Georgian Poetry 1913-15 Part 41

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Scarce more dazed I'ld be with that than now. I shall be bound, When I'm to give my wife the tale of it all, To be devising: more of this to-do My mind won't carry.


O ashamed I am, Ashamed!--It needn't have been downright feats, Such as the braving men, the like of Shale, Do easily, and smile, keeping them up.

If I could look back to one manful hour Of romping in the face of all my goodness!--

[SHALE comes in, dragging Mrs HUFF by the hand.]



Huff! Where's Huff?--Huff, you must take her back!

You'll take her back? She's yours: I give her up.


Belike here's something bold again.

Mrs Huff (to SHALE):

Once more, Listen.


I will not listen. There's no time For aught but giving you back where you belong; And that's with you, Huff. Take her.


Here is depth I cannot see to. Is it your last fling?-- The dolt I am in these things!--What's this way You've found of living wickedly to the end?


Scorn as you please, but take her back, man, take her.


But she's my wife! Take her back now? What for?

Mrs Huff:

What for? Have you not known of thieves that throw Their robbery down, soon as they hear a step Sounding behind them on the road, and run A long way off, and pull an honest face?

Ay, see Shale's eyes practising baby-looks!

He never stole, not he!


Don't hear her talk.

Mrs Huff:

But he was a talker once! Love was the thing; And love, he swore, would make the wrong go right, And Huff was a kind of devil--and that's true----


What? I've been devilish and never knew?

Mrs Huff:

The devil in the world that hates all love.

But Shale said, he'd the love in him would hold If the world's frame and the fate of men were crackt.


What I said!

Whoever thought the world was going to crack?

Mrs Huff:

And now he hears someone move behind him.-- They'll say, perhaps, 'You stole this!'--Down it goes, Thrown to the dirty road--thrown to Huff!


Yes, to the owner.

Mrs Huff:

It was not such brave thieving.

You did not take me from my owner, Shale: There's an old robber will do that some day, Not you.


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Georgian Poetry 1913-15 Part 41 summary

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