Tamburlaine the Great Volume Ii Part 18

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What, fearful coward, straggling from the camp, When kings themselves are present in the field?"]

[Footnote 181: aspect] So the 8vo.--The 4to "aspects."]

[Footnote 182: sits asleep] At the back of the stage, which was supposed to represent the interior of the tent.]

[Footnote 183: You cannot] So the 8vo.--The 4to "Can you not."]

[Footnote 184: scare] So the 8vo.--The 4to "scarce."]

[Footnote 185: tall] i.e. bold, brave.]

[Footnote 186: both you] So the 8vo.--The 4to "you both."]

[Footnote 187: should I] So the 8vo.--The 4to "I should."]

[Footnote 188: ye] So the 8vo.--The 4to "my."]

[Footnote 189: stoop your pride] i.e. make your pride to stoop.]

[Footnote 190: bodies] So the 8vo.--The 4to "glories."]

[Footnote 191: mine] So the 4to.--The 8vo "my."]

[Footnote 192: may] So the 4to.--The 8vo "nay."]

[Footnote 193: up] The modern editors alter this word to "by," not understanding the pa.s.sage. Tamburlaine means--Do not KNEEL to me for his pardon.]

[Footnote 194: once] So the 4to.--The 8vo "one."]

[Footnote 195: martial] So the 8vo.--The 4to "materiall." (In this line "fire" is a dissyllable")]

[Footnote 196: thine] So the 8vo.--The 4to "thy."]

[Footnote 197: which] Old eds. "with."]

[Footnote 198: Jaertis'] So the 8vo.--The 4to "Laertis." By "Jaertis'"

must be meant--Jaxartes'.]

[Footnote 199: incorporeal] So the 8vo.--The 4to "incorporall."]

[Footnote 200: for being seen] i.e. "that thou mayest not be seen."

Ed. 1826. See Richardson's DICT. in v. FOR.]

[Footnote 201: you shall] So the 8vo.--The 4to "shall ye."]

[Footnote 202: Approve] i.e. prove, experience.]

[Footnote 203: bloods] So the 4to.--The 8vo "blood."]

[Footnote 204: peasants] So the 8vo.--The 4to "parsants."]

[Footnote 205: resist in] Old eds "resisting."]

[Footnote 206: Casane] So the 4to.--The 8vo "VSUM Casane."]

[Footnote 207: it] So the 8vo.--Omitted in the 4to.]

[Footnote 208: Excel] Old eds. "Expell" and "Expel."]

[Footnote 209: artier] See note *, p. 18.

Note *, from p. 18. (The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great):

"Artier] i.e. artery. This form occurs again in the SEC.

PART of the present play: so too in a copy of verses by Day;

"Hid in the vaines and ARTIERS of the earthe."


The word indeed was variously written of old:

"The ARTER strynge is the conduyt of the lyfe spiryte."

Hormanni VULGARIA, sig. G iii. ed. 1530.

"Riche treasures serue for th'ARTERS of the war."

Lord Stirling's DARIUS, act ii. Sig. C 2. ed. 1604.

"Onelye the extrauagant ARTIRE of my arme is brused."


"And from the veines some bloud each ARTIRE draines."

Davies's MICROCOSMOS, 1611, p. 56."]

[Footnote 210: remorseful] i.e. compa.s.sionate.]

[Footnote 211: miss] i.e. loss, want. The construction is--Run round about, mourning the miss of the females.]

[Footnote 212: behold] Qy "beheld"?]

[Footnote 213: a] So the 4to.--The 8vo "the."]

[Footnote 214: Have] Old eds. "Hath."]

[Footnote 215: to] So the 8vo.--The 4to "and."]

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Tamburlaine the Great Volume Ii Part 18 summary

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