Footnote 267: still] i.e. distil.]

[Footnote 268: I thus conceiving, and subduing both, That which hath stoop'd the chiefest of the G.o.ds, Even from the fiery-spangled veil of heaven, To feel the lovely warmth of shepherds' flames, And mask in cottages of strowed reeds, &c.

i.e. I thus feeling, and also subduing, the power of Beauty, which has drawn down the chiefest of the G.o.ds even from, &c.

The 8vo has, "I thus conceiuing and subduing both.

That which hath STOPT the TEMPEST of the G.o.ds, Euen from the fiery spangled vaile of heauen, To feele the louely warmth of shepheards flames, And MARTCH in cottages of strowed WEEDS," &c.

The 4to has, "I thus concieuing and subduing both, That which hath STOPT the TEMPEST of the G.o.ds, Euen from the SPANGLED FIRIE vaile of heauen, To feele the louely warmth of Shepheardes flames, And MARCH in COATCHES of strowed WEEDES," &c.

The alterations which I have made in this corrupted pa.s.sage are supported by the following lines of the play;

"See now, ye slaves, my children STOOP YOUR PRIDE (i.e. make your pride to stoop), And lead your bodies sheep-like to the sword."

Part Second,--act iv. sc. 1.

"The chiefest G.o.d, FIRST MOVER OF THAT SPHERE", &c.

Part First,--act iv. sc. 2.

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Tamburlaine the Great Volume I Part 20 summary

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