Tamburlaine the Great Volume I Part 4

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Go on, my lord, and give your charge, I say; Thy wit will make us conquerors to-day.

MEANDER. Then, n.o.ble soldiers, to entrap these thieves That live confounded in disorder'd troops, If wealth or riches may prevail with them, We have our camels laden all with gold, Which you that be but common soldiers Shall fling in every corner of the field; And, while the base-born Tartars take it up, You, fighting more for honour than for gold, Shall ma.s.sacre those greedy-minded slaves; And, when their scatter'd army is subdu'd, And you march on their slaughter'd, Share equally the gold that bought their lives, And live like gentlemen in Persia.

Strike up the [84] drum, and march courageously: Fortune herself doth sit upon our crests.

MYCETES. He tells you true, my masters; so he does.-- Drums, why sound ye not when Meander speaks?

[Exeunt, drums sounding.]



COSROE. Now, worthy Tamburlaine, have I repos'd In thy approved fortunes all my hope.

What think'st thou, man, shall come of our attempts?

For, even as from a.s.sured oracle, I take thy doom for satisfaction.

TAMBURLAINE. And so mistake you not a whit, my lord; For fates and oracles [of] heaven have sworn To royalize the deeds of Tamburlaine, And make them blest that share in his attempts: And doubt you not but, if you favour me, And let my fortunes and my valour sway To some [85] direction in your martial deeds, The world will [86] strive with hosts of men-at-arms To swarm unto the ensign I support.

The host of Xerxes, which by fame is said To drink the mighty Parthian Araris, Was but a handful to that we will have: Our quivering lances, shaking in the air, And bullets, like Jove's dreadful thunderbolts, Enroll'd in flames and fiery smouldering mists, Shall threat the G.o.ds more than Cyclopian wars; And with our sun-bright armour, as we march, We'll chase the stars from heaven, and dim their eyes That stand and muse at our admired arms.

THERIDAMAS. You see, my lord, what working words he hath; But, when you see his actions top [87] his speech, Your speech will stay, or so extol his worth As I shall be commended and excus'd For turning my poor charge to his direction: And these his two renowmed [88] friends, my lord, Would make one thirst [89] and strive to be retain'd In such a great degree of amity.

TECh.e.l.lES. With duty and [90] with amity we yield Our utmost service to the fair [91] Cosroe.

COSROE. Which I esteem as portion of my crown.

Usumcasane and Tech.e.l.les both, When she [92] that rules in Rhamnus' [93] golden gates, And makes a pa.s.sage for all prosperous arms, Shall make me solely emperor of Asia, Then shall your meeds [94] and valours be advanc'd To rooms of honour and n.o.bility.

TAMBURLAINE. Then haste, Cosroe, to be king alone, That I with these my friends and all my men May triumph in our long-expected fate.

The king, your brother, is now hard at hand: Meet with the fool, and rid your royal shoulders Of such a burden as outweighs the sands And all the craggy rocks of Caspia.


MESSENGER. My lord, We have discovered the enemy Ready to charge you with a mighty army.

COSROE. Come, Tamburlaine; now whet thy winged sword, And lift thy lofty arm into [95] the clouds, That it may reach the king of Persia's crown, And set it safe on my victorious head.

TAMBURLAINE. See where it is, the keenest curtle-axe That e'er made pa.s.sage thorough Persian arms!

These are the wings shall make it fly as swift As doth the lightning or the breath of heaven, And kill as sure [96] as it swiftly flies.

COSROE. Thy words a.s.sure me of kind success: Go, valiant soldier, go before, and charge The fainting army of that foolish king.

TAMBURLAINE. Usumcasane and Tech.e.l.les, come: We are enow to scare the enemy, And more than needs to make an emperor.

[Exeunt to the battle.]


Enter MYCETES with his crown in his hand. [97]

MYCETES. Accurs'd be he that first invented war!

They knew not, ah, they knew not, simple men, How those were [98] hit by pelting cannon-shot Stand staggering [99] like a quivering aspen-leaf Fearing the force of Boreas' boisterous blasts!

In what a lamentable case were I, If nature had not given me wisdom's lore!

For kings are clouts that every man shoots at, Our crown the pin [100] that thousands seek to cleave: Therefore in policy I think it good To hide it close; a goodly stratagem, And far from any man that is a fool: So shall not I be known; or if I be, They cannot take away my crown from me.

Here will I hide it in this simple hole.


TAMBURLAINE. What, fearful coward, straggling from the camp, When kings themselves are present in the field?

MYCETES. Thou liest.

TAMBURLAINE. Base villain, darest thou give me [101] the lie?

MYCETES. Away! I am the king; go; touch me not.

Thou break'st the law of arms, unless thou kneel, And cry me "mercy, n.o.ble king!"

TAMBURLAINE. Are you the witty king of Persia?

MYCETES. Ay, marry, [102] am I: have you any suit to me?

TAMBURLAINE. I would entreat you to speak but three wise words.

MYCETES. So I can when I see my time.

TAMBURLAINE. Is this your crown?

MYCETES. Ay: didst thou ever see a fairer?

TAMBURLAINE. You will not sell it, will you?

MYCETES. Such another word, and I will have thee executed. Come, give it me.

TAMBURLAINE. No; I took it prisoner.

MYCETES. You lie; I gave it you.

TAMBURLAINE. Then 'tis mine.

MYCETES. No; I mean I let you keep it.

TAMBURLAINE. Well, I mean you shall have it again.

Here, take it for a while: I lend it thee, Till I may see thee hemm'd with armed men; Then shalt thou see me pull it from thy head: Thou art no match for mighty Tamburlaine.


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Tamburlaine the Great Volume I Part 4 summary

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