Tamburlaine the Great Volume Ii Part 20

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[Footnote 254: Erycina's] Old eds. "Hericinas."]

[Footnote 255: brows] So the 4to.--The 8vo "bowes."]

[Footnote 256: breath that thorough heaven] So the 8vo.--The 4to "breath FROM heauen."]

[Footnote 257: chariot] Old eds. "chariots."]

[Footnote 258: out] Old eds. "our."]

[Footnote 259: respect'st thou] Old eds. "RESPECTS thou:" but afterwards, in this scene, the 8vo has, "Why SEND'ST thou not," and "thou SIT'ST."]

[Footnote 260: of] So the 8vo.--The 4to "in."]

[Footnote 261: he] So the 4to.--The 8vo "was."]

[Footnote 262: How, &c.] A mutilated line.]

[Footnote 263: eterniz'd] So the 4to.--The 8vo "enternisde."]

[Footnote 264: and] So the 4to.--Omitted in the 8vo.]

[Footnote 265: prest] i.e. ready.]

[Footnote 266: parle] Here the old eds. "parlie": but repeatedly before they have "parle" (which is used more than once by Shakespeare).]

[Footnote 267: Orcanes, king of Natolia, and the King of Jerusalem, led by soldiers] Old eds. (which have here a very imperfect stage-direction) "the two spare kings",--"spare" meaning-- not then wanted to draw the chariot of Tamburlaine.]

[Footnote 268: burst] i.e. broken, bruised.]

[Footnote 269: the measures] i.e. the dance (properly,--solemn, stately dances, with slow and measured steps).]

[Footnote 270: of] So the 8vo.--The 4to "for."]

[Footnote 271: ports] i.e. gates.]

[Footnote 272: make] So the 4to.--The 8vo "wake."]

[Footnote 273: the city-walls) So the 8vo.--The 4to "the walles."]

[Footnote 274: him] So the 4to.--The 8vo "it."]

[Footnote 275: in] Old eds. "VP in,["]--the "vp" having been repeated by mistake from the preceding line.]

[Footnote 276: scar'd] So the 8vo; and, it would seem, rightly; Tamburlaine making an attempt at a bitter jest, in reply to what the Governor has just said.--The 4to "sear'd."]

[Footnote 277: Vile] The 8vo "Vild"; the 4to "Wild" (Both eds., a little before, have "VILE monster, born of some infernal hag", and, a few lines after, "To VILE and ignominious servitude":-- the fact is, our early writers (or rather, transcribers), with their usual inconsistency of spelling, give now the one form, and now the other: compare the folio SHAKESPEARE, 1623, where we sometimes find "vild" and sometimes "VILE.")]

[Footnote 278: Bagdet's] So the 8vo.--The 4to "Badgets."]

[Footnote 279: A citadel, &c.] Something has dropt out from this line.]

[Footnote 280: Well said] Equivalent to--Well done! as appears from innumerable pa.s.sages of our early writers: see, for instances, my ed. of Beaumont and Fletcher's WORKS, vol. i. 328, vol. ii.

445, vol. viii. 254.]

[Footnote 281: will I] So the 8vo.--The 4to "I will."]

[Footnote 282: suffer'st] Old eds. "suffers": but see the two following notes.]

[Footnote 283: send'st] So the 8vo.--The 4to "sends."]

[Footnote 284: sit'st] So the 8vo.--The 4to "sits."]

[Footnote 285: head] So the 8vo.--The 4to "blood."]

[Footnote 286: fed] Old eds. "feede."]

[Footnote 287: upon] So the 8vo.--Omitted in the 4to.]

[Footnote 288: fleet] i.e. float.]

[Footnote 289: gape] So the 8vo.--The 4to "gaspe."]

[Footnote 290: in] So the 8vo.--Omitted in the 4to.]

[Footnote 291: forth, ye va.s.sals] Spoken, of course, to the two kings who draw his chariot.]

[Footnote 292: whatsoe'er] So the 8vo.--The 4to "whatsoeuer."]

[Footnote 293: Euphrates] See note , p. 36.]

note , from p. 36. (The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great):

"Euphrates] So our old poets invariably, I believe, accentuate this word."

Note: 'Euphrates' was printed with no accented characters at all.]

[Footnote 294: may we] So the 8vo.--The 4to "we may."]

[Footnote 295: this] So the 8vo.--The 4to "that" (but in the next speech of the same person it has "THIS Tamburlaine").]

[Footnote 296: record] i.e. call to mind.]

[Footnote 297: Aid] So the 8vo.--The 4to "And."]

[Footnote 298: Renowmed] See note , p. 11. So the 8vo.--The 4to "Renowned."--The prefix to this speech is wanting in the old eds.

[note , from p. 11. (The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great):

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