I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl Chapter 102 – A Boy’s Gaze

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“I wanted to shower with the cla.s.s leader…”

I came back carrying two grocery bags full of snacks and Xiao Qin disappointedly complained to me:

“But the cla.s.s leader refused no matter what, so we had to take separate baths.”

“Hmph, she clearly has a better body than me, how can she be embarra.s.sed! I’m the one who conquered my feelings of shame and was prepared to be laughed at in order to bath together with her in the nude!”

“Why do you want to bathe with the cla.s.s leader that badly?”

Although I already had somewhat of a guess, I still asked.

“Obviously to investigate the enemy!”

The cla.s.s leader wasn’t in the living room, it seems like she was in the washroom blow drying her hair, so Xiao Qin raised the volume of her voice without any fears.

“If I haven’t even seen the enemy’s three sizes with my own eyes, how can I say that I know my enemy? Other than that, I also want to know the colors on their bodies and which parts are the most sensitive!”

Are these words that a girl should say? Regardless of whether it’s tone or expression, you’re like a p.u.b.escent teen that’s curious about the female body! Looking at your infatuated expression, it wouldn’t be a surprise even if you suddenly started acting like the panty thief!

“Hehehe… But the cla.s.s leader let down her guard. When she came to ask me for a comb while wrapped in her bath towel, I took the opportunity to grab on to a corner, with just a pull…”

Xiao Qin started to mimic the action when she pulled off her bath towel.

I can even imagine it, the cla.s.s leader unable to resist Xiao Qin’s power, spinning out of her towel like a spinning top and the pitiful scene of her falling naked onto the sofa.

Wait, the sofa!? Was the sofa that I’m currently sitting on touched by the naked body of the cla.s.s leader?

If you looked carefully in the crevices of the sofa, you can still feel slight traces of water… Are these the dewdrops that once hung on the cla.s.s leader’s snow white body?

I swallowed my saliva to moisten my parched throat, “Didn’t the cla.s.s leader scold you?”

“Yeah, she did! She even resisted! But she was too weak, she couldn’t even beat me!”

The cla.s.s leader isn’t weak! You’re just too strong! You don’t need to keep putting up an act of being sickly in front of someone who knows the truth!

“The cla.s.s leader told me to stop joking around, she even tightly squeezed her legs and covered her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to prevent her from being seen. It wasn’t easy to reach this stage, so how could I just give up? Thus I grabbed both her wrists and moved them to the side….”

So you had a completely un.o.bstructed view of the cla.s.s leader’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s? You must have used your accurate to a nanometer vision to ‘investigate the enemy’, right? The cla.s.s leader must have been embarra.s.sed to be completely exposed in front of you!

You’re so good at forcing yourself on others. It’s such a shame that you decided to walk down the path of an innocent girl instead of continuing being the Little Tyrant!

After she displayed her immoral actions in high spirits, Xiao Qin sighed like a dragonfly that hasn’t caught any mosquitos, then she suddenly became angry:

“d.a.m.n the cla.s.s leader!”

“It’s fine that she was bigger than me, but how dare she have such a good shape too!”

“It was like——” Xiao Qin couldn’t find a suitable adjective, so she pointed at the fruit bowl on the coffee table.

“It was like these peaches!”

I followed Xiao Qin’s fingers. The washed peaches were covered with water droplets, it had a beautiful curve, a rosy pink tip, and it looked tender and juicy.

Can you not use these kind of descriptions! I won’t be able to eat these peaches later! I definitely wouldn’t be able to eat it calmly!

“The cla.s.s leader is too much! Her waist is clearly the same size as mines, yet she raised such evil fruits! It’s a fruit of the devil, a devil’s fruit!”

No, regardless if you watched ‘One Piece’ or not, is there a need to describe it that excessively? Even if the cla.s.s leader ate a devil’s fruit, it’s not like she’ll obtain any power, she’ll probably only be able to catch criminals red-handed and arrest them!

“Hmph! What are you laughing at? You’re probably thinking of the cla.s.s leader’s peaches, right! I knew it! If one day, the cla.s.s leader decides to expose her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to you, the perverted Ye Lin cla.s.smate would uncontrollably kiss them! Are peaches that good! They’re just fruits that cant fill your stomach…Dorayaki’s are much better!”

Stop with the peaches! It was fine when you didn’t talk about it, but now I can’t stop thinking about it! Also, what do you mean by Dorayaki’s? Are you describing your own b.r.e.a.s.t.s? Can you please stop describing girl’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s with food! Also, only robot cats like Dorayaki, right! Someone like you who only has Dorayaki’s isn’t qualified to be the cla.s.s leader’s rival in love! At most, you can go be n.o.bita‘s love rival!

After Xiao Qin finished, she went to the bedroom while seething to arrange the beddings. The cla.s.s leader who came out from the washroom after drying her hair saw me sitting on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief.

“You’re finally back…”

“Eh? Cla.s.s leader, it sounds like you were looking forward to me coming back? Don’t you hate me?”

The cla.s.s leader glared at me for a second, yet I couldn’t help but think of the peaches underneath her sweater. It’s all Xiao Qin’s fault, her descriptions made my shounen heart more and more impure.

Similarly sitting on the sofa, but deliberately leaving a s.p.a.ce between us, the cla.s.s leader said with a perplexed expression: “Actually, while you weren’t here, Xiao Qin did something very strange to me…”

Un, I know, you were pressed down by Xiao Qin, who was also a girl and forced to reveal your b.r.e.a.s.t.s. That should be considered something pretty shameful, right?

“It’s not like I haven’t experienced girls fooling around before, but what scared me wasn’t only her strength but also her gaze…”

Was it a burning gaze of envy? Because Dorayaki’s cant beat peaches, so she has eyes envying your b.r.e.a.s.t.s?

“Why does Xiao Qin’s gaze sometimes feel perverted when she looks at me like she was a boy?”

No s.h.i.+t! She’s been a boy longer than a girl! Also, since she said she wanted to investigate her love rival, she must have tried to think from my perspective and that’s why her gaze was perverted, right?

“Uh, cla.s.s leader, could it be a misconception?”

Although I really wanted to tell the cla.s.s leader of Xiao Qin’s wicked past, if I exposed it, my embarra.s.sing past of being bullied would also be exposed.

“It’s not a misconception, I’m sure it’s a gaze of a boy!”

You’ve seen it? Where have you seen that perverted gaze? Was it when your younger brother peeked on you when you were taking a shower?

“Xiao Qin’s gaze is even more perverted than yours!”

So after all that, you were using me as a reference! When have I ever looked at you with a perverted gaze! Don’t think that just because you confiscated one of your photos from me before, I’m always looking at you with a perverted gaze!

Even though she had a lot of questions, the cla.s.s leader still went into Xiao Qin’s room to help her out. Before she left, she warned me to not follow her in. One shouldn’t go into a girls room without being let in, especially someone like me.

What are you being haughty for! I’ve actually already been in there before! Doesn’t it just have a slightly sweet fragrance like strawberries? Not only her room, but I’ve also been in her mouth! She almost threw up because of that!

I opened the TV out of boredom, just to see a news broadcast.

Despite not being interested, I could still faintly hear Xiao Qin and the cla.s.s leader’s conversation.

Was it an instinct that remained within me? Because I was always bullied by Little Tyrant, and the thing that changed the least these 3 years was his voice, so after hearing Little Tyrant’s voice, my body would immediately be on alert and fight or flight would kick in.

Is this the sorrow of being the hunted? It’s like how a rabbit must straighten their ears to attentively listen to a fox’s movements, even if the rabbit one day becomes a Schwarzenegger rabbit, he still can’t cut off his ears, right?

Their conversation was just a bunch of useless gossip, and I thought it was boring. Just as I was about to turn up the volume, I heard the cla.s.s leader ask: “Eh? Who’s the person in this picture?”

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I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl Chapter 102 – A Boy’s Gaze summary

You're reading I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): 废铁行者, Scrap Iron Walker. Already has 936 views.

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