Georgian Poetry 1913-15 Part 44

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Where are you now? What am I now to think?

Your minds run round in puzzles, like chased hares.

I cannot sight them.


Think of going to bed.



And dreaming prices for your pigs.


O Warp, You should have seen Vine crying! The moon, he said, The silver moon! Just like an onion 'twas To stir the water in his eyes.


He's left A puddle of his tears where he was droopt Over the table.


There's to be no ruin?-- But what's the word of a molecatcher, to crow So ringing over a dowser's word?


I'll tell you.

These dowsers live on lies: my trade's the truth.

I can read moles, and the way they've dug their journeys, Where you'ld not see a wrinkle.


And he knows The buried water.


There's always buried water, If you prod deep enough. A dowser finds Because the whole earth's floating, like a raft.

What does he know? A twitching in his thews; A dog asleep knows that much. What I know I've learnt, and if I'd learnt it wrong, I'ld starve.

And if I'm right about the grubbing moles, Won't I be right for news of walking men?


Of course you're right. Let's put the whole thing by, And have a pleasant drink.

Shale (to Mrs HUFF):

You must be tired With all this story. Shall we be off for home?


You bra.s.s! You don't go now with her! She's mine: You gave her up.


And you made nothing of her.

(To Mrs Huff)

Come on.

Mrs Huff:

Warp, will you do a thing for me?


A hundred things.

Mrs Huff:

Then slap me these cur-dogs.


I will. Where will I slap them, and which first?

Mrs Huff:

Maybe 'twill do if you but laugh at them.


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Georgian Poetry 1913-15 Part 44 summary

You're reading Georgian Poetry 1913-15. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Edward Howard Marsh. Already has 746 views.

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